Name |
NeverEndingGamer |
Power |
Normal |
Sex |
Female |
Title |
Knifed by Sakuya
Karma |
428 |
Total posts |
289 (0.07 per day) |
Total threads |
18 (0.00 per day) |
Registered on |
07-03-13, 06:21 am (4214 days ago) |
Last post |
07-08-14, 01:20 am (3844 days ago) in Kid Icarus Uprising (General Chat) » 36180 |
Last view |
09-12-14, 11:31 am (3777 days ago) |
Browser |
Chrome 34.0.1847 on Windows XP |
Total +1s received |
33 [View...] From: snake block (10), Tiger21820 (4), KingYoshi (2), Ruedajv10 (2), CreativiPie (2), more... |
Total +1s given |
40 To: Dirbaio (7), Arceus (6), MarioFanatic64 (6), Arisotura (5), Wesley (2), more... |
Email address |
Private |
Theme |
NSMB Winter Night |
Items per page |
20 posts, 50 threads |
Language |
Board default |
Location |
Somewhere in the World |
Hello! I'm NeverEndingGamer and i hope i have fun here!
I'm also Phungg on RK of minecraft,
My hack is New super Remix bros
Total edits |
0 |
Sprites edited |
0 |
123456› » |
Restarting a Hacking life here.
that idea with the wrappings its a nice idea, i wil try to make it in the game
Okay! Thanks!
Next time, please dont reply to such threads
Okay. I won't do it again
Nothing. Its just some score, more like an user rating, in which users can vote up or down other users.
ooh. Thanks for the help
When someone writes smth. in your profile its better you answer in his profile back. Because sometimes they dont notice it. Just as a little tip
Thanks that looks really cool. Maybe I will use it soon.
I'm creating a hack soon. Mario's greatest and biggest adventures may have taken a turn..
Pretty much is, from the word above, add/remove/change a letter to make another one.
Nice minipic.
123456› » |
Sample post
This is a sample post. You probably already know what this is for.
Spoiler Test
"I'm a-Luigi, number one!"
Well, what more could you want to know? Perhaps how to do the classic infinite loop?
while(true){ printf("Hello World!"); }
_________________________ Flandre Scarlet Layout done by Lunarius