Pages: 1
Posted on 02-21-16, 10:18 pm (rev. 17 by  pinet on 02-24-19, 04:56 pm)

Karma: 1064
Posts: 41/200
Since: 02-02-15

More Super Mario "Bras." 2 - Choose a Path!

Worlds: overview
W1: Bras Grass
W2: Thirsty Land
W3: Wet Marshes
W4: Lousy Forest
W5: Popsicle Country
W6: Low Ridges
W7: White Smoke Land
W8: Barbecue Country

More Super Mario Bras 2 is the continuation of the previous classic with many new features. What if you could choose the path you want to go during the game at the same level? What if you could double the amount of different levels to explore in the same game? Well, now you can. In this variant, the player will have the option to select a different path to complete each level. Read more...

With 8 (eight) complete worlds, More Super Mario "Bras." 2 - Choose a Path! is a patch to add into the original New Super Mario Bros game for DS, to create a new game with new levels. First released in February/2016 for the Nintendo DS/3DS. More Super Mario Bros ("Bras.") 2 - Choose a Path! is a free open source hack, and the patch can be downloaded below.

For retro-compatibility, the game also features a the same customized multiplayer levels for two players with "More Super Mario Bras. 1". It was made using a minimum of imported tilesets. The design of the levels try to enjoy and make the most of originality and creativity with the pre-existing material.

World list
Date: February-2016
Type: Hack Variation
Assembled: Brazil
System Compatibility: Nintendo DS/3DS
Last Update: (August 06, 2016)
Stable Releases:
msmbr2vs101d (xdelta file) – Vs 1.0.1d 08.2016
msmbr2vs101d_ico (xdelta with icon) – Vs 1.0.1d 08.2016
more_smbr2_vs101d (nmp file) – Vs 1.0.1d 08.2016
msmbr2vs101b (zip file) – Vs 1.0.1b 06.2016
World 1: Bras Grass
Alternative Levels: 17
World 2: Thirsty Land
Alternative Levels: 20
World 3: Wet Marshes
Alternative Levels: 22
World 4: Lousy Forest Alternative Levels: 24
World 5: Popsicle Country
Alternative Levels: 21
World 6: Low Ridges
Alternative Levels: 22
World 7: White Smoke Land
Alternative Levels: 21
World 8: Barbecue Mustache Alternative Levels: 26
Total Worlds made: 8 Levels to explore: 173

Path download:

msmbr2vs101d (xdelta file) – Vs 1.0.1d 08.2016
msmbr2vs101d_ico (xdelta file with flash card icon) – Vs 1.0.1d 08.2016
more_smbr2_vs101d (nmp file) – Vs 1.0.1d 08.2016
msmbr2vs101b (zip file) – Vs 1.0.1b 06.2016 (deprecated)

February 2016 - More Super Mario "Bras" 2 Hack. All characters belong to Nintendo. This is a non profit hack game. The team is not liable for damage resulting from misuse of this software if you use non original ROMs. Buy the original game to add this mod.
(*)The xldelta patch contains all level previews with botton worlds. The nmp file have a default botton image because can't carry new image files. The xdelta with icon cannot be edited anymore with NSMBe.
Posted on 02-22-16, 12:32 am (rev. 2 by ImageBot on 11-21-16, 03:19 am)
この記号は… 解読できないよ…

Karma: 6288
Posts: 1776/2781
Since: 01-17-13


How come I read it 'New Super Mario Bra 2'?

One good example of a pair of BGs that doesn't fit (the top BG is too dark compared to the bottom one, and this applies to many of your levels).

Doesn't look much like ash particles at all, thus doesn't really fit.
Posted on 02-22-16, 03:18 am
Roy Koopa
The guy who does things.

Karma: 12749
Posts: 1975/2796
Since: 07-01-11
I'll approve this hack and move it to the main forum.

But I would also suggest changing the Snow FG effect to Ember in the image Thierry mentioned.
New Super Mario Bros.: Clone Tag Team 1+2 / New Super Mario Advance + Take 2 / Super Mario: Endless Earth
My two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart.
Posted on 02-22-16, 03:24 am

Karma: 165
Posts: 29/75
Since: 01-09-16
Maybe I am some dope that doesn't know how to use links buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut can you provide a download for a .nmp file? It would be much easier to patch it that way...
Cranky's Advice:
Git Gud!

