General information
Name  Staryu Trek
Power Normal
Sex Male
Title How New is this domain still...
Rank Red Koopa
To next rank 13 posts
Karma 149
Total posts 127 (2.54 per day)
Total threads 10 (0.20 per day)
Registered on 08-24-24, 07:01 pm (50 days ago)
Last post 10-09-24, 07:08 pm (4 days ago)
in spoiler warning Newer Super Mario Bros. DS - my playthrough (General Chat) » 76070
Last view 10-09-24, 07:08 pm (4 days ago)
Browser Mozilla 5.0 on Nintendo 3DS
Total +1s received 11 [View...]
From:  __fp (6),  KingYoshi (2),  Keeper (1),  Mr. Ztardust (1),  utubeluigi4life (1)
Total +1s given 49
To:  __fp (7),  Arisotura (5),  KingYoshi (4), Thierry (4),  Mr. Ztardust (4), more...
Contact information
Email address None given
Theme NSMB Castle
Items per page 20 posts, 50 threads
Language Board default
Personal information
Real name The Kid Who Does Not Work At Nintendo
Location The Netherlands
Birthday June 22, 2001 (23 years old)
Sprite database
Total edits 0
Sprites edited 0
Comments about  Staryu Trek
« 123456 »
 __fp dorp
 Staryu Trek dårp
 __fp dürp
 Staryu Trek dærp
 crook oh lmfao
 __fp prrp
 Staryu Trek


 crook both ;-;
 Staryu Trek the game
Thierry Just bump it. No sense making a duplicate thread; try to corrupt the last wish that was sent, though.
Thierry That's fair. That said, there may be no reply to either of these threads. Featherland was closed down partly due to lack of interest, so there's no guarantee there will be much.
Thierry looks decent, shrug. I'm not really one for aesthetics when it comes to art
 Mr. Ztardust Hooray!
 Keeper ah gotcha. also, i recall you mentioned in that featherland thread you used to be around here in back in 2014-17 — didja used to be a member under a different name? if you dont mind me asking
 Keeper i just sorta figured you were a friend of thierrys from the 64ds scene that happened to come by
« 123456 »
Sample post
Red Koopa
How New is this domain still...

Karma: 149
Posts: 127
Since: 08-24-24
This is a sample post. You probably already know what this is for.

Posted by Goomba
Posted by Mario
Oh, nooo! *stomp*

Well, what more could you want to know? Perhaps how to do the classic infinite loop?
    printf("Hello World!");