General information
Name Thierry
Power Admin
Sex N/A
Title この記号は… 解読できないよ…
Karma 6043
Total posts 2725 (0.66 per day)
Total threads 35 (0.01 per day)
Registered on 01-17-13, 08:43 pm (4116 days ago)
Last post 04-18-24, 01:56 am (8 days ago)
in Help/Question Asking Thread (General NSMB Hacking) » 75385
Last view 04-26-24, 08:26 am (6 hours ago)
Browser Firefox 124.0 on Firefox OS
Badges View 1,750,000 View 2,400,000 View 2,500,000
Total +1s received 566 [View...]
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Total +1s given 207
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Contact information
Email address Private
Theme NSMB Castle
Items per page 20 posts, 50 threads
Language Board default
Sprite database
Total edits 10
Sprites edited 9
Last edits Ground-pound panel (146) on 08-18-21, 01:27 am
Chain Chomp / Log (42) on 01-28-15, 06:14 pm
Line platform (91) on 07-14-14, 11:51 pm
Hammer Brother (59) on 04-17-14, 03:59 pm
Lakitu spawner (183) on 04-15-14, 08:50 pm
Unknown (169) on 04-12-14, 02:19 pm
Unknown (125) on 04-12-14, 10:42 am
Unknown (100) on 04-12-14, 10:42 am
Unknown (98) on 04-12-14, 10:42 am
Unknown (98) on 04-12-14, 10:28 am
Comments about Thierry
« 207208209210211212213 »
 alpha How do I know if someone from the staff checked my hack?
 alpha Well I am not asking for my hack to be approved but no Admistrator said anything about my hack if it had a bug or something similar, I thought it would be approved well the point is I would like to ask for a review on my thread from an Admistrator to see
 alpha if it can be moved to NSMB Hacks or am I forgetting something, i am just asking.
 alpha I am sure I have completed all the criteria to be approved, I have no broken graphics, I have posted screenshots, described the hack well and provided a demo that has more than 1 full world, and I saw that if something was wrong an Administrator would
 alpha make a suggestion to improve the hack, but that did not happen, so I ask this question
 alpha So who approves it?
 alpha So that is the reason why it is not approved?
 alpha Thank you very much just wanted to ask to see but thanks for the review, you are great
squishcomp desu?
 Keeper so hows that global cleanup going?
 Keeper gotcha. Thanks for responding
 alpha i have a question, i going to make New Super Mario Bros The New Levels Deluxe, i should make another thread or i can using the same?
 alpha because are 2 hacks
 alpha ok, it's just a small update that will change everything and I will place it newer just that, I think if I will use the same thread
 alpha Thanks!
« 207208209210211212213 »
Sample post
この記号は… 解読できないよ…

Karma: 6043
Posts: 2725
Since: 01-17-13
This is a sample post. You probably already know what this is for.

Posted by Goomba
Posted by Mario
Oh, nooo! *stomp*

Well, what more could you want to know? Perhaps how to do the classic infinite loop?
    printf("Hello World!");