General information
Name  theninja1000
Power Banned
Sex Male
Title a derp, no surprise
Rank Goomba
To next rank 6 posts
Karma 57
Total posts 29 (0.01 per day)
Total threads 2 (0.00 per day)
Registered on 05-03-14, 06:31 am (3737 days ago)
Last post 10-07-17, 08:24 am (2484 days ago)
in Four years later (Different Dimensional Trash Can™) » 58729
Last view 12-31-17, 02:47 pm (2399 days ago)
Browser Opera 49.0.2725
Total +1s received 4 [View...]
From:  Slackot (2),  Keeper (1),  SuperGabrielino (1)
Total +1s given 12
To:  Arisotura (2),  P-Wing (1), thereturnofdoritosxD (1),  KingYoshi (1), Jakratzhu (1), more...
Contact information
Email address Public
Homepage Youtube -
Theme Old Metal
Items per page 20 posts, 50 threads
Language Board default
Personal information
Real name Thomas
Location the UK, not North Korea
Birthday January 1, 1902 (122 years old)

don't question why my site is down. I don't give shits anymore. there is a bug that has fucked the forums up.

<KuriBot> New thread by Superkingboo return in Serious discussion: Opera is NOT for commies -

haha, looks like he took a joke seriously just like the Jake Paulers

thanks to RicBent I got my password sorted and now I can use my NSMBHD account <--- this is old now, lol

Posted by NokNokShell (he protests bans)
Posted by StapleButter
well, sure, as long as it's not Kuribo64
Why? DoubleYoshiExploshi and Communism said that.


if you take lamers opinions like they are meaning it, well you're at the wrong board.

I maybe starting a NSMB level pack soon <--- still haven't decided whether to, or not
this is firecharge64, theninja1000, firechargexp, derpie056, iBallisticBoom, iGoBallistical (what Maor322 calls me), etc

I am a youtuber, I don't hax ninty games as much as I used to. NSMB and NSMBW for me have gone down the drain. I also can do somewhat code in HTML, CSS, Javascript and a little bit of PHP and C#.

please ignore the fact I set my birthday to January 1, 1902. I wanted to test how old ABXD let's people be.

<StapleButter>this thread wasn't actually serious, it was meant to make superkingboo rage, as he uses Opera and he thinks communist is an insult :P

good one, I have an idea. if any lamers attack you using Microsoft Edge and they hate democrats (or be skb and use it as a lame insult), just fire the Microsoft Edge is for democrats in his face. same with adblock browser, could well possibly happen one day.

if you wanna contax me, here you go.

discord: @Firecharge64#0518
youtube: (it's above, but here you go)
email: <-- I rarely look in this email
email2: <-- I daily look in this email

our school system is failing if this is the content people upload in 2017

comment I left on a shit minecraft montage video

IRC/Discord quotes:

Sep 02 16:00:56 <Firecharge> This guy's layout needs fucking sorting out, it's impossible to read. I had to block his layout just to read his post Sep 02 16:00:56 <Firecharge> Sep 02 16:03:36 <shibs> ok Sep 02 16:03:49 <shibs> why so assertive Sep 02 16:04:43 <Firecharge> idk Sep 02 16:04:44 <RicBent> how about blocking it for yourself Sep 02 16:04:52 <Firecharge> i was just asking Sep 02 16:05:15 <Firecharge> it may just be my theme Sep 02 16:05:24 <Firecharge> the text is black on my theme Sep 02 16:06:10 <Firecharge> Sep 02 16:07:09 <RicBent> well, indeed that is bad Sep 02 16:07:10 <StapleButter> boyard Sep 02 16:07:18 <RicBent> tho it's the theme you are using Sep 02 16:07:46 <RicBent> (that grassland theme is even worse than his layout tho) Sep 02 16:10:04 <StapleButter> how about we axe that guy entirely Sep 02 16:10:08 <StapleButter> he's a derp Sep 02 16:10:33 <RicBent> yeah, he is Sep 02 16:10:41 <RicBent> we have no real reason tho Sep 02 16:10:58 <StapleButter> "you are too much of a derp for us to take. goodbye." Sep 02 16:11:04 <StapleButter> "you also stink." Sep 02 16:14:07 <Firecharge> who? Sep 02 16:14:21 <shibs> you Sep 02 16:14:25 <Firecharge> ok Sep 02 16:14:31 <Firecharge> yeah i have always been a derp Sep 02 16:14:33 <Firecharge> still am Sep 02 16:14:55 <StapleButter> lol Sep 02 16:15:05 <StapleButter> I was talking about Mariokart7z Sep 02 16:15:07 <Firecharge> oh Sep 02 16:15:25 <Firecharge> i know why I am a derp Sep 02 16:15:33 <Firecharge> Maor322 told me I am still a derp Sep 02 16:15:37 <StapleButter> knowing is half the battle Sep 02 16:15:44 <Firecharge> yeah Sep 02 16:15:53 <StapleButter> I wouldn't take maor as a reliable source tho, he's a derp too Sep 02 16:16:00 <Firecharge> I wouldn't either Sep 02 16:16:07 <Firecharge> same with ST65 Sep 02 16:18:00 <StapleButter> I wonder why you come back here tho Sep 02 16:18:07 <StapleButter> most of them choose to circlejerk Sep 02 16:18:40 <Firecharge> I don't know why I came back Sep 02 16:19:17 <Firecharge> but oh well Sep 02 16:19:18 <Firecharge> I am back Sep 02 16:19:30 <Firecharge> still a derp as I was at RVL in 2014 Sep 02 16:19:58 <StapleButter> just don't do things that would get you banned Sep 02 16:20:05 <Firecharge> I won't Sep 02 16:20:07 <StapleButter> and you'll be fine Sep 02 16:20:12 <Firecharge> i know


