General information
Name  gridatttack
Power Root
Sex N/A
Rank Birdo
To next rank 74 posts
Karma 3316
Total posts 2026 (0.42 per day)
Total threads 28 (0.01 per day)
Registered on 06-28-11, 01:20 am (4833 days ago)
Last post 06-30-24, 02:53 am (82 days ago)
in a restricted forum.
Last view 09-02-24, 04:35 am (18 days ago)
Browser Firefox 129.0 on Firefox OS
Badges View 830,000 View 990,000 View 980,000 View 950,000 View 930,000 View 920,000 View 910,000 View 900,000 View 9,400,000 View 880,000 View 870,000 View 860,000 View 850,000 View 840,000 View 1,000,000 View 4,700,000 View 2,200,000 View 13,950,000 View 11,500,000 View 10,000,000 View 1,950,000 View 1,900,000 View 1,700,000 View 1,500,000 View 1,350,000 View 1,200,000 View 1,150,000 View 1,050,000
Total +1s received 205 [View...]
From: Asprok (18),  Helios (15),  Tiger21820 (12),  Hiccup (11),  CreativiPie (11), more...
Total +1s given 5
To: Garmichael (2),  MarioSunshine (1),  MarioFanatic64 (1),  Dirbaio (1)
Contact information
Email address Private
Homepage Youtube -
Theme Old Cheese
Items per page 20 posts, 50 threads
Language Board default
Personal information
Location El Salvador
Sprite database
Total edits 19
Sprites edited 12
Last edits Giant Piranha Plant (122) on 09-06-14, 10:48 pm
Unused bricks (175) on 07-06-14, 06:45 pm
Bowser Jr. boss (220) on 10-01-13, 03:45 am
Bowser Jr. boss (220) on 09-05-13, 01:33 am
Bowser Jr. boss (220) on 08-30-13, 04:56 am
Bowser Jr. boss (220) on 08-20-13, 03:50 am
Slower purple tilting mushroom [Unused] (203) on 10-19-12, 06:31 pm
Slower purple tilting mushroom (203) on 10-17-12, 03:32 am
Skeeter (116) on 10-08-12, 01:18 am
Shark (No generator) (67) on 09-22-12, 04:01 pm
Comments about  gridatttack
« 4344454647484950515253 »
Asprok Hey! I might be asking a dumb question, but is there a rule that forbids you of using popular music in your hack here?
Asprok Oh, that's nice! And I forgot you speak Spanish. xD Oops!
Asprok Tienes todos los badges del mundo.
Asprok Lo sé, quise decir que tienes bastantes. No dudo que llegues a obtener también el View 1,000,000,000.
 snake block You checked out the reuben smb3 editor? It's amazing and it's what has enabled me to make a smb3 hack with custom graphics and all.
 snake block It's released, just kinda hard to find. There's also a pretty major bug with it but there's a fix...even harder to find.
 snake block If you want I can send you it though.
 snake block I'm pretty sure it wasn't. The glitch is one where somehow the graphics all get glitched and there's no reversal or a way to avoid it. I don't quite know what triggers it yet though...
 snake block I believe you need the rom to save the changes in the editor. Well I have a rom file sent to me by  SaturnYoshi. I'll give it to you by pm.
 snake block (along with the fix of course)
 TRS I think you would have kept it at 0 if you could undo that first accidental one.
 MeroMero Thanks for the re-welcome (if that's even a word).
If possible I also would like to ask for a name change, from Sharks to MeroMero, please?
 MeroMero Thanks, it's appreciated.
Thierry Lol, you posted after a full month, minus one day.
Thierry Also, I don't remember clearly, was your post layout a direct rip from NSMB?
« 4344454647484950515253 »
Sample post

Karma: 3316
Posts: 2026
Since: 06-28-11
This is a sample post. You probably already know what this is for.

Posted by Goomba
Posted by Mario
Oh, nooo! *stomp*

Well, what more could you want to know? Perhaps how to do the classic infinite loop?
    printf("Hello World!");
