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Posted on 03-04-17, 06:26 pm
Doesn't actually do anything.

Karma: 3022
Posts: 625/653
Since: 10-22-12
Let's skip the small talk we all know you're here for results.

In third place:

In second place:

And in first place:

The judges this contest were  TRS and  RoadrunnerWMC. A third judge volunteered but failed to submit their scores on time.

Full results and links are in the spoiler below.

Going forward:
  • Contests need more exposure somehow. I'd argue a spot on the front page, but the front page no longer exists!
  • Next contest probably won't have a theme.
  • Note to self: Get judges before starting a contest.
Posted on 03-04-17, 10:06 pm (rev. 3 by  gridatttack on 03-04-17, 10:22 pm)

Karma: 3306
Posts: 1940/2026
Since: 06-28-11
Interesting. I see that type of level doesn't work well for 2 mario then.

I guess I've been playing too much metroid recently

IMO, Lakitu64 has the best overall level.
Too bad he lost by .5

I'll come back next time with a suitable NSMB level :>

Also TRS. What's the point of mentioning/including mini mario if the level doesn't implement it?
I feel contest levels are standalone, and if you try to bring something the level doesn't implements it it's outside influence and mini mario wasn't contemplated on my case (unless the flying red block gives it, but idk, since IDR how that thing works. it probably does since IIRC it was that or a mega mushroom. But w/e, I'll come back next time :>)

Posted on 03-04-17, 11:10 pm
Doesn't actually do anything.

Karma: 3022
Posts: 627/653
Since: 10-22-12
Posted by gridatttack
Also TRS. What's the point of mentioning/including mini mario if the level doesn't implement it?

The second star coin in the level is hidden behind a mini pipe. Since contest entries are standalone, a (not random) mini mushroom needs to be in there *somewhere*.
Posted on 03-05-17, 03:09 am

Karma: 3306
Posts: 1941/2026
Since: 06-28-11
Posted by TRS
Posted by gridatttack
Also TRS. What's the point of mentioning/including mini mario if the level doesn't implement it?

The second star coin in the level is hidden behind a mini pipe. Since contest entries are standalone, a (not random) mini mushroom needs to be in there *somewhere*.


Sorry, I thought small mario was mini mario.
(I usually just call it normal mario and the mushroom one super mario as official sources label it )

Posted on 03-05-17, 05:49 pm (rev. 2 by Thierry on 03-05-17, 05:52 pm)
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Karma: 6078
Posts: 2124/2735
Since: 01-17-13
Who-lly crap.

I won with my level I spent one full day/night making. I feel proud.

I honesly thought grid would win this.

My level had much enemy variety, but also a number of flaws. I won't list them here, but even now this contest taught me something I didn't except.

Oh yeah, did you enjoy the music hacks? I had fun making those. They were one of the reasons I participated.

Next time I'll try not to procrastinate.

Posted by gridatttack
IMO, Lakitu64 has the best overall level.
Too bad he lost by .5

I'll have to agree with that. He perfected about everything in his level.
Posted on 03-05-17, 08:43 pm

Karma: -7
Posts: 7/7
Since: 09-07-13
Posted by TRS
Posted by gridatttack
Also TRS. What's the point of mentioning/including mini mario if the level doesn't implement it?

The second star coin in the level is hidden behind a mini pipe. Since contest entries are standalone, a (not random) mini mushroom needs to be in there *somewhere*.

Indeed, I should have added a mini-mushroom block, but I forgot it. And I also forgot to configure the midway flying block not to spawn a mega mushroom. But now, it's too late to correct it.
Posted on 03-05-17, 11:45 pm
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Karma: 6078
Posts: 2125/2735
Since: 01-17-13
Those are very minor details, though.
Posted on 03-08-17, 08:33 pm
Normal user

Karma: 2023
Posts: 266/359
Since: 07-08-12
I'm kinda swayed a bit by the judge's scores. Both of them were almost complete opposites except for a the other half of entries. That's kinda odd.
Posted on 03-09-17, 11:32 pm

Karma: 379
Posts: 206/226
Since: 08-17-11
Welp had some computer and internet issues so I couldn't vote in time. Shame too since I did play and wrote reviews for them all. Will post if anyone cares enough.
Pro lurker

My Hack (whoops link is fixed now):
Posted on 03-10-17, 01:43 am

Karma: 3306
Posts: 1944/2026
Since: 06-28-11
I want to see the feedback.

