Pages: 1
Posted on 09-13-21, 04:29 pm (rev. 4 by  Ndymario on 12-27-21, 09:50 pm)
Super Koopa
That MvL Hacker

Karma: 1711
Posts: 761/833
Since: 04-11-15
Welcome to my Mario vs Luigi Hack: MvsL Reloaded!

What's New?
- 5 Original Levels
- Skins (textures) for both Mario and Luigi
- 1 tileset imported from a game you might recognize

(Screenshots coming soon!)

Here's a trailer!

Click here to download v1!

"Can I use your custom tile-set in my own hack?"
Please link back to this mod if you do!

"Can I use your custom skins/textures in my own hack"
Again, please link back to this mod if you do!

"Can I use your levels in my hack?"
Unless I give express permission, no.
Here's my MvL Hacking thread

Consider joining the NSMB DS Hacking Discord Server! Also, be sure to check out the new wiki!

Posted on 09-13-21, 09:54 pm
The boy who always has something up his sleeve

Karma: 931
Posts: 640/750
Since: 02-01-21
It looks really great ndy you have left me impressed I already understand everything you were showing about the design and stuff I say keep up the good work because with that trailer you encouraged me to wait for it so cheer up, you can do it.
The star project that shows my brilliant mind

Posted on 09-14-21, 03:33 am
I think this text goes here... Or maybe not... Bah, nevermind.

Karma: 15
Posts: 4/7
Since: 08-25-21
This looks just AWESOME!!! Keep up the good work, Ndymario!!!
Do U like this footer???
Well, neither do I.
Posted on 09-14-21, 03:21 pm
something that resembles the blaze of a fire

Karma: 545
Posts: 409/498
Since: 03-18-21
I loved the video editing and the level design (specially the one inspired in SMB 1-2) is very well made. Nice job ?
Posted on 09-19-21, 10:08 pm
Super Koopa
That MvL Hacker

Karma: 1711
Posts: 762/833
Since: 04-11-15
Thanks for the kind words everyone! I hope to have a release out by at least the end of October. (College keeps me busy, so we'll see)
Here's my MvL Hacking thread

Consider joining the NSMB DS Hacking Discord Server! Also, be sure to check out the new wiki!

Posted on 11-06-21, 07:47 pm
Super Koopa
That MvL Hacker

Karma: 1711
Posts: 763/833
Since: 04-11-15
Version 1.0 has been released! DL in first post.
Here's my MvL Hacking thread

Consider joining the NSMB DS Hacking Discord Server! Also, be sure to check out the new wiki!

Posted on 11-06-21, 07:49 pm
The boy who always has something up his sleeve

Karma: 931
Posts: 678/750
Since: 02-01-21
Cool, Ndymario, i go to Download the patch now
The star project that shows my brilliant mind

Posted on 11-07-21, 05:30 pm
Super Koopa
That MvL Hacker

Karma: 1711
Posts: 764/833
Since: 04-11-15
Updated first post with the correct xDelta. It should work now.
Here's my MvL Hacking thread

Consider joining the NSMB DS Hacking Discord Server! Also, be sure to check out the new wiki!

Pages: 1