General information
Name newluigidev
Power Normal
Sex Male
Rank Nipper Plant
To next rank 8 posts
Karma 2426
Total posts 417 (0.12 per day)
Total threads 32 (0.01 per day)
Registered on 08-17-15, 01:21 am (3497 days ago)
Last post 02-18-22, 11:00 pm (1119 days ago)
in Wario Time! {Wario in NSMBDS Mod} (General NSMB Hacking) » 72862
Last view 06-19-22, 09:45 pm (998 days ago)
Browser Chrome 102.0.0
Badges View 18,750,000 View 25,750,000
Total +1s received 229 [View...]
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Total +1s given 20
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Contact information
Email address Private
Theme Panda
Items per page 20 posts, 50 threads
Language en_US
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Location Australia
Birthday December 18, 2002 (22 years old)
tre3 z0N3

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Sprites edited 0
Comments about newluigidev
« 23456789101112 »
Sherry_ However IMO the World 1-1 font doesn't fit with the Easier Plains Font, and the EASIER PLAINS font is a bit big...
newluigidev It is simply the 'Super Mario 256' font. With exception of being 20-something sized...
Sherry_ Use the NSMBU font instead. It has the "small" lettres, too.
Sherry_ Hi!
Sherry_ Do you like Pokémon?
Sherry_ I like more your NSMBwii castle music, instead of the star music.
Sherry_ But however it is ok.
Sherry_ When you want you can send me your hack patch. So I can test it.
Sherry_ And it s strange that your hack thread is in New Hack..
Sherry_ You can send me your hack, if you want.
 MarioFanatic64 Sure, that's no problem. Give credit to Storment, because he's the one who imported it.
Sherry_ Yes, but the tileset or the BG?
Sherry_ Ok. But I can send you the tileset only later
Sherry_ Or you can use an old version of it in my old hack demo
 MarioFanatic64 Sorry, it happens from time to time, when we aren't sure whether or not to approve something so it just kinda sits in limbo. I'll move it now for you.
« 23456789101112 »
Sample post
Nipper Plant

Karma: 2426
Posts: 417
Since: 08-17-15
This is a sample post. You probably already know what this is for.

Posted by Goomba
Posted by Mario
Oh, nooo! *stomp*

Well, what more could you want to know? Perhaps how to do the classic infinite loop?
    printf("Hello World!");