Pages: 1
Posted on 10-07-13, 02:05 pm (rev. 5 by  snake block on 12-21-13, 12:00 pm)

Karma: 1589
Posts: 395/1290
Since: 02-12-13

RVlution has it, so I thought I'd make one too.

This is the thread for SM3DW news and talk etc. etc.

The box-art:


Returning Enemies:

New enemies:



Returning Power-ups

New Power-ups



Copied from MarioWiki info:


end of copied from mariowiki info

World Levels:

Story (copied from MarioWiki):

Posted on 10-07-13, 05:12 pm

Karma: 418
Posts: 484/586
Since: 12-02-12
Good Thread.

I am really looking forward to buying this game, I love all the new mario games that come out on the Wii U. There is only 1 problem.. Ain't got a Wii U yet. Going to get one
with the money I get from my birthday & christmas.

When I looked at new powerups and saw "Double Cherry" I thought "I haven't heard that powerup before..." Went to the super mario wiki and found some more info on it:

Posted by Super Mario Wiki
When a character grabs this item, a double of them appears. This double keeps the original character's state (for example, Fire Mario will get a Fire Mario double), and moves identically to them. The doubles can be used to activate certain switches and platforms. Though characters can have an unlimited number of doubles, which is based only on how many Double Cherries they get, a double disintegrates if it is harmed, and all doubles disappear when the player grabs the Goal Pole and will award the player with points.

Cat bell looks awesome. I love cats... Below is some info about it from the SMWiki.

Posted by Super Mario Wiki
The Super Bell is an item introduced in the upcoming game for Wii U, Super Mario 3D World. It is a golden striped bell with beady eyes. When obtained, Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, or Toad will transform into their cat form, which allows them to run up walls, slide into enemies, attack in midair, and climb up Goal Poles.

Can get lots of 1ups with this by climbing up flag poles.
Posted on 10-07-13, 05:17 pm (rev. 3 by  snake block on 10-09-13, 01:31 pm)

Karma: 1589
Posts: 405/1290
Since: 02-12-13
Posted by P-Wing
Good Thread.



By the way, I also don't have a Wii U. I can't afford it too, so sadly I can't get this game.

But it looks awesome.

Posted by P-Wing
Cat bell looks awesome. I love cats... Below is some info about it from the SMWiki.
Posted by Super Mario Wiki
The Super Bell is an item introduced in the upcoming game for Wii U, Super Mario 3D World. It is a golden striped bell with beady eyes. When obtained, Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, or Toad will transform into their cat form, which allows them to run up walls, slide into enemies, attack in midair, and climb up Goal Poles.

I know, I read Super Mario Wiki

And I'm quite excited that the Mega Mushroom makes a return. I loved Godzilla-ing in NSMB with Mega Mario but in...HD?!? Oh awesomecats!

Posted by P-Wing
Can get lots of 1ups with this by climbing up flag poles.

No, sadly we can not actually get 1-UPs by climbing up flag poles with Cat Suit. We just get 100,000 points (I think that's the number of points we get?). But if we do jump up the flagpoles without Cat Suit (Or with Cat Suit too probably, but only if you jump on top of it instead of climbing) you still can get 1-UP.
Posted on 11-12-13, 12:47 am
King of Composers

Karma: -24
Posts: 246/274
Since: 03-15-13
Alright, so the game is coming out very soon. I have quite the story to tell about this game. First off, I was incredibly skeptical after watching the first trailer. I thought "Another 3D Land? COME ON". It looked un-ambitious compared to Mario's last console adventure duo, the galaxy games. But then the second trailer hit. I noticed orchestrated music, some fantastic level design and new and returning powerups, and a much more fun game. So I gave it a chance, and now what? The game looks damn fun to play. And I can't wait. This looks like a fun Mario game, but nothing to blow us away. Gotta accept it for what it is, and not what it isn't.
Posted on 11-12-13, 01:29 am
Roy Koopa
The guy who does things.

Karma: 12729
Posts: 1159/2796
Since: 07-01-11
Alright, so the game is coming out very soon. I have quite the story to tell about this game. First off, I was incredibly skeptical after watching the first trailer. I thought "Another 3D Land? COME ON". It looked un-ambitious compared to Mario's last console adventure duo, the galaxy games. But then the second trailer hit. I noticed orchestrated music, some fantastic level design and new and returning powerups, and a much more fun game. So I gave it a chance, and now what? The game looks damn fun to play. And I can't wait. This looks like a fun Mario game, but nothing to blow us away. Gotta accept it for what it is, and not what it isn't.

I stumbled on to one of your posts on YouTube saying pretty much the same thing last night.

And I have to agree.

I'm still majorly disappointed that 3D World was not the Mario game I've been waiting for for the last... let me count... 12 years, and until that open-world Mario comes I'll probably remain disappointed.

But this game still looks pretty damn fun.

