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Posted on 07-31-21, 10:40 pm

Karma: -51
Posts: 3/13
Since: 07-30-21
Is there a limit to the amount of sprites and objects I can place in a level? Every level I edit will crash until I delete a couple things. Is there a way around this on levels without multiple areas?
Posted on 07-31-21, 11:21 pm
Giant Paratroopa
Cream Cheese King

Karma: 2150
Posts: 1335/1379
Since: 04-24-18
What kind of sprites are you trying to add? Some sprites require zones and will crash the game unless a zone has been created and assigned to them

Discord Server 1 - Discord Server 2 - Youtube Channel
Posted on 07-31-21, 11:58 pm

Karma: -51
Posts: 4/13
Since: 07-30-21
Posted by Skylander
What kind of sprites are you trying to add? Some sprites require zones and will crash the game unless a zone has been created and assigned to them

I fixed the crash issue I had configured the entrance wrong but I still have piranha plants and sticky cloud platforms that just don't appear in the second view. Do they require something else to make them work?
Posted on 08-01-21, 12:25 am
Giant Paratroopa
Cream Cheese King

Karma: 2150
Posts: 1336/1379
Since: 04-24-18
Are they red in the editor? If so, the sprite set needs to be set. Head over to the sprite sets tab and select the sprite set containing those objects/enemies.


Discord Server 1 - Discord Server 2 - Youtube Channel
Posted on 08-01-21, 12:46 am

Karma: -51
Posts: 5/13
Since: 07-30-21
Posted by Skylander
Are they red in the editor? If so, the sprite set needs to be set. Head over to the sprite sets tab and select the sprite set containing those objects/enemies.

They're set but they still just don't appear. What else could it be?
Posted on 08-01-21, 01:14 am
Giant Paratroopa
Cream Cheese King

Karma: 2150
Posts: 1337/1379
Since: 04-24-18
can you upload a screenshot of the editor?

Discord Server 1 - Discord Server 2 - Youtube Channel
Posted on 08-01-21, 01:17 am

Karma: -51
Posts: 6/13
Since: 07-30-21
Posted on 08-01-21, 01:18 am, deleted by RicBent: Can
Posted on 08-01-21, 01:18 am, deleted by RicBent: you
Posted on 08-01-21, 01:18 am, deleted by RicBent: stop
Posted on 08-01-21, 01:19 am, deleted by RicBent: spamming
Posted on 08-01-21, 08:05 pm
Giant Paratroopa
Cream Cheese King

Karma: 2150
Posts: 1338/1379
Since: 04-24-18
Okay the sprites I see dont need a zone. What are your entrance settings? Does it work?


Discord Server 1 - Discord Server 2 - Youtube Channel
Posted on 08-02-21, 12:34 am

Karma: -51
Posts: 11/13
Since: 07-30-21
Posted by Skylander
Okay the sprites I see dont need a zone. What are your entrance settings? Does it work?

Sorry about the spam it was when the website was going down and I thought it was my end. Sorry about that. I got it to work, what I did was move the second view, which is horizontal away from the vertical one. If they're directly on top of eachother those sprites disappeared.
Posted on 08-02-21, 03:37 am
Giant Red Paratroopa
Not Edible

Karma: 3366
Posts: 1358/1447
Since: 02-12-16
Strange, the site is supposed to make it impossible to double post in less than 24 hours. Saved me from a number of accidental duplicate messages, actually.
Nothing to say, so jadnjkfmnjamnfjkldnajfnjkanfjdksan jsdnvj m.

Posted on 08-02-21, 09:23 am

Karma: -51
Posts: 13/13
Since: 07-30-21
Posted by poudink
Strange, the site is supposed to make it impossible to double post in less than 24 hours. Saved me from a number of accidental duplicate messages, actually.

Yeah sorry about that lol
Pages: 1