Sprite DBBy Category
Welcome to the Sprite DB! Here you will find information on how to use any sprite in NSMB.
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All sprites


Known, incomplete

Known, complete

Platforms and ropes
Event controllers
Bosses and cutscenes
Camera controllers
Useless sprites
Effects and decorations
Enemies - Overground
Enemies - Underground
Enemies - Water
Enemies - Snow
Enemies - Fire
Enemies - Castle
Enemies - Ghost House
Enemies - Desert

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 326 total

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27 248Bill Blaster (Bullet Bill launcher)
Shooting direction: list at nybble 9: 1=Left,2=Right,0=Both
Height: value at nybble 10. A height of 9 or more will make the Bill Blaster invisible if the 8 bottommost tiles disappear from view, but still retains collision.
Unknown 8: value at nybble 8. Was used by Nintendo devs, somehow as a copy of Nybble 10, but is apparently never called at all, needs testing. Doesn't seem to affect spawned Bullet Bills settings.
Unknown 11: value at nybble 11. is stored by the game for ulterior use but seems to never be called, still needs testing. Doesn't seem to affect spawned Bullet Bills settings.
Mariorrt (rev. 29)