Arisotura |
Posted on 04-14-15, 11:20 pm in Worldmap editor and all the information you'll need (rev. 1 by Arisotura on 04-14-15, 11:22 pm)
☭ coffee and cream
Karma: 10543 Posts: 1736/2781 Since: 06-26-11 |
As for why ray is banned, I guess I might clear it up a bit, because it must be confusing to see a talented hacker get a permaban out of nowhere. And people deserve to know more about ray's past and all the fun things he has pulled on us.
ray has been known to make several duplicate accounts to rig polls, post +1's, and even to spam the board for no reason at all. • • • • • maybe • -- related spam at Jul, it was him too And did he even get a ban or warning about it? Nope, he fucking went away with it like it's a perfectly normal thing. When we had the Minecraft server, he and Freeze have been found to be xraying their way to all the server's diamond ores. This is unrelated, but says a lot about their mindset too. Later on, ray and Freeze were found to be hiding their NSMBDS reverse-engineering informations. Dirbaio knew about it and didn't do shit. Eventually I learnt about it, and asked them why that was. The reason they gave was that another user was stealing from them. But it appeared that the real reason is that they kept their shit secret so they could make an amazing NSMB hack without anyone being able to replicate it. And then they could make an amazing release of both the hack and the hacking information they had, making themselves look like NSMB hacking gods. Flash forward to now. ray makes this thread. I reply with this post: See Freeze's reply. The beginning of the explanation is totally legit, and then: And by the way: You won't change our minds with your moral posts. Never. This line pretty much ruins it with its "we do what we want, fuck you" tone. But I'm digressing there, Freeze isn't the problem. After a PM exchange we eventually got the issue solved. But a while later, this lovely PM from ray: Sent by ray I have no idea why you act so incredibly childish, but it surely doesn't help in any way. You keep provoking us. You keep blaming us. You keep saying that we are hiding stuff. You don't even care about NSMB-Hacking, so that's none of your business. All you do is just abusing the power of being a mod. Also you have some serious problems with people betraying you. Otherwise you wouldn't get that mad all the time. Seriously, you are the only one who actually cares about provoking us and still believing we hide shittons of stuff. NSMB doesn't even offer that much anymore. Not even Dirbaio, who used to care a lot cares about it. Nor does anyone else. Get your shit together. People develop, people get older, so do we. There's nothing we do hide. But for you, it seems like you're actually getting younger. You seem to be upset that we are talking to you in a rude way. Then you should question yourself WHY that is the case. We've never been talking like that any time. We've always been talking calm and tried to go around your provocativeness, but no, you need to continue even though everything was fine. For real, it's unclear to me why you are upset that we're having the "I don't care" mindset. For every action, there's a reaction. Stop treating us like fucktards. You are the real one acting bad here. And I don't care if you're going to ban me/us. But be sure that we won't give out any information if you do so. C'mon grow up and stop talking like a douchebag. If SKJmin wasn't such an asshole, I would agree that this place sucks. We've never done anything wrong and you just need to put your anger somewhere. We are the targets. Damn seriously, you are the problem. You should be happy that we deliver the information at all. No one here would even make the effort to figure it out. Get your life fixed. And after that, he pretty much continued in that mindset. So I banned him. He proceeded to contact other users to spread shit about me. IP-banned him, but he used proxies. I eventually broke his account (garbling the password and removing the email so he can't ask for a new password). And then: And basically more smartassery from him. Long story short, the NSMB hacking shit went to his head, and that kid needs to get off his high horse before we can even consider allowing him back. I insist on that, too. If any other staff member allows him back until he has lost this attitude, I'm leaving the board. With all the bullshit he got away with, it was more than time for him to pay. If you allow him back without him having understood why his behavior is bad, you might as well just give up on all the rules and unban all the banned users. _________________________ Kuribo64 - zrghij |
Arisotura |
Posted on 04-26-16, 06:40 pm in FUCK NSMBHD
☭ coffee and cream
Karma: 10543 Posts: 1868/2781 Since: 06-26-11 |
Arisotura |
Posted on 04-26-16, 06:53 pm in FUCK NSMBHD
☭ coffee and cream
Karma: 10543 Posts: 1871/2781 Since: 06-26-11 |
Arisotura |
Posted on 06-02-16, 04:01 pm in Literally everything you need to know about Worldmap editing (rev. 1 by Arisotura on 06-02-16, 04:01 pm)
☭ coffee and cream
Karma: 10543 Posts: 1932/2781 Since: 06-26-11 |
Arisotura |
Posted on 06-08-16, 11:35 pm in UN-QUITING is now a thing, but lets change some things...
☭ coffee and cream
Karma: 10543 Posts: 1953/2781 Since: 06-26-11 |
Arisotura |
Posted on 08-21-16, 04:33 pm in A note about bans in general
☭ coffee and cream
Karma: 10543 Posts: 1992/2781 Since: 06-26-11 |
Bans aren't 'temporary with a precise duration' or 'permanent, will never be unbanned'.
I know this is a standard scheme, but I do things differently. Tempbans don't always drive the point through, tempbanned users not seldom sit and wait for their ban to expire (or plan things around it so it's a minor inconvenience) without learning much from the ban. Users get unbanned when they have learnt their lesson. It's as simple as that. Some bans last 'a few days' for little things, which is a few days but not a set duration. Hoping it clears things up. _________________________ Kuribo64 - zrghij |
Arisotura |
Posted on 10-20-16, 03:32 pm in See ya, NSMBHD. except not
☭ coffee and cream
Karma: 10543 Posts: 2116/2781 Since: 06-26-11 |
So, this is it.