NSMB Returns Progress (updated daily!)
Posted on 02-23-16, 08:21 am (rev. 11 by ImageBot on 11-21-16, 03:19 am)

Karma: 1064
Posts: 42/200
Since: 02-02-15
This is a log post as MSMB1. Update waiting technical analysis from levels of this release.
Same post to prevent scrolling.

Log for MSMB2vs101d (08.2016 last release)
- 5-Castle: water-lava glitch and Star Coin 1 fixed
- 6-2: star coin 3 fixed
- 6-3: star coin 3 fixed
- 6-T2: star coin 2 fixed

Log for MSMB2vs101c (08.2016)
- 1-4: coin 1 red pipe: fixed
- 2-T: coin 1 is coin 2: fixed
- 3-T: coin 3 is coin 1: fixed
- 3-A: dead-lock in path 3: fixed
- 4-3: coin 3 is coin 2: fixed
- 4-T: water-lava glitch: fixed
- 8-Final Castle: princess's kiss: fixed
- Credit Pictures: ok
- Cannon Levels: star coins fixed
- 8-T2: update member contribution: ok
- title-screen: update build version: ok

Log for MSMB2vs101b (02.2016 - valid)
- W3-A: Change layout and Star Coin 3
- minor other adjustments.

Log for MSMB2vs101a (deprecated)
- W6T-2: Fixed - Deadlock door nr. 17;
- W5-Castle: Fixed - Stuck player if squeeze under brick;
- minor other adjustments.

Log for MSMB2vs101 (discontinued)
- Title screen: Nr. "2" improve.
- W1-4: Montain fixed (finally someone noticed, good...).
- W8-6: Same opinion on sprites 311, 313. But, desire of the sponsors. Reason was volcanic ash in W6-3 from 3DS.
Posted on 02-26-16, 07:27 pm, deleted by  Arceus: This is NOT the board's language
Posted on 02-27-16, 12:00 am (rev. 6 by  pinet on 08-02-16, 11:23 am)

Karma: 1064
Posts: 44/200
Since: 02-02-15
Update: version 101c. Version 101b still valid.
Posted on 07-31-16, 10:33 pm

Karma: -1
Posts: 2/16
Since: 01-16-16
Hi: I'm liking your hack so far. I have foud a problem though. I could not enter the red pipe that leads to Star Coin number 1. You should correct that.
Posted on 07-31-16, 11:54 pm
Banned for being a complete retard.

Karma: 84
Posts: 70/140
Since: 02-25-16
I saw you edited recently the main post of the game. And put a version 101c?!? But not update the log. Which version we should trust?
Posted on 08-01-16, 12:29 am

Karma: 1064
Posts: 98/200
Since: 02-02-15
Hello joelcanciones,
Thank you very much, and sorry for ask...
In which level you find the bug? 1-2 or 1-3?

Hello Luluca,
The both versions are virtually the same.
Just few easter eggs and imperceptible refinements. I will update the log.
Posted on 08-01-16, 03:14 pm (rev. 8 by joelcanciones on 08-02-16, 07:57 am)

Karma: -1
Posts: 3/16
Since: 01-16-16
Hi: the problem I found was in level 1-4. The first Star Coin is not possible to get because you cannot enter the red pipe in the uneerground part.

The tower of the second world has an error which is the first Star Coin id impossible to get.

In the tower of the third world the last Star Coin is impossible to get. I suppose because it counts as the first one or the second one.

In level 3-A the pipe at the top of the part with the toxic water and the barrels is not enterable.

The third Star Coin of level 4-3 is not posible to get.

The tower of the fourth world has some lava in one of the paths that does not kill you ir you fall into it. It looks like lava but is normal swimable water.
Posted on 08-02-16, 11:27 am (rev. 15 by ImageBot on 11-21-16, 03:22 am)

Karma: 1064
Posts: 99/200
Since: 02-02-15
Hello joelcanciones,
Thank you very much for quality control.
Bugs fixed listed on Post #46377
Please, tell me if you find more bugs.

All bug was fixed in version 101c.

Level Previews with Select Player included.
Thanks Skawo for spread the how-to on Level Previews thread.

