General information
Name  MiguelMML
Power Normal
Sex Male
Title When you push enter... this happens.ç
Rank Snifit
To next rank 14 posts
Karma 250
Total posts 286 (0.07 per day)
Total threads 17 (0.00 per day)
Registered on 09-30-12, 06:09 pm (4223 days ago)
Last post 12-31-14, 10:13 pm (3401 days ago)
in New Year's plans (General Chat) » 41427
Last view 04-29-17, 10:40 am (2552 days ago)
Browser Chrome 57.0.2987
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Contact information
Email address Private
Theme Green Field
Items per page 30 posts, 99 threads
Language Board default
Personal information
Real name Miguel Angel
Location In some place of Planet Earth
Birthday December 24, 1996 (27 years old)
[font color=#123456]Random colours![/font]
I think I will complete a little bit more this bio.
I'm MiguelMML, if you doesn't know it already, I'm a hacker of New Super Mario Bros, and other DS games, like:
-Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney (great game! )
-Mario Kart DS
-Super Mario 64 DS
And no more.....,yet.
I also hack other games like SMB3, or Super Mario World. I also do a lot of buildings in Minecraft, for killing the time, and that things.
So yeah, that's it.

I'm also named as:
-MiguelMMLç (I love this character)
-SomebodyMML (Because I'm random)
-MMML (All initials from my nickname)
-Borrasca (I dunno why I put this name?)
-W8Maniac (Windows 8! Stop thinking of NSMB! )
-Marshmallow (It's  Hiccup fault!)(Also, AO reference, yay!)
-01#emanresU (Thanks NinaBot )

And no more.

Do you need a beta tester? I'll work on any hack!
Sprite database
Total edits 0
Sprites edited 0
Comments about  MiguelMML
« 12345678910 »
 MarioSunshine Happy Birthday! Good luck in Christmas Eve!
 ENEKOwii Happy Birthday! have a nice day!
Wesley Happy birthday!! MiguelMML Have a nice day
 RiksKing , are you saying you wanted too get the Enderman? Why (sorry, I'm a big noob when it comes at Minecraft) Apart of scaring my little sister, I don't see good use of it
 RiksKing lol, no. I have two sisters, and they're both very annoying . Sometimes, I wish I had a little brother, instead of two sisters . (also, the friends from my sisters are 3 times worse )
 RiksKing But they can be nice sometimes too (I hope)
 RiksKing Well maybe one sister is doable, but two is almost too much for me. When we're ea
 RiksKing *eating they scream like little babies
 RiksKing Yep. You're right. But because I have sisters playing with Barbie and Polly Pocket, I never played that much
 RiksKing Nope, I don't do chatroulette, I barely know what it is actually
 RiksKing Well I can certainly tell you it wasn't me
 RiksKing Lol it could be me yeah. But chances are so small, I guess one at a billion or something xD. I also don't know that youtuber , lol
 Lunarius El primer mes sera gratuito pero después será $0.99 porque gaste dinero y tiempo haciendo esto…si preguntas co gastas dinero es porque muchos usan “Game Maker Studio” para hacer juegos.
 Dirbaio C++, or maybe Java.
 Dirbaio DONT learn C# (or any other .net language from Microsoft), they all suck.
« 12345678910 »
Sample post
When you push enter... this happens.ç

Karma: 250
Posts: 286
Since: 09-30-12
This is a sample post. You probably already know what this is for.

Posted by Goomba
Posted by Mario
Oh, nooo! *stomp*

Well, what more could you want to know? Perhaps how to do the classic infinite loop?
    printf("Hello World!");

CSMB is cancelled. Instead, I'll be doing a mini hack soon.