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Posted on 02-20-21, 02:57 am in new super mario bros the new levels beta 1
The boy who always has something up his sleeve

Karma: 931
Posts: 14/750
Since: 02-01-21
hello guys beta 3 is in process but I would like your opinions in which world should I launch beta 3 in world 3 or 5 tell me ok see you
The star project that shows my brilliant mind

Posted on 03-01-21, 12:21 am in New Super Mario Bros The New Levels
The boy who always has something up his sleeve

Karma: 931
Posts: 45/750
Since: 02-01-21
thanks skylander for your support i will improve that, look at the logo and icon of my hack here it is:

The star project that shows my brilliant mind

Posted on 03-02-21, 10:59 pm in New Super Mario Bros The New Levels
The boy who always has something up his sleeve

Karma: 931
Posts: 51/750
Since: 02-01-21
For those who are interested in this hack, let's thank Skylander very much thanks to him the beta 4 will not be a garbage I give him from here thanks for giving me the permission to use the tilesets, backgrounds, and the music of his hack new super mario bros u Now the hack is going to be better than before, I also wanted to teach me how to make the icon and I wrote the title of the banner to keeper, keeper you have been very helpful friend, and finally to poudink who gave me the link to the correct program to make the logo of my hack, thanks to you guys my hack is what the beta 4 is now working on but when I launch it you will see what you helped me with, see you
The star project that shows my brilliant mind

Posted on 03-03-21, 02:47 pm in v1.10 New Super Mario Bros. U DS
The boy who always has something up his sleeve

Karma: 931
Posts: 53/750
Since: 02-01-21
skylander I support you I know you can do it friend I give you my support to finish the new super mario bros u ds come on I know it will be worth it
The star project that shows my brilliant mind

Posted on 03-25-21, 04:01 am in New Super Mario Bros The New Levels (rev. 1 by  alpha on 03-25-21, 04:07 am)
The boy who always has something up his sleeve

Karma: 931
Posts: 79/750
Since: 02-01-21
This will be a world, I do not want to tell you, the number of the world, but it will be called the space station, with false UFOs as input, but I leave you a preview, so that you are encouraged to wait, the beta 4, the set of mosaics and the background were made by me, what do you think?

There is no edited sprite, everything is thanks to my intelligence, there are no levels created with these tiles and backgrounds,for the moment
The star project that shows my brilliant mind

Posted on 03-25-21, 10:51 pm in NSMB Hacking FAQ
The boy who always has something up his sleeve

Karma: 931
Posts: 82/750
Since: 02-01-21
well, i never used that sprite, but i understand your problem, mario comes out in a vine, because that's what it says in the block configuration, but i used it in one area and it worked, and then i used it in another area and it worked, but I can help you, friend , first:

place the same settings of the level in which the flying block worked, in the level that does not work, or copy the object and paste it in the level that is causing problems

If it doesn't work let me know, ok
The star project that shows my brilliant mind

Posted on 03-26-21, 01:36 pm in NSMB Hacking FAQ
The boy who always has something up his sleeve

Karma: 931
Posts: 83/750
Since: 02-01-21
I will investigate with Luigi to see, friend
The star project that shows my brilliant mind

Posted on 03-29-21, 08:33 pm in Level exporting
The boy who always has something up his sleeve

Karma: 931
Posts: 88/750
Since: 02-01-21
Yes, in reality only the areas of a level are exported, not the complete level, if you are going to import it, select an area to replace it with this, and you can play it
The star project that shows my brilliant mind

Posted on 04-03-21, 03:41 pm in What's up?
The boy who always has something up his sleeve

Karma: 931
Posts: 94/750
Since: 02-01-21
unfortunately I don't have a nintendo switch, friend

although you have played donkey kong country 1,2 and 3, that could be an interesting topic, and you have played some hack of mario kart ds
The star project that shows my brilliant mind

Posted on 04-03-21, 03:50 pm in New Super Mario Bros The New Levels (rev. 2 by  alpha on 04-03-21, 04:01 pm)
The boy who always has something up his sleeve

Karma: 931
Posts: 95/750
Since: 02-01-21
guys, this logo is good or not

great, right, it was skylander's idea, that it will stay like this, I think it's more remarkable

Thank you for your support BL4ZED, every time I want to finish this hack
The star project that shows my brilliant mind

Posted on 04-04-21, 05:36 pm in What's up?
The boy who always has something up his sleeve

Karma: 931
Posts: 100/750
Since: 02-01-21
Mario kart n64 circuit is the only one I know that is complete and has many new things like, link, from the legend of zelda as a racer, there is also a hack called, mario kart 8 deluxe ds, it is good although it is in beta phase, friend
The star project that shows my brilliant mind

Posted on 04-05-21, 04:57 pm in someone know how to edit the blue koopa (rev. 2 by  alpha on 04-05-21, 05:17 pm)
The boy who always has something up his sleeve