dorp quotes

Aug 02 22:11:35 <StapleButter> hey Firecharge Aug 02 22:11:36 <KuriBot> New reply by JakoNintenCraft (Misc. ROM hacking: New Newer Super Mario Bros 64 65 66 (3242) (+283)) - Aug 02 22:11:40 <StapleButter> good job stealing the K64 christmas lights Aug 02 22:11:51 * Anthe has quit (Quit: Dolphin riding for Super Mario Sunshine 2 confirmed) Aug 02 22:11:57 <Firecharge> ok Aug 02 22:12:06 <Firecharge> I can change that Aug 02 22:12:37 <shibs> the layout also looks awful Aug 02 22:13:01 <Firecharge> uhm, I'm not the best Aug 02 22:13:08 <Firecharge> I tried

Aug 02 22:37:46 <Firecharge> 90 posts in 24 hours Aug 02 22:37:53 <Firecharge> first time I've seen that in ages Aug 02 22:39:28 <StapleButter> 12 online. we might break the record Aug 02 22:40:10 <KuriBot> New reply by Super Hackio (Misc. ROM hacking: Whitehole 1.5 (3239) (+500)) - Aug 02 22:40:21 <Firecharge> 22 is the record Aug 02 22:40:37 <StapleButter> yup Aug 02 22:41:01 <Firecharge> and most of the users on there are dead Aug 02 22:41:36 <KuriBot> New reply by StapleButter (Misc. ROM hacking: Whitehole 1.5 (3239) (+195)) - Aug 02 22:42:11 <KuriBot> New reply by JakoNintenCraft (Misc. ROM hacking: Whitehole 1.5 (3239) (+299)) - Aug 02 22:42:50 <KuriBot> New reply by shibboleet (Misc. ROM hacking: Whitehole 1.5 (3239) (+347)) - Aug 02 22:43:54 <KuriBot> Post edited by shibboleet (Misc. ROM hacking: Whitehole 1.5 (3239)) - Aug 02 22:44:49 <KuriBot> New reply by mustafa (Misc. ROM hacking: Whitehole 1.5 (3239) (+143)) - Aug 02 22:45:50 <KuriBot> New reply by shibboleet (Misc. ROM hacking: Whitehole 1.5 (3239) (+423)) - Aug 02 22:46:21 <KuriBot> New reply by Super Hackio (Misc. ROM hacking: Whitehole 1.5 (3239) (+254)) - Aug 02 22:47:19 <KuriBot> New reply by shibboleet (Misc. ROM hacking: Whitehole 1.5 (3239) (+461)) - Aug 02 22:48:22 <KuriBot> New reply by Super Hackio (Misc. ROM hacking: Whitehole 1.5 (3239) (+458)) - Aug 02 22:48:59 <KuriBot> New reply by shibboleet (Misc. ROM hacking: Whitehole 1.5 (3239) (+390)) - Aug 02 22:49:43 <Firecharge> woah Aug 02 22:49:47 <Firecharge> 100 posts in 24 hours Aug 02 22:50:01 <Firecharge> still Aug 02 22:50:04 <Firecharge> not a record Aug 02 22:50:11 <Firecharge> 161 in 1 hour