If you want see the pics, click on "spoiler" button below.
Level Preview Pics (94 files)

Or download the zip file: (1.562 Kb)

If you want see the pics, click on "spoiler" button below.
Botton Preview Pics (10 files)

Or download the zip file: (622 Kb)

[] -P
Posted on 08-03-16, 02:33 pm (rev. 14 by joelcanciones on 08-05-16, 12:12 am)

Karma: -1
Posts: 4/16
Since: 01-16-16
Hi again: New errrors found.

The fourth castle cannot be completed because the key falls into the water.

The lava in the room that ypu get to by using the door on the right in the fifth castle is water that looks like lava.

In the fifht castle the first Star Coin doesn't appear as collected in the world map.

In level 6-2 the third Star Coin doesn't appear as collected in the world map.

In le el 6-3 The third Star Coin does not apear as colectes in the world map.

I am almost sure there is an error in the second tower of world six. I couldn't find the second Star Coin even with the help of the guide/walkthrough. The yellow door leads back to the beginning of the level instead of the room with the second Star Coin.

In the last castle of world 8 the screen turns black when Peach kisses Mario. If possible, you should correct it so the ending is completely visible.

Also it would be a good idea to change the credits pictures to show how each level looks in your hack instead of how they look in the original game just as they were changed in New Super Mario Bros. Deluxe! or to include a small picture in the intro of a level with the level's name, the world's name and the possibility to choose to play as Mario or Luigi like in "Bras" 1 or both.

One question: Do all cannon levels have the three Star Coins? Because I could only find them in some of the cannon levels.

I have finished playing all levels and those were all errors I could find. Glad I could help.

Also in the fourth castle of your first hack (NOT this one) there is some lava that is water and des noyt kill you when you touch it.
Posted on 08-04-16, 11:55 pm (rev. 2 by  pinet on 08-05-16, 10:06 pm)

Karma: 1064
Posts: 101/200
Since: 02-02-15
Bugs Fixed! Thank you very much.
Logs on post #46377

[] -P
Posted on 08-05-16, 12:13 am

Karma: -1
Posts: 5/16
Since: 01-16-16
Also in the fourth castle of your first hack (NOT this one) there is some lava that is water and des noyt kill you when you touch it.
Posted on 08-06-16, 12:53 am
Banned for being a complete retard.

Karma: 84
Posts: 78/140
Since: 02-25-16
Not all bug was fixed. I played the last xdelta version (101c) with level previews, and some of the bugs listed by Joel Canciones are still there:

- 5-Castle (water-lava like glitch)
- Missed Star Coins:
- Star Coin 1 (5- castle)
- Star Coin 3 (6-2)
- Star Coin 3 (6-3)
- Star Coin 2 (6-Tower2)

I see you corrected the princess kiss bug... By changing the "Final Battle" area. Veeeeery smart.

Fix these bugs above and I think the community will have a decent playable hack to say... "Hum, It's not so bad".
Posted on 08-07-16, 01:31 am

Karma: 1064
Posts: 105/200
Since: 02-02-15
Bugs Fixed! Thank's for your considerations.
- Upgrade to version 101d
- Main post update.
- Logs on post #46377

[] -P
Posted on 11-30-17, 01:22 am
Giant Red Paratroopa
Not Edible

Karma: 3386
Posts: 456/1447
Since: 02-12-16
I started playing this, expecting something of the quality of the first game. I was disapointed. The game is so glitchy it's obvious it was never playtested at all. You can't even finish it because of a crash in one of the rooms in 8-Final Castle. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone. Play the first MSMB instead.
Nothing to say, so jadnjkfmnjamnfjkldnajfnjkanfjdksan jsdnvj m.

Posted on 12-28-18, 01:23 am
Giant Red Paratroopa
Not Edible

Karma: 3386
Posts: 682/1447
Since: 02-12-16
Me from a year in the post couldn't possibly think the crash was caused by nds-bootstrap so I'm making this post. Picked this up again today and tried changing a few settings and now it works fine (you have to use DSi mode). The game is now beatable and most freezes and crashes are fixed. I say most because 4-Castle is still unbeatable, unfortunately; you can't beat the game 100%. I can now recommend this hack, which I guess I'm the first to beat considering nobody seems to have talked about those issues except me or called me off for my mistake. It still glitchy, since you can't beat 4-Castle, among other things too, but it's enjoyable. I would still recommend MSMB1 over this.
Nothing to say, so jadnjkfmnjamnfjkldnajfnjkanfjdksan jsdnvj m.

Pages: 1