What I hated about 3D Land was the lack of content. Almost half the levels were just cheap re-skins of previous levels with an added gimmick. And there was no variety in gameplay, there were only two types of level; jump-n-run (and nothing else) and the on-the-rails levels (which were slow as shit and defeats the purpose of playing in a 3D space).

But luckily there is variety in 3D World, hallelujah! The Mystery Boxes have purpose, there's the Captain Toad levels, and in the main quest there's slides and Plessie, and the Game Pad touch-screen controls. There's actual invention in this game, and I for one am hyped for it.
New Super Mario Bros.: Clone Tag Team 1+2 / New Super Mario Advance + Take 2 / Super Mario: Endless Earth
My two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart.
Posted on 11-12-13, 08:03 am
Knifed by Sakuya

Karma: 428
Posts: 250/289
Since: 07-03-13

The only actual thing about 3D world that caught my attention was the Multiplayer.
I loved the multiplayer and how you can't do friendly fire.
Or you can but they all backed off.
I was actually expected mini mushroom too. But oh well.

The thing about this is that most of the Mario games do include multiplayer but this has CO-OP.
I LOVE co-op. and i hope they actually continue games for old consoles.

Flandre Scarlet Layout done by  Lunarius
Posted on 11-29-13, 01:29 am
Roy Koopa
The guy who does things.

Karma: 12729
Posts: 1178/2796
Since: 07-01-11
So, there's less than 24 hours until this game launches in Australia, and I will be waking up early to pick up my pre-order on this one.

I am so hyped right now, even though it's not the usual hype I get for a Mario game.
New Super Mario Bros.: Clone Tag Team 1+2 / New Super Mario Advance + Take 2 / Super Mario: Endless Earth
My two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart.
Posted on 11-29-13, 02:07 pm

Karma: 418
Posts: 556/586
Since: 12-02-12
Launched, now available in my country. So excited, getting it soon! Well, for christmas when I actually get a Wii U...
Posted on 11-30-13, 02:41 am
Super Mario
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Karma: 10026
Posts: 3911/4458
Since: 06-08-11
I don't even have a wii u. Lol.

Will probably play this sooner or later with a friend or something.

The game looks quite cool though. I hope they manage to get it less linear than previous 3d Mario games...
Posted on 11-30-13, 06:11 am
Roy Koopa
The guy who does things.

Karma: 12729
Posts: 1179/2796
Since: 07-01-11
Posted by Dirbaio
I don't even have a wii u. Lol.

Will probably play this sooner or later with a friend or something.

The game looks quite cool though. I hope they manage to get it less linear than previous 3d Mario games...

You will be disappointed, I'm afraid.

Luckily the Green Stars do provide some form of exploration, though minimal.
New Super Mario Bros.: Clone Tag Team 1+2 / New Super Mario Advance + Take 2 / Super Mario: Endless Earth
My two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart.
Posted on 11-30-13, 05:01 pm
King of Composers

Karma: -24
Posts: 259/274
Since: 03-15-13
I have the game and it is awesome! I am not too huge of a fan of the linear level design, but the game definitely makes up for it with the powerups and music.
Posted on 12-01-13, 03:08 am (rev. 1 by ImageBot on 11-21-16, 02:39 am)

Karma: 8548
Posts: 375/1681
Since: 06-09-12
I bought it today.

There is a funny peace of fur on the stomach of Mario on box

But watch yourself:

GitHub - Kuribo64 - YouTube
Posted on 12-21-13, 12:03 pm

Karma: 1589
Posts: 692/1290
Since: 02-12-13
What do you mean?
Posted on 12-21-13, 07:24 pm

Karma: 16
Posts: 110/286
Since: 08-05-13
I think like there is really a piece of fur (like the one in kids books) on the box.
Posted on 12-21-13, 07:57 pm

Karma: 1589
Posts: 693/1290
Since: 02-12-13
lol, now I understand. XD Great detail, Big N.
Posted on 12-21-13, 09:11 pm

Karma: 16
Posts: 114/286
Since: 08-05-13
Yeah, I like it too.
Posted on 12-21-13, 09:23 pm
Normal gamer, retired hacker

Karma: 256
Posts: 284/374
Since: 05-03-13
I finally own this Game and i will give 100 of 100 Points for this Masterpiece.
Posted on 12-21-13, 10:07 pm

Karma: 16
Posts: 115/286
Since: 08-05-13
I wish I could get this game. I don't have a Wii U .
Posted on 12-22-13, 07:55 am

Karma: 46
Posts: 157/182
Since: 07-02-12
This game, while really good, still has some faults.

1. Time Limits

These never really were a problem in 3D Land but they just sting here.

2. Linearity

LINEAR LINEAR LINEAR, this game eats, sleeps, and breathes linear

3. 8 Directional Movement

NO NO NO, I should be able to move wherever I want.

But besides that the game is pretty much fantastic.
Community Remix Stuff:

World 3-C: 99% Complete (Released)

World 4-Tower: Not started yet
Pages: 1