Pages: 1
Posted on 04-04-13, 02:08 pm (rev. 1 by  Freeze on 09-05-13, 05:01 pm)

Karma: 3757
Posts: 1805/2112
Since: 06-28-11

Make a Level

First of all, choose Tilesets listed in this thread you want to use in your level: Tileset List. Download it by clicking the link and import it into the corresponding number using NSMBe. Don't use tilesets that aren't in that list. Levels made with different ones won't be accepted, unless you rebuild it with the tilesets listet in that thread.

You don't need to care about Backgrounds for now, because we haven't even assigned IDs to them. For now, use a random one for your level. We will change the already uploaded level for you, once we have assigned IDs to the Backgrounds.

When this is done, apply to make a Level in this thread: Level list. Search for a level that hasn't already been taken by somebody else and write it as a short post there, like Please add me as a maker of the Level wX-Y. (X and Y are random numbers in this example). Don't apply to make a level, when you actually plan to get inactive on this site. It is just annoying and does not help us.

Now you can finally start making a level. Try to make it as beatiful as you can. This thread will probably help you with designing levels properly: tutorial Best practices when making NSMB levels.

When you have finished designing your Level, upload it in the board's included Uploader. Get the link of your level and post it in the Level list.

You may update your level, even if it is already uploaded and posted. Just upload the updated level again and post your link again in the Level list.

Have fun designing your Level! And if you are doing it, I got to say thanks to you on behalf of this whole community!

Make a Tileset

To make a Tileset apply for a tileset that hasn't already been made in the Tileset List. Then we will tell you, wether a tileset of that sort is needed or not. If we tell you that it is needed, you can finally start.

First get a good image editing software. My personal recommendation is Gimp or Photoshop. Photoshop is payware, so unless you want to pay or pirate it, you should download Gimp, which is powerful too, but is freeware. Of course you can use any other software but Microsoft Paint. It does not support transparency, so it is not able to make a proper tileset.

Create an image with the size of 256x112, which is the size of NSMB's tilesets. Now you can start painting the tiles (16x16). You should look in different tilesets, if you don't know how they look like in NSMB. How you paint your tileset is something that is fully up to you. At least it should look good.

Don't forget to kepping the Community up-to-date with your work. So everytime you make a little progress, post a little screenshot of your work in the Tileset List, because there are always little things that only another's eyes can see. If everybody is fine with it, continue.

Once the tileset has been finished, import it to NSMB and do the Map16, Tile behaviors and objects. Currently there isn't a proper tutorial about Tilesets. So just wait for one to come. Now test your tileset to see eventual bugs. If it passes the test, upload it on the board's included Uploader. Post the link to it in the Tileset List. It will be added to list soon.

You may update your tileset, even if it is already uploaded and posted. Just upload the updated tileset again and post your link again in the Tileset List.

I know, making a tileset is hell of a work, but if you would be so nice to make one, we would all really appreciate your work!

Make a Background

You don't need to apply for a background here. Probably you should just let the people know that you are making one and what you are making in this thread: Background list!. Also don't make a Background that has already been posted in there. It is inefficient to have two Backgrounds of the same kind.

First get a good image editing software. My personal recommendation is Gimp or Photoshop. Photoshop is payware, so unless you want to pay or pirate it, you should download Gimp, which is powerful too, but is freeware. Of course you can use any other software but Microsoft Paint. It does not support transparency, so it is not able to make a proper background.

Now create an image of the size 512x512. Draw a background with good quality. This thread will probably help you with that: BG Editing How-To. When you have finished, upload it as a .PNG on the board's included Uploader. Post it in the Background list!.

We say thanks to you if you make one! You would really help us out.
Posted on 01-11-14, 01:55 pm
supporter of PixelFox. oh boohoohoo

Karma: -110
Posts: 6/91
Since: 11-30-13
do you have a beta download so I can help? (I might just be confused, because I really can't help without the rom to work on...)That's it! an online editor with chat. and everyone can work on it at once!!!!
Posted on 01-11-14, 05:37 pm
Super Mario
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Karma: 10026
Posts: 3956/4458
Since: 06-08-11
You can download tilesets from the tileset thread, make some levels with one, and post it in the level thread
Posted on 01-11-14, 06:10 pm

Karma: 1589
Posts: 733/1290
Since: 02-12-13
Posted by mario1luigi9
do you have a beta download so I can help? (I might just be confused, because I really can't help without the rom to work on...)That's it! an online editor with chat. and everyone can work on it at once!!!!

That's not how you do it, also there's no online editor with chat...

What you have to do to help for the Community Remix?


Read this DARN THREAD.

1. Go to Google and search for a New Super Mario Bros. ROM (I won't give a link! Find it yourself.) Then, find an emulator (preferably DesMuME) for testing.

3. Go to the Tilesets subforum and find the Tileset list thread, then download which tileset you want to work on your level with. (Tileset = the tiles which you use to make the levels, the graphics of the ground, decoration etc. etc...) For example, if you want the level to be snowy, download the Snow + Ice tileset (by  Freeze).

4. Download NSMBe (New Super Mario Bros. Editor), to downoad it, you have to have eyes and a brain. Look on the right of this page, you'll see a "Download NSMBe" button. Yes, click on that and download it. Easy.

5. Open NSMBe and load your NSMB ROM from the little window which comes up.

6. Click the Tilesets tab and go back to the Tileset list thread, then under "Tileset Slot", check the number which is to the left of the tileset you downloaded, remember the number (numbers if there are more than 1 numbers), then go back to NSMB Editor then select the number you saw in the Tileset List under "Tileset Slot". Then click the button "Import" then select the tileset you just downloaded. Click the Level Listing tab, and select 1-1 (for better testing), and apply the tileset you downloaded (click the graphics tab, and select the tileset from the dropdown which says "Tileset".

7. Select 1-1 (for better testing), and apply the tileset you downloaded (click the graphics tab, and select the number from the dropdown which says "Tileset".

8. Make your level with the tiles you see. Once done, click the save button (The floppy disk icon), then close the window with the level. Select the level you were making, then click the Export Level button. Save the level, and then go to the NSMBHD Uploader (on the right), upload the level, then post it in the Level thread in the levels subforum. Hope it helped mario1luigi9 or anyone else
Posted on 04-30-14, 03:33 pm

Karma: 1
Posts: 1/1
Since: 04-30-14
Hello, is it possible to rejoign the community now, because if it's yes, I will make some levels as far as possible.
Posted on 04-30-14, 05:41 pm
この記号は… 解読できないよ…

Karma: 6078
Posts: 649/2735
Since: 01-17-13
Posted by nanoman6666
Hello, is it possible to rejoign the community now, because if it's yes, I will make some levels as far as possible.

A very similar question has been posted here.

Also, the answer means:

Posted by someone, somewhere, and I forgot where.
Anyone is free to contribute to the Community Remix.

Posted on 12-06-14, 09:20 am

Karma: -30
Posts: 12/19
Since: 11-29-14
I don't have a specialty in anything to do with hacking, I don't have an imagination either.

Even look at my footer I haven't even made a hack yet
My Hacks

Last updated: 05:29 PM 07/12/2014
Posted on 12-06-14, 09:41 am, deleted by  Piranhaplant
Posted on 02-01-15, 01:28 am

Karma: 379
Posts: 116/226
Since: 08-17-11
Quick question is this still a thing? If so I will work on some levels for it. I would help with tile sets but I can't draw that well.
Pro lurker

My Hack (whoops link is fixed now):
Posted on 02-01-15, 04:08 pm
Giant Red Koopa

Karma: 886
Posts: 1252/1315
Since: 11-12-12
yes it is still a thing.
Posted on 02-07-15, 09:50 pm

Karma: 379
Posts: 118/226
Since: 08-17-11
ok cool I'll start making levels for it then.
Pro lurker

My Hack (whoops link is fixed now):
Posted on 06-30-15, 10:26 pm
Red Koopa
dupe of MegaMarioManiac

Karma: -154
Posts: 6/120
Since: 06-30-15
umm there is not a board uploader anymore so how do wee support to any of these?
Check my channel out, getting popular!
My Hack:

Version 1.3!!!!

Mario Kart 7 Community Code:
Please join that community it needs players!
Posted on 08-15-16, 08:09 pm

Karma: -17
Posts: 1/13
Since: 08-15-16
I can make some levels give you guys some models btw I'm new to hack nsmb
Posted on 04-25-19, 07:58 am
Red Goomba
Insert title

Karma: 38
Posts: 2/47
Since: 04-21-19
Sorry but i don't know how to publish my level
(Sorry for my bad english)
Posted on 04-25-19, 08:42 am
W1 out :)

Karma: 544
Posts: 226/229
Since: 10-22-17 you basically do what you see on the picture, but instead of 'import level' you press 'export level' to export the area.
previously (un)known as BooChewbaca
Posted on 04-25-19, 09:20 am
Red Goomba
Insert title

Karma: 38
Posts: 4/47
Since: 04-21-19
Thank you
Pages: 1