General information
Name  snake block
Power Normal
Sex Female
Title a
Karma 1589
Total posts 1290 (0.31 per day)
Total threads 49 (0.01 per day)
Registered on 02-12-13, 04:34 pm (4182 days ago)
Last post 12-19-20, 03:33 pm (1315 days ago)
in I know why Dirbaio is not posting (Featherland) » 70005
Last view 03-26-24, 05:01 pm (122 days ago)
Browser Chrome 123.0.0
Badges View 12,200,000 View 13,550,000
Total +1s received 201 [View...]
From: (32), Asprok (20),  Tiger21820 (14),  Hiccup (11),  Dirbaio (9), more...
Total +1s given 228
To:  Arisotura (28),  MarioFanatic64 (20), Thierry (16),  skawo (15),  Hiccup (11), more...
Contact information
Email address Private
Theme Holo
Items per page 20 posts, 50 threads
Language Board default
Personal information
Birthday November 30, 2004 (19 years old)
Sprite database
Total edits 64
Sprites edited 60
Last edits Sinking Snow Pile (274) on 02-06-15, 06:03 am
Snow Pile (274) on 02-06-15, 06:03 am
Blooper Nanny + Baby Bloopers (213) on 02-06-15, 06:01 am
Unused Wobbly Bricks (175) on 02-06-15, 05:59 am
Tornado / Tweester (104) on 02-06-15, 05:57 am
Tornado / Twister (104) on 07-04-14, 06:49 am
Seaweed (96) on 07-04-14, 06:49 am
Flip Fence Side (DUPLICATE) (85) on 07-04-14, 06:49 am
Invisible Coin Block (45) on 07-04-14, 06:48 am
Fire Snake (DUPLICATE) (44) on 07-04-14, 06:47 am
Comments about  snake block
« 63646566676869707172 »
xKitten now it's lucida sans unicode (arial for those with iPhone's)
Posted by hamza62240
you know how in smw there's a ram map, and there's addresses and shit there?
Hmmm… that sounds a lot like this file.
 MeroMero Even on mine, it eats up a lot of RAM. I myself never use it anyway.
 MeroMero Try to get IDA Pro Database 6.1 to open it.
Thierry Did your skype die?
 MeroMero Just google "ida pro 6.1 hexrays v1.5", you should find it quickly.
 Izmirnator I send you a friend's request on Wii U.
 MeroMero Something about Snake Blocks:
 MeroMero This would be quite tricky, there is a counter for the Starman duration, there's also a place where you can get the current and the previous power-up, which means it could be feasible…
 MeroMero But the problem would be: what happens if Mario picks a Starman while the Fire Flower is still in effect? Or vice versa?
 skawo Youuu monkey
 MeroMero Nope. I didn't even begin.
To be honest you should ask  skawo or someone else, I don't think I'm cut for the task.
 RoadrunnerWMC Yep!
Thierry Noep, just passing by and borrowing a laptop for a sec.
Toms You arn't funny
« 63646566676869707172 »
Sample post

Karma: 1589
Posts: 1290
Since: 02-12-13
This is a sample post. You probably already know what this is for.

Posted by Goomba
Posted by Mario
Oh, nooo! *stomp*

Well, what more could you want to know? Perhaps how to do the classic infinite loop?
    printf("Hello World!");