Karma: 931
Posts: 107/750
Since: 02-01-21
excellent tutorial, friends look,at the result

but I would like a tutorial on how to make the item shell yellow and also in the map inventory, here are some screenshots to be more specific

I hope you can help me, friend
The star project that shows my brilliant mind

Posted on 04-05-21, 05:36 pm in someone know how to edit the blue koopa
The boy who always has something up his sleeve

Karma: 931
Posts: 108/750
Since: 02-01-21
thanks dude, actually i wanted to edit the blue koopa and turn it yellow, but i plan to do one thing with it, without using asm hack, last time i use asm hacks, sorry, well i already have «the golden shell»
The star project that shows my brilliant mind

Posted on 04-09-21, 12:54 pm in What's up?
The boy who always has something up his sleeve

Karma: 931
Posts: 120/750
Since: 02-01-21
good level, inspires me, friend
The star project that shows my brilliant mind

Posted on 04-18-21, 09:24 pm in What's up?
The boy who always has something up his sleeve

Karma: 931
Posts: 140/750
Since: 02-01-21
Well I'm glad they inspired you bl4zed , and well what happened in beta 3, it was a total failure, but this will have new things and little things, well back to the topic, not only the piracy of nsmb is dying,if not nsmbhd as well , I think I should investigate asm to be the successor of skawo, although the reason why I have not investigated the asm is because the template and devkitpro do not match, I do not know why it only tells me "this version of devkitpro does not match this version of windows what is being used, well if ray and fr33ze could include toad in the game I would say that if a lot of work was done yoshi could be included, people get tired of seeing the same thingall the time, so something new must be included in a hack For example a spaceship: nsmb the new levels, although including yoshi many dreams would come true for example, super mario world in ds, I do not know if some computer hacker has crossed his mind, the reason why nsmbhd did not is having so much popularity as before is because people take the hacks, patch them and leave their own link , and the worst thing is that they do not give us credits, this I think is the problem, although a rule should be put that says "do not do hacks without giving credits to nsmbhd " don't blame me but it should be that way guys
The star project that shows my brilliant mind

Posted on 04-19-21, 01:51 pm in What's up?
The boy who always has something up his sleeve

Karma: 931
Posts: 143/750
Since: 02-01-21
Well, I did not plan to place Mario and Luigi in that hack, only both toads, how about red and yellow, it would be incredible, although the strong modification would be the fire flower suits of both, a question that programs apart from nsmbe, they used to create toad, well a program to create 3d things, I think mkdsc, right, and if I manage to create a hack like that, I would donate the hack to nsmbhd, so that they use it as the original rom,a question that asm is used to include to toad ,Boys
The star project that shows my brilliant mind

Posted on 04-25-21, 01:14 pm in How to make Bowser Jr. not to kidnap Peach but Rosalina... (rev. 2 by  alpha on 04-25-21, 01:26 pm)
The boy who always has something up his sleeve

Karma: 931
Posts: 169/750
Since: 02-01-21
well editing that sprite is a bit shitty but not impossible

step 1: rom file browser »enemy» peach.nsbmd

step 2: open the texture, and select export this bitmap, you can do it with both textures if you want, but the first is the important one, because it is the one with the peach dress and her hair, etc., while the second is her color, skin and face, as it was clear, let's continue editing the texture with any image editor, I use to create Daisy, but you can use gimp if you want, remember that you must identify the tonality of each color well but remember not to use many bright colors, otherwise nsmbe will damage the texture, next

Step 3: once you have edited the texture, it will save it and open nsmbe again, it will go to the rom file browser »enemy» peach.nsbmd, open it and select to import this bitmap and re-create the palette, it will import the image that I edit and not press save all, and "princess" be visible in it to the title screen

step 4: it will not be enough with that texture so close and this time it will go to the map »cursor peach.nsbmd, it will open it and select to import this bitmap and recreate the palette, do not select to save everything and your texture will already be visible on the map, and it will have replaced peach completely

I hope I helped you friend
The star project that shows my brilliant mind

Posted on 05-01-21, 03:13 pm in Problem About Snake Blocks.
The boy who always has something up his sleeve

Karma: 931
Posts: 218/750
Since: 02-01-21
Posted by BL4ZED
Just wait a minute, I'll do a tutorial about snake blocks and then I'll post it here, and I'll see if it can help you


as you discovered it was very useful you deserve a +1 congratulations that's good keep it up
The star project that shows my brilliant mind

Posted on 05-02-21, 05:30 pm in Title Screen Question
The boy who always has something up his sleeve

Karma: 931
Posts: 223/750
Since: 02-01-21
I can't do a video tutorial because I don't know how, but I can do it for you, friend
The star project that shows my brilliant mind

Posted on 05-03-21, 02:35 pm in What's up?
The boy who always has something up his sleeve

Karma: 931
Posts: 229/750
Since: 02-01-21

well I hope it works for you I will investigate about vgm trans later
The star project that shows my brilliant mind

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