General information
Name  snake block
Power Normal
Sex Female
Title a
Karma 1589
Total posts 1290 (0.30 per day)
Total threads 49 (0.01 per day)
Registered on 02-12-13, 04:34 pm (4335 days ago)
Last post 12-19-20, 03:33 pm (1468 days ago)
in I know why Dirbaio is not posting (Featherland) » 70005
Last view 12-13-24, 10:20 am (13 days ago)
Browser Chrome 131.0.0
Badges View 12,200,000 View 13,550,000
Total +1s received 201 [View...]
From: (32), Asprok (20),  Tiger21820 (14),  Hiccup (11),  Dirbaio (9), more...
Total +1s given 229
To:  Arisotura (28),  MarioFanatic64 (20), Thierry (17),  skawo (15),  Hiccup (11), more...
Contact information
Email address Private
Theme Holo
Items per page 20 posts, 50 threads
Language Board default
Sprite database
Total edits 64
Sprites edited 60
Last edits Sinking Snow Pile (274) on 02-06-15, 06:03 am
Snow Pile (274) on 02-06-15, 06:03 am
Blooper Nanny + Baby Bloopers (213) on 02-06-15, 06:01 am
Unused Wobbly Bricks (175) on 02-06-15, 05:59 am
Tornado / Tweester (104) on 02-06-15, 05:57 am
Tornado / Twister (104) on 07-04-14, 06:49 am
Seaweed (96) on 07-04-14, 06:49 am
Flip Fence Side (DUPLICATE) (85) on 07-04-14, 06:49 am
Invisible Coin Block (45) on 07-04-14, 06:48 am
Fire Snake (DUPLICATE) (44) on 07-04-14, 06:47 am
Comments about  snake block
« 5859606162636465666768 »
 MPG Why would anyone hate you
 gridatttack The problem on how this turned out is because how you acted at the start. As they said, first impressions always last. Even if you improved a bit, people always labeled you as the noob you were at the start.
 gridatttack I guess the other thing trat pretty much ruined your reputation was the SCOPE project, as you failed to listen to the valid points we provided.
 gridatttack Perhaps the thing that always annoyed other users is the content of your posts in some case. I would take experience here and then think about what to post when youre around people who dont like you, so you can avoid comments like you recieved.
 SaturnYoshi ok
 8SomaCruzes rattle rattle
 gridatttack Yes I know, but even if you feel you have changed, then why do people still bother you? Even if you feel you improved alot, it doesnt guarantee that it can fix your past here. But then again, you need to learn the people you need to avoid .
 CreativiPie RIP in potato, green floating snake block
Tierage you done yet?
Tierage Tumblr: NSMBHD user edition
Thierry Hai?
 Izmirnator No problem.
 Izmirnator Good too see you back.
 Hiccup What do you mean you had a metal breakdown?
 Hiccup *mental
« 5859606162636465666768 »
Sample post

Karma: 1589
Posts: 1290
Since: 02-12-13
This is a sample post. You probably already know what this is for.

Posted by Goomba
Posted by Mario
Oh, nooo! *stomp*

Well, what more could you want to know? Perhaps how to do the classic infinite loop?
    printf("Hello World!");