General information
Name  DaneGaming
Power Normal
Sex Male
Title who am i
Rank Red Paratroopa
To next rank 8 posts
Karma 106
Total posts 172 (0.07 per day)
Total threads 25 (0.01 per day)
Registered on 04-15-18, 12:30 am (2337 days ago)
Last post 05-07-19, 10:10 pm (1950 days ago)
in Inferno Mario Bros. (The Trash Can™) » 65862
Last view 11-02-19, 12:58 pm (1771 days ago)
Browser Chrome 78.0.3904
Total +1s received 23 [View...]
From:  Skylander (11),  Dirbaio (4),  Ninja NAH (2),  poudink (1), Mario1234 (1), more...
Total +1s given 17
To:  skawo (10),  Skylander (2),  MarioFanatic64 (1),  SGC (1),  Helios (1), more...
Contact information
Email address Private
Theme NSMB Lava Land
Items per page 90 posts, 80 threads
Language en_US
Personal information
Real name Anonymous
Location hell
Inferno Mario Bros. - Early 2019 or Summer 2019
Sprite database
Total edits 0
Sprites edited 0
Comments about  DaneGaming
« 12345678 »
 Dirbaio Thank you!
 DaneGaming oh okay, ill change my footer and ill follow that!
 Ninja NAH your font color is hard to read. could you make it a little darker please?
RicBent ^ Indeed. Not readable at all.
 DaneGaming okay.
 DaneGaming Why so much 1+'s today?
 bbomb64 You should really change the font color where the sidebar is. It's unreadable.
RicBent I disabled your post layout because of above mentioned reasons. Feel free to reenable it if you have fixed it.
 DaneGaming like to what? a lighter color or what?
 DaneGaming should it be like red?
RicBent Doesn't matter as long as it is readable.
 DaneGaming is the one there now readable? (im setting it now btw)
 bbomb64 It's...a LITTLE more readable.
 DaneGaming should i make it lighter?
 bbomb64 Better with the shadow.
« 12345678 »
Sample post
Red Paratroopa
who am i

Karma: 106
Posts: 172
Since: 04-15-18
This is a sample post. You probably already know what this is for.

Posted by Goomba
Posted by Mario
Oh, nooo! *stomp*

Well, what more could you want to know? Perhaps how to do the classic infinite loop?
    printf("Hello World!");

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