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Name pikachu385
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Karma 14
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Registered on 09-18-12, 06:25 pm (4329 days ago)
Last post 01-