I'm not involved into NSMB hacking anymore. I'm resigning, for this reason and for other reasons which I have already stated. New staff members have been hired, my duty is done. So, time for me to resign. I might be checking the board occasionally, but I won't be doing any administration work or anything big. Thank you. Best of luck in your future endeavors, NSMB scene. _________________________ Kuribo64 - zrghij |
Arisotura |
Posted on 12-28-16, 01:08 am in Stop making duplicate accounts.
☭ coffee and cream
Karma: 10543 Posts: 2224/2781 Since: 06-26-11 |
This place is plagued by idiots who make duplicate accounts for no apparent reason. Time for this shit to stop.
To quote the FAQ: Don't register multiple accounts under any circumstances.. If you forgot your password: * try the password reset feature * if that doesn't work, contact the staff: Dirbaio, Arisotura, gridatttack, MarioFanatic64, RicBent -- by email or IRC * if nothing else works, AS A LAST RESORT MEASURE, you may create a secondary account to contact the staff and ask for a password reset If you want a new username: Ask the staff. We can change your username. If you got banned: Figure out what is the best thing you can do. Making a new account is the WORST thing you can do if you want to be unbanned. From now on, any duplicate account we catch will get banned as well as the main account. If you're an idiot who thinks the best solution is to keep making accounts, we will use IP bans against you. Thank you. _________________________ Kuribo64 - zrghij |
Arisotura |
Posted on 06-19-17, 12:07 pm in MvL Emulation!? (rev. 1 by Arisotura on 06-19-17, 12:08 pm)
☭ coffee and cream
Karma: 10543 Posts: 2368/2781 Since: 06-26-11 |
we might need fire extinguishers basically you can play MvsL but it's slow (moreso than the reported framerates, likely due to data loss). it may also disconnect on you even though it seems mostly stable. speed differences between the two emus may favorize disconnects. _________________________ Kuribo64 - zrghij |
Arisotura |
Posted on 07-17-17, 03:01 pm in DS page on
☭ coffee and cream
Karma: 10543 Posts: 2408/2781 Since: 06-26-11 |
Arisotura |
Posted on 09-29-17, 10:47 pm in TALK TO FARTSMELLER AT GMAIL
☭ coffee and cream
Karma: 10543 Posts: 2483/2781 Since: 06-26-11 |
Arisotura |
Posted on 10-24-17, 07:57 pm in Castle Courtyard
☭ coffee and cream
Karma: 10543 Posts: 2499/2781 Since: 06-26-11 |
Arisotura |
Posted on 08-09-18, 09:58 am in Emuparadise and LoveROMS is gone...
☭ coffee and cream
Karma: 10543 Posts: 2600/2781 Since: 06-26-11 |
Arisotura | |
☭ coffee and cream
Karma: 10543 Posts: 2732/2781 Since: 06-26-11 |
Arisotura |
Posted on 09-13-12, 04:43 pm in New Super Mario Land
☭ coffee and cream
Karma: 10543 Posts: 672/2781 Since: 06-26-11 |
Arisotura |
Posted on 11-22-12, 04:55 pm in HELP WIT MY ROM HCK PLZ!!!1112
☭ coffee and cream
Karma: 10543 Posts: 776/2781 Since: 06-26-11 |
Posted by TheTicklishYoshi Well, 4 year old 'hacker', it's very simple to get all those features you want. All you have to do is over 10 years of ASM Hacking. Thanks for asking wut is asm hakng Check the thread. wear do i go You go to your bedroom because you should not stay up after 7:00 PM. dont maek fun of mi im not 4 im 9 Sorry, it's just the way that you don't know anything about spelling, grammar, and hacking New Super Mario Bros. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA U R MEAN ASSHOLE ILL PEE ON U AND ILL GO AWAY FOREVER AND EVERY1 WILL BE SAD WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ADMIN BAN HIM PLZ HES MEAN PLZ WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *gets smacked by banhammer* *reregs* WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA DATS UNFAIR DIRBARIO IZ MEAN ASSHOLE ILL PEE ON HIM HE SUX ASS WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *gets smacked by IP-banhammer* *joins another random forum* hey how do u get around ip ban _________________________ Kuribo64 - zrghij |
Arisotura |
Posted on 12-24-12, 07:56 pm in The Wiki
☭ coffee and cream
Karma: 10543 Posts: 865/2781 Since: 06-26-11 |
Arisotura |
Posted on 01-01-13, 04:45 pm in thought Has anyone found or got or have some info about the NSMB E5?
☭ coffee and cream
Karma: 10543 Posts: 879/2781 Since: 06-26-11 |
Arisotura |
Posted on 06-16-13, 05:44 pm in NSMBHD is now powered by nginx!
☭ coffee and cream
Karma: 10543 Posts: 978/2781 Since: 06-26-11 |
Arisotura |
Posted on 07-10-13, 10:28 am in Newer Mario Bros DS possible?
☭ coffee and cream
Karma: 10543 Posts: 1033/2781 Since: 06-26-11 |