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Posted on 05-22-17, 06:09 pm
☭ coffee and cream

Karma: 10418
Posts: 2318/2772
Since: 06-26-11
dirbaio is faaaaaaat

fat leaders are bad
Kuribo64 - RH-fucking-cafe - Kafuka

Posted on 05-22-17, 06:11 pm

Karma: 1589
Posts: 1272/1290
Since: 02-12-13
The kikhammer is a metaphorical imagination-based object binded to the mind that conceived it
No can do
Posted on 05-22-17, 06:19 pm

Karma: 773
Posts: 190/256
Since: 12-29-16
then I shall create my own metaphorical weapon
*SuperML thinks intensively*

Posted on 05-22-17, 08:27 pm
We do what we must because we can

Karma: 5558
Posts: 1227/1425
Since: 06-25-13
Posted by StarTrekVoyager
I am God

Wrong is everything you are.
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Best friends forever
Posted on 05-22-17, 08:30 pm
☭ coffee and cream

Karma: 10418
Posts: 2319/2772
Since: 06-26-11
God is anticapitalist
Kuribo64 - RH-fucking-cafe - Kafuka

Posted on 05-22-17, 08:32 pm (rev. 1 by  SuperML on 05-22-17, 08:32 pm)

Karma: 773
Posts: 191/256
Since: 12-29-16
That is very likely.
Now, what to do wth this broken sword...
Posted on 05-22-17, 10:25 pm
Doesn't actually do anything.

Karma: 3022
Posts: 648/653
Since: 10-22-12
We tried overthrowing  Dirbaio once before.

As you can see, it didn't *quite* work out.
Posted on 05-22-17, 10:27 pm
☭ coffee and cream

Karma: 10418
Posts: 2320/2772
Since: 06-26-11
it's because he had diarrhea
Kuribo64 - RH-fucking-cafe - Kafuka

Posted on 05-22-17, 10:32 pm (rev. 1 by  gridatttack on 05-22-17, 10:32 pm)

Karma: 3306
Posts: 1965/2026
Since: 06-28-11
How can we overthrow dirbaio if we don't have him here?

No dirbaio = no overthrow
because we can't overthrow nothing :v

Posted on 05-22-17, 10:33 pm
☭ coffee and cream

Karma: 10418
Posts: 2321/2772
Since: 06-26-11
we have him here tho, he posted a little while ago
Kuribo64 - RH-fucking-cafe - Kafuka

Posted on 05-22-17, 10:35 pm (rev. 2 by  gridatttack on 05-22-17, 11:13 pm)

Karma: 3306
Posts: 1966/2026
Since: 06-28-11
dirbaio suddenly appears and then vanishes in the same instant, sooo

Where are we throwing dirbaio over?
OP mentioned that we're going to over throw him, but didn't specify what thing we are supposed to throw dirbaio over :>

Posted on 05-22-17, 10:58 pm
この記号は… 解読できないよ…

Karma: 6078
Posts: 2188/2735
Since: 01-17-13
try a river.

he's kinda sorta very heavy though, so uh. good luck :DD
Posted on 05-23-17, 12:11 am

Karma: 773
Posts: 192/256
Since: 12-29-16
If we all pitch in, it'll be no problem.
Posted on 05-23-17, 01:27 am (rev. 1 by  Ndymario on 05-23-17, 01:34 am)
That MvL Hacker

Karma: 1605
Posts: 390/798
Since: 04-11-15
One day remains Muhahaha (Uh I guess I can just be promoted, no war since Dirbaio doesn't care)
Here's my MvL Hacking thread

Consider joining the NSMB DS Hacking Discord Server!

Posted on 05-23-17, 01:43 am (rev. 1 by  poudink on 05-23-17, 01:44 am)
Giant Red Paratroopa
Not Edible

Karma: 3366
Posts: 303/1447
Since: 02-12-16
Posted by MarioFanatic64
No. You can haz ban.
NOOOO!!!!! U R BAN!!!!!
Nothing to say, so jadnjkfmnjamnfjkldnajfnjkanfjdksan jsdnvj m.

Posted on 05-23-17, 01:45 am
That MvL Hacker

Karma: 1605
Posts: 391/798
Since: 04-11-15
I have a weapon ready to counter that Muhahahaha
Here's my MvL Hacking thread

Consider joining the NSMB DS Hacking Discord Server!

Posted on 05-23-17, 01:46 am
Giant Red Paratroopa
Not Edible

Karma: 3366
Posts: 304/1447
Since: 02-12-16
Countre wat?????????????????
Nothing to say, so jadnjkfmnjamnfjkldnajfnjkanfjdksan jsdnvj m.

Posted on 05-23-17, 01:47 am
That MvL Hacker

Karma: 1605
Posts: 392/798
Since: 04-11-15
Le Banhammer. I have a counter to it...Muhahahaha
Here's my MvL Hacking thread

Consider joining the NSMB DS Hacking Discord Server!

Posted on 05-23-17, 01:48 am
Giant Red Paratroopa
Not Edible

Karma: 3366
Posts: 305/1447
Since: 02-12-16
I no ban u i ban mariofantastic64
Nothing to say, so jadnjkfmnjamnfjkldnajfnjkanfjdksan jsdnvj m.

Posted on 05-23-17, 01:49 am (rev. 1 by  Ndymario on 05-23-17, 01:55 am)
That MvL Hacker

Karma: 1605
Posts: 393/798
Since: 04-11-15
Oh, thank you then. You can be my #1 minion

Posted by StarTrekVoyager
I am God, and I decided I will throw you all in lava and become the sole admin and staff member.

Problem with that. I'm the leader of this rebellion so I will be sole admin

Here's my MvL Hacking thread

Consider joining the NSMB DS Hacking Discord Server!

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