General information
Name  DreadMario175
Power Normal
Sex Male
Rank Red Goomba
To next rank 1 post
Karma -1
Total posts 49 (0.01 per day)
Total threads 0 (0.00 per day)
Registered on 09-04-12, 12:49 am (4250 days ago)
Last post 01-03-13, 07:36 pm (4128 days ago)
in nsmb2 New Super Mario Bros 2 - High Scores (Featherland) » 20677
Last view 07-03-13, 03:28 pm (3947 days ago)
Browser Chrome 27.0.1453 on Windows 8
Total +1s received 0
Total +1s given 9
To:  MarioFanatic64 (4), unknown object (2),  ENEKOwii (2), pikachu385 (1)
Contact information
Email address Private
Homepage DreadMario175 -
Theme ABXD Gold
Items per page 20 posts, 50 threads
Language en_US
Personal information
Real name Allan
Location Facebook
Birthday December 7, 1997 (26 years old)
I am a student who loves Pokemon and Mario Games.
I am a bit stupid xD
I have not very good grades on school (Only on computer science and math =D)

Sprite database
Total edits 0
Sprites edited 0
Comments about  DreadMario175
« 123 »
 Lunarius Welcome to NSMBHD!
 Lunarius Your welcome.
RicBent Welcome to the NSMBHD!!
 Dirbaio Hey
 Dirbaio I've put your youtube channel thing in the signature instead of the header.
 Dirbaio yes
 EGDV because I thought that name without thinking
 ENEKOwii yes
 ENEKOwii well, sometimes I have help from google translator.
 ENEKOwii Yes I'm Spanish, to be more specific I am Basque.
 ray Ermm... thank you
 Dirbaio Just... nothing. You get 0 karma. And if you get voted down more, you get negarive karma.
 Dirbaio There's one user with negative karma: SKJmin. lolol.
 SaturnYoshi Hey what ds card do you use on your 3DS to play hacks? Aperently some dont work on 3DSes and ruin them I have been thinking of buying one?
 DreadMario175 well the image taken is from a DS,but for play ROMS on my 3ds I bought a 3ds r4 and I don,t update the 3ds
« 123 »
Sample post
Red Goomba

Karma: -1
Posts: 49
Since: 09-04-12
This is a sample post. You probably already know what this is for.

Posted by Goomba
Posted by Mario
Oh, nooo! *stomp*

Well, what more could you want to know? Perhaps how to do the classic infinite loop?
    printf("Hello World!");

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