General information
Name  MiguelMML
Power Normal
Sex Male
Title When you push enter... this happens.ç
Rank Snifit
To next rank 14 posts
Karma 250
Total posts 286 (0.06 per day)
Total threads 17 (0.00 per day)
Registered on 09-30-12, 06:09 pm (4489 days ago)
Last post 12-31-14, 10:13 pm (3667 days ago)
in New Year's plans (General Chat) » 41427
Last view 04-29-17, 10:40 am (2818 days ago)
Browser Chrome 57.0.2987
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Contact information
Email address Private
Theme Green Field
Items per page 30 posts, 99 threads
Language Board default
Personal information
Real name Miguel Angel
Location In some place of Planet Earth
[font color=#123456]Random colours![/font]
I think I will complete a little bit more this bio.
I'm MiguelMML, if you doesn't know it already, I'm a hacker of New Super Mario Bros, and other DS games, like:
-Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney (great game! )
-Mario Kart DS
-Super Mario 64 DS
And no more.....,yet.
I also hack other games like SMB3, or Super Mario World. I also do a lot of buildings in Minecraft, for killing the time, and that things.
So yeah, that's it.

I'm also named as:
-MiguelMMLç (I love this character)
-SomebodyMML (Because I'm random)
-MMML (All initials from my nickname)
-Borrasca (I dunno why I put this name?)
-W8Maniac (Windows 8! Stop thinking of NSMB! )
-Marshmallow (It's  Hiccup fault!)(Also, AO reference, yay!)
-01#emanresU (Thanks NinaBot )

And no more.

Do you need a beta tester? I'll work on any hack!
Sprite database
Total edits 0
Sprites edited 0
Comments about  MiguelMML
« 12345678 »
 RiksKing Hi
 P-Wing Hello
 RiksKing Thank you very much for subscribing to my youtube channel
 RiksKing Well, if you subscribe on my channel, the only thing I can do back is subscribing to your channel
 RiksKing I only use my channel for hacks . And I wish you luck with your channel, even though I probably won't watch the Spanish video's. (Just because I can't understand a word of it )
 RiksKing We have the ability to learn Spanish at our school. From 6 choice subjects, you could choose Spanish. But because I'm already studying 6 languages, I didn't do that.
 RiksKing I'm studying Dutch, English, German, French, Greek and Latin, and I was could choose Spanish, Italian and Chinese with it .
 RiksKing Living in Holland is really nice, but it means more language studying, just because we're probably the only country speaking Dutch. There aren't much countries were you can learn Dutch
 RiksKing But I guess I'm in luck that I'm pretty good in language subjects. And on the opposite, I really suck at math and science, (not enough to not succeed for it, but the differences with languages are big)
 RiksKing But don't you study Spanish, (because you would think somebody speaking Spanish, would study Spanish )
 RiksKing Lol, I don't hate maths completely. Maths is a very big subject. Math with letters and variables aren't so bad. But I hate drawing graphs and triangles, and then calculate the surface.
 RiksKing And I like sports, actually. Only not as subject. PE is one of the worst subjects at (my) school
 RiksKing Oh, lol, football is my favourite sport. But you don't have to like everything . And I don't like every sport too, worst sport for me is gym. (I fell down from the rings on my head a time, since then I've always hated it )
 RiksKing I hope you don't hate me now because I said I like football
 RiksKing You're soooo lucky . The rings, trampoline and the chest are my worst sections at PE
« 12345678 »
Sample post
When you push enter... this happens.ç

Karma: 250
Posts: 286
Since: 09-30-12
This is a sample post. You probably already know what this is for.

Posted by Goomba
Posted by Mario
Oh, nooo! *stomp*

Well, what more could you want to know? Perhaps how to do the classic infinite loop?
    printf("Hello World!");

CSMB is cancelled. Instead, I'll be doing a mini hack soon.