General information
Name Thierry
Power Admin
Sex N/A
Title この記号は… 解読できないよ…
Karma 6351
Total posts 2788 (0.64 per day)
Total threads 37 (0.01 per day)
Registered on 01-17-13, 08:43 pm (4362 days ago)
Last post 12-18-24, 04:55 pm (9 days ago)
in a restricted forum.
Last view 12-28-24, 05:12 am (6 hours ago)
Browser Firefox 133.0 on Firefox OS
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Total +1s received 600 [View...]
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Email address Private
Theme NSMB Castle
Items per page 20 posts, 50 threads
Language Board default
Sprite database
Total edits 13
Sprites edited 11
Last edits Event controller - "IF" (uses zones) (168) on 07-28-24, 08:03 am
Event controller - "IF" (uses zones) (168) on 07-28-24, 08:01 am
Spiny (37) on 07-26-24, 10:02 pm
Ground-pound panel (146) on 08-18-21, 01:27 am
Chain Chomp / Log (42) on 01-28-15, 06:14 pm
Line platform (91) on 07-14-14, 11:51 pm
Hammer Brother (59) on 04-17-14, 03:59 pm
Lakitu spawner (183) on 04-15-14, 08:50 pm
Unknown (169) on 04-12-14, 02:19 pm
Unknown (125) on 04-12-14, 10:42 am
Comments about Thierry
« 103104105106107108109110111112113 » THC c'est le finalboss et il faut le battre en CORRIGEANT SES FOTE D'ORTOGRAFFE "j'ai fini je jeu" tu viens de perdre une vie! tu as fait une fote d'ortograffe
 Izmirnator To my Hacks. They should turn into an friendship project.
 Izmirnator  YEYEO has ask me if he can join my Team, i said yes. becuz there are some fote d'ortograffe? sur ceux je vais dormir
 Izmirnator IzmirnaTeam is founded.
 Izmirnator I have learn German, English and French at school.
 Izmirnator Yes it`s cool. Learn Albanien is difficult.
Thierry [00:18] *** Channel mode is +snt
Thierry [00:18] -COMMS- [Logon News - Jun 13 2013] All Channel, Server and Network personnel: To avoid unnessasary collateral against mibbit users Please Note
 Izmirnator Aew
 Izmirnator Are you going to sleep now?
 Izmirnator Bonne nuit.
 Izmirnator Take care now. Bye.
« 103104105106107108109110111112113 »
Sample post
この記号は… 解読できないよ…

Karma: 6351
Posts: 2788
Since: 01-17-13
This is a sample post. You probably already know what this is for.

Posted by Goomba
Posted by Mario
Oh, nooo! *stomp*

Well, what more could you want to know? Perhaps how to do the classic infinite loop?
    printf("Hello World!");