Super Hackio knows nothing (K64):
Aug 02 22:50:12 <KuriBot> New reply by Super Hackio (Misc. ROM hacking: Whitehole 1.5 (3239) (+181)) - Aug 02 22:50:18 <KuriBot> New reply by StapleButter (Misc. ROM hacking: Whitehole 1.5 (3239) (+479)) - Aug 02 22:51:30 <KuriBot> Post edited by StapleButter (Misc. ROM hacking: Whitehole 1.5 (3239)) - Aug 02 22:51:46 <KuriBot> New reply by Super Hackio (Misc. ROM hacking: Whitehole 1.5 (3239) (+255)) - Aug 02 22:52:44 <KuriBot> Post edited by StapleButter (Misc. ROM hacking: Whitehole 1.5 (3239)) - Aug 02 22:53:06 * Schezo[L] has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) Aug 02 22:58:16 <shibs> i dont think hackio knows java Aug 02 23:03:19 <KuriBot> Post edited by Gamer Boy (Serious discussion: What's your sexuality? (2607)) - Aug 02 23:04:53 <KuriBot> New reply by Super Hackio (Misc. ROM hacking: Whitehole 1.5 (3239) (+142)) - Aug 02 23:08:29 <KuriBot> New reply by shibboleet (Misc. ROM hacking: Whitehole 1.5 (3239) (+125)) - Aug 02 23:08:41 <shibs> yep Aug 02 23:08:43 <shibs> he has no idea what he's doig Aug 02 23:08:45 <shibs> doing

more kuriderp:
Aug 15 19:10:56 <Firecharge> kuribot Aug 15 19:11:24 <KuriBot> Firecharge Aug 15 19:11:54 <Firecharge> you tell us when anything happens Aug 15 19:11:58 <Firecharge> on kuribo64 Aug 15 19:13:00 <Nadia> KuriBot is good at his job Aug 15 19:13:57 <Firecharge> sure is

typo (NSMBHD):
Aug 02 22:05:23 <shibs> topic has typo in url Aug 02 22:05:26 <shibs> httpS:// Aug 02 22:05:39 <shibs> also nobody needs to worry about giving me op for spammers Aug 02 22:05:41 <shibs> ; Aug 02 22:05:43 <shibs> ;) Aug 02 22:05:54 <shibs> it's only about 5 more characters to type Aug 02 22:06:33 <StapleButter> it's there on purpose Aug 02 22:06:34 <StapleButter> :P Aug 02 22:08:30 <StapleButter> Emuz? Aug 02 22:08:36 <StapleButter> chanserv trouble Aug 02 22:09:13 <StapleButter> oh nvm Aug 02 22:09:34 <NSMBot> New reply by theninja1000: New spoiler tag! (Latest News) -- Aug 02 22:10:22 <NSMBot> New reply by ~StapleButter: New spoiler tag! (Latest News) -- Aug 02 22:32:08 <dirbaio> wololo Aug 02 22:33:05 <StapleButter> lolowo Aug 02 22:34:19 <RicBent> Aug 02 22:35:36 <StapleButter> AoE Aug 02 22:35:37 <StapleButter> <3 Aug 02 22:37:03 <RicBent> indeed Aug 02 22:37:30 <Firecharge> uhm what?

Sprite database
Total edits 0
Sprites edited 0
Comments about  theninja1000
 SuperML Yeah. I'm fixing it now
 SuperML Thanks for telling me
 remix10tailed Thanks!
 poudink I know, it's a pretty nice bio.
 MarioKart7z That would be unnecessary since the text is white by default and i want it to stay white like that
 MarioKart7z oh
 MarioKart7z Does it work now
 Arisotura removed it
Jakratzhu I'd still like to double check, don't want to post nsfw stuff and be banned
Sample post
a derp, no surprise

Karma: 57
Posts: 29
Since: 05-03-14
This is a sample post. You probably already know what this is for.

Posted by Goomba
Posted by Mario
Oh, nooo! *stomp*

Well, what more could you want to know? Perhaps how to do the classic infinite loop?
    printf("Hello World!");

YouTube | also trying to do gfx design
* maorninja has quit (Quit: Leaving) <Firecharge64> probably he has derp things to do