Need every bit of info to improve for next contest.

Posted on 03-10-17, 02:40 am (rev. 6 by  LuigiXHero on 03-10-17, 03:33 am)

Karma: 379
Posts: 207/226
Since: 08-17-11
btw poudink's hack is patch-able you had to open the rom in nsmbe first then patch.

Obviously doesn't match the theme.
I really dont like the pit near the start that has tree tops it makes it look like something is there but all there is, is death
The goombas with hats are cool but the quashed graphics are flipped.
The trail of coins after a jump if followed exactly leads to death.
Music is loud but the instrument choices and song choice are perfect.
Spikes have no sound.

First issue right off the bat is horrible enemy placement at the start. You should never place enemies right next to the player spawn point.
Also the not lava raises really fast and there are quite a lot of blind jumps making it extremely unfun.

I love the mvl music so that is a plus already lol.
First thing I noticed is no castle but the overworld and underground areas are visually impressive
You put lots of work into building the level and making it really detailed. I also noticed you have the right soundbank loaded for snow spikes.
The underground is frankly annoying though. I always seem to get hit by swoops. It was also confusing at first.
Also this level starts out with a enemy at the player spawn. Yes nintendo does this but that doesn't make it good.
The red coin part was really cool.
I really like this level.

The snow overworld is gorgeous and that music tho.
Finally a level that fits the theme. I don't recognize the level music but it's good.
Nice use of castle gimmicks.
The first star coin is a bit tricker then it should be though.
Amps don't make sounds.
Having an outdoor area makes for nice contrast and variety.
Bill blasters don't make sound.
Really nintendo-like level ending.
1-2 being different is cool (doesn't affect score obviously)
New starman music is godlike

Outdoor castle cool
Bill blasters make no sound.
Underground music?
Rather short but sweet.
Really nice use if tightrope.

Dunno how to do table thing so...

1st Thierry 84.3
2nd Lakitu64 80.6
3rd newluigidev 77.6
4th gridatttack 68.6
5th/dq poudink 50

Overall results are the same.
Pro lurker

My Hack (whoops link is fixed now):
Posted on 03-10-17, 03:05 pm
Giant Red Paratroopa
Not Edible

Karma: 3366
Posts: 253/1447
Since: 02-12-16
Thanks for the review, it's going to help me improve. The only thing is that I don't see any blind jumps...?
Nothing to say, so jadnjkfmnjamnfjkldnajfnjkanfjdksan jsdnvj m.

Posted on 03-10-17, 04:19 pm
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Karma: 6078
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Since: 01-17-13
Posted by LuigiXHero
I don't recognize the level music but it's good.

I composed it myself. Took a while, but I like the result.

Posted by LuigiXHero
1-2 being different is cool (doesn't affect score obviously)

testing purposes. I wondered if anyone would mind, too.
Posted on 07-23-17, 01:57 am
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Karma: 6078
Posts: 2216/2735
Since: 01-17-13
both dropbox links in the first post are dead.
Posted on 06-16-20, 07:03 pm
Drink Coffee, it's great :P

Karma: 1
Posts: 115/246
Since: 09-24-19
Sorry for the bump, but why this forum is unless now?
I make SM64 Based videos (Machinimas), subscribe!
My YouTube Channel
Posted on 06-16-20, 11:19 pm
Giant Paratroopa
Cream Cheese King

Karma: 2150
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Since: 04-24-18
because the contest ended a couple years ago.


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Posted on 06-17-20, 07:23 am
Red Cheep-cheep
MammaMia Team Member

Karma: 592
Posts: 98/216
Since: 04-26-19
Posted by Skylander
because the contest ended a couple years ago.
it is always possible to start a new contest or that subforum is totally dead?

Youtube - GitHub - NSMB Central
Posted on 06-17-20, 11:35 pm
Giant Paratroopa
Cream Cheese King

Karma: 2150
Posts: 1113/1379
Since: 04-24-18
thats up to the mods I believe

Discord Server 1 - Discord Server 2 - Youtube Channel
Posted on 06-19-20, 09:57 am
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Karma: 6078
Posts: 2663/2735
Since: 01-17-13
for a contest we need enough people to compete, as well as judges to fairly evaluate the levels. some grasp of level design and good taste is required for the latter.

Posted on 03-18-24, 08:04 am, deleted by  ItzTacos: Spam
Pages: 12 »