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WinterContestGrid.nmp  129.86 KiB  gridatttack 1089
CONTEST.xdelta  107.17 KiB  poudink 1087
CONTEST.nmp  2.65 MiB  poudink 604  This is my 2017 Winter Contest entry. 336.86 KiB newluigidev 606
contestlevel2.0.nmp  v2.0 146.68 KiB  gridatttack 1575  Lava Core Custom Level for the Contest. By MrRean. 3.34 KiB shibboleet 914
Area1.nml  Area 1 for the SMWC-NSMBHD contest. Needs the tileset. 2.98 KiB  CreativiPie 1958
SsSsSsSsSs.nmp  SsSsSsSsSs 1.88 KiB xfix 1556
Area2.nml  Area 2 of the SMW-NSMBHD contest level. Needs the tileset. 1.45 KiB  CreativiPie 1516
contestentry.nmp  awful stuff 1.83 KiB xfix 1465
Mountain tileset.nmt  The tileset to play the level for the SMWC-NSMBHD contest. 14.93 KiB  CreativiPie 1447
Area3.nml  Area 3 of my level for the SMWC-NSMBHD level. Needs the tileset. Obviously. 1.71 KiB  CreativiPie 1669
Contest Level - Rainbowland.nmp  My Level for the SMWC - NSMBHD Contest... O.o 2.39 MiB  Baby Bowser 1523
SMWCNMSBHD contest.nmp  Forest Lake 146.35 KiB  gridatttack 1711
FreezeLevel_Area2.nml  Second Area of Hiccups level contest. by Fr33ze 650 B  Freeze 1410
FreezeLevel_Area1.nml  First Area of Hiccups level contest. by Fr33ze 5.82 KiB  Freeze 1550
Piranhaplant  Level contest :D 4.76 KiB  Piranhaplant 1039
ruins-contest-all-levels.nmp  253.04 KiB  Dirbaio 1582
TRS Area 2.nml  The second area of TRS's ruins contest entry 18.10 KiB  TRS 1368
TRS Area 1.nml  The first area of TRS's ruins contest entry 3.98 KiB  TRS 1446
contestGA.nmp  ruins contest level 338.94 KiB  gridatttack 1492
MarioSunshine'  My ruins contest level. :D 8.60 KiB  MarioSunshine 828  5.85 KiB  Dirbaio 839
RiksKing's Area 2.nml  My contest level 3.76 KiB  RiksKing 1229
RiksKing's Area 1.nml  My contest level 2.51 KiB  RiksKing 1216
Freeze Area 2.nml  by Freeze 13.10 KiB  Freeze 1318
Freeze Area 1.nml  by Freeze 3.34 KiB  Freeze 1339
MF64 Level Contest Area 2.nml  7.00 KiB  MarioFanatic64 1333
MF64 Level Contest Area 1.nml  1.17 KiB  MarioFanatic64 1328
MarioSunshine's Level Contest.nmp  Hiccup's Contest 48.07 KiB  MarioSunshine 1543
RiksKing - NSMB Level Design Contest - The Disaster of 2012 - The destructive switch.nmp  My level 3.50 KiB  RiksKing 1553
Contest_2012_Fr33ze_ray.nmp  The Contest Patch for the "2012" Contest 29.70 KiB  ray 1831
journeycontest.nmp  CoolAs's Contest Level 10.98 KiB coolas1 928
LevelContestJuly1.nmp  8.68 KiB  Piranhaplant 1680
dirbaio.nmp  Dirbaio's entry for round August 9th - august 23rd 56.82 KiB  Dirbaio 1536
ELMario_GarmichaelComp_August.nmp  Competition Level for Please use a US ROM! 57.62 KiB LeWario 1557
Contest.nmp  Garmichael's Level Design Contest. Level by NsmB_PrO. :) 5.05 MiB  Freeze 1614
LevelContestFireSnow.rar  4.34 MiB  ray 878
contest.rar  Hammer bros desert contest-gridatttack 3.53 KiB  gridatttack 1066
PiranhaplantJuly2.nmp  Level contest: July 31 - Piranhaplant 30.94 KiB  Piranhaplant 1549
July30LevelContestCoolAS.nmp  Cool As'S level contest entry (July 19) 31.80 KiB coolas1 905
Area#1_fix.nml  Fix for Level contest 5.30 KiB coolas1 1334
Gridatttack.rar  Contest 4 7.87 KiB  gridatttack 1129
JulyLevelContest.nmp  LevelContestJuly1_Coolas1 9.96 KiB coolas1 1583