General information
Name Thierry
Power Admin
Sex N/A
Title この記号は… 解読できないよ…
Karma 6341
Total posts 2788 (0.64 per day)
Total threads 37 (0.01 per day)
Registered on 01-17-13, 08:43 pm (4355 days ago)
Last post 12-18-24, 04:55 pm (2 days ago)
in a restricted forum.
Last view 12-21-24, 05:04 am (8 hours ago)
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Total +1s given 209
To:  Arisotura (39),  Arceus (16),  gridatttack (11),  Dirbaio (11),  MarioFanatic64 (9), more...
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Theme NSMB Castle
Items per page 20 posts, 50 threads
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Sprite database
Total edits 13
Sprites edited 11
Last edits Event controller - "IF" (uses zones) (168) on 07-28-24, 08:03 am
Event controller - "IF" (uses zones) (168) on 07-28-24, 08:01 am
Spiny (37) on 07-26-24, 10:02 pm
Ground-pound panel (146) on 08-18-21, 01:27 am
Chain Chomp / Log (42) on 01-28-15, 06:14 pm
Line platform (91) on 07-14-14, 11:51 pm
Hammer Brother (59) on 04-17-14, 03:59 pm
Lakitu spawner (183) on 04-15-14, 08:50 pm
Unknown (169) on 04-12-14, 02:19 pm
Unknown (125) on 04-12-14, 10:42 am
Comments about Thierry
« 203204205206207208209 »
 Arisotura can I fart in it?
 onlypuppy7 im aware of that, im just messing around with it
 Skylander Sorry Thierry, I should've just ignored him
 Arisotura you're a derp
 Arisotura apples are bad and should be banned. I always manage to get a bit of shit stuck between my teeth.
 Arisotura also means you get all the tasty glyphosate. unless you're rich and buy organic apples (where they probably replaced the glyphosate with some equally shitty chemical that happens to be allowed by 'organic food' rules)
 Arisotura beh, whatever. 'voting with your wallet' is bullshit. food without glyphosate or any weird chemical inside should be the norm and not something you put a fancy label onto and make more expensive.
 Arisotura tldr death to capitalism.
 Arisotura (did I seriously go from apples to capitalism. wow)
 Tiger21820 I think you should have ended the final post of the 'Continue this story' thread with 'THE END', since that IS the end!
 Tiger21820 Cool! I also like how your title is the quote I made to start the story thread!
 Tiger21820 So anyways, how have you been?
RicBent eh, naknows are easy to suppress
 Ndymario Thierry spotted online ?
 snake block yo
« 203204205206207208209 »
Sample post
この記号は… 解読できないよ…

Karma: 6341
Posts: 2788
Since: 01-17-13
This is a sample post. You probably already know what this is for.

Posted by Goomba
Posted by Mario
Oh, nooo! *stomp*

Well, what more could you want to know? Perhaps how to do the classic infinite loop?
    printf("Hello World!");