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Posted on 11-17-14, 03:56 pm (rev. 2 by Thierry on 11-17-14, 03:56 pm)
この記号は… 解読できないよ…

Karma: 6351
Posts: 1214/2788
Since: 01-17-13
...Thierry bumps this thread.

Then  gridatttack bans him for bumping it.

Thierry is now  Thierry.

 Thierry goes FUUUUU
Posted on 11-18-14, 12:43 pm

Karma: 1753
Posts: 482/658
Since: 05-14-14
Thierry hacks the board to unban himself.
 Dirbaio then comes in and superbans Thierry forever.
Tierage approaches and then spams Featherland with forum game posts.

And then...
Posted on 11-18-14, 10:09 pm

Karma: 348
Posts: 46/250
Since: 06-19-13
Feather Land is in ruins.

Dirbaio comes to the rescue.

Dirbaio becomes the best admin of all time!

Let's Play:
Honest Quality Rippers Needed!

Posted on 11-18-14, 10:33 pm

Karma: 1753
Posts: 488/658
Since: 05-14-14
StapleButter is jealous of how awesome of a staff member Dirbaio is, so StapleButter bans Dirbaio. Everyone gets angry about this, so all the other members of the NSMB Hacking Domain assault Staple with waffles. Staple hires Kirby to eat all the waffles, but after a while Kirby vomits out the Waffle Bomb™, blowing up the NSMB Hacking Domain and forever leaving it in ruins. Well, that would be the case, but then...
Posted on 11-18-14, 11:15 pm
この記号は… 解読できないよ…

Karma: 6351
Posts: 1222/2788
Since: 01-17-13
...Tierage comes and believe in Magic. He restores the board for more spam.

Thierry comes at him and says...
Posted on 11-18-14, 11:36 pm

Karma: 1753
Posts: 489/658
Since: 05-14-14
Thierry: Tierage! Why are you so addicted to magic?
Tierage: 'Cause I am a fabulous magician. I can really magic it up.

Thierry then asks Tierage to do a magic trick. In the process of this magic trick Tierage sets Thierry on fire, which lasted until...
Posted on 11-19-14, 05:17 pm

Karma: 348
Posts: 50/250
Since: 06-19-13
Posted by Tierage
Thierry: Tierage! Why are you so addicted to magic?
Tierage: 'Cause I am a fabulous magician. I can really magic it up.

Thierry then asks Tierage to do a magic trick. In the process of this magic trick Tierage sets Thierry on fire, which lasted until...
Tierage got tired, then revealed to Thierry something shocking.

Tierage: I...Am your father.

Let's Play:
Honest Quality Rippers Needed!

Posted on 11-19-14, 05:41 pm
この記号は… 解読できないよ…

Karma: 6351
Posts: 1229/2788
Since: 01-17-13
...Thierry edit this to 'Tierage: I...Am your cousin.' and accepts. Tierage is now a member of the Derp Family. But then...
Posted on 11-19-14, 06:23 pm

Karma: 92
Posts: 8/14
Since: 11-19-14
... MercuryPenny comes in and gets killed by an urchin for no real reason. Nobody mourns his death. Then...
Things: YouTube
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Posted on 11-19-14, 06:59 pm

Karma: 348
Posts: 51/250
Since: 06-19-13
Posted by MercuryPenny
... MercuryPenny comes in and gets killed by an urchin for no real reason. Nobody mourns his death. Then...
Herobrine Comes to revive him.
 MercuryPenny is now MercuryBriney, but...
Let's Play:
Honest Quality Rippers Needed!

Posted on 11-19-14, 08:04 pm

Karma: 1753
Posts: 494/658
Since: 05-14-14
Steve comes and beats the absolute crap out of everyone, to which everyone dies...
Posted on 11-19-14, 08:39 pm

Karma: 348
Posts: 52/250
Since: 06-19-13
Everybody presses respawn.

A new member came in.
newsuperhackboys: Hello!

Thierry : Uhhhhh.......

But just before Thierry Was about to speak...
Let's Play:
Honest Quality Rippers Needed!

Posted on 11-19-14, 08:45 pm
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Karma: 6351
Posts: 1230/2788
Since: 01-17-13
...Tierage killed  newsuperhackboys. Thierry tries to drag some admins there to prevent spam. He did drag  Dirbaio,  gridatttack, but also SKJmin, who he mistaken for  MarioFanatic64.

So now,  Dirbaio...
Posted on 11-19-14, 09:01 pm

Karma: 348
Posts: 53/250
Since: 06-19-13
Created a new rule called, "Shall not kill". Later on  Dirbaio created the rest of ten commandments and became the god of the domain.

Later, Thierry tries to do CPR on  newsuperhackboys and...
Let's Play:
Honest Quality Rippers Needed!

Posted on 11-19-14, 10:50 pm

Karma: 1753
Posts: 495/658
Since: 05-14-14
They accidentally make love and about a yaer later they have mutant alien babies that try to destroy the world. Then they...
Posted on 11-19-14, 10:56 pm
この記号は… 解読できないよ…

Karma: 6351
Posts: 1232/2788
Since: 01-17-13
...comes at you and strangles you for making the shitiest part of this story.

The End of Tierage

And now...
Posted on 11-20-14, 01:05 am

Karma: 1753
Posts: 496/658
Since: 05-14-14
The mutant alien babies go around and duplicate themselves, eventually infecting everyone and making them mutant alien babies. Eventually after some time there are several trillion mutant alien babies. But then...
Posted on 11-20-14, 02:30 am

Karma: 92
Posts: 9/14
Since: 11-19-14
... MercuryPenny uses an AK-47 to wipe out the originals, which cures the infected. Then a meteor crushes him because he is a butt monkey. Following this...
Things: YouTube
Your ad right here, right now (Max 3): $0 (Click me!)
Posted on 11-20-14, 02:31 am

Karma: 1753
Posts: 497/658
Since: 05-14-14
The evil chicken lizard comes and plays a sweet ukulele solo.
Posted on 11-20-14, 05:24 am (rev. 2 by  shaddow24 on 11-20-14, 05:24 am)
Red Cheep-cheep

Karma: 342
Posts: 177/209
Since: 01-09-14
Oops nvm. Someone delete this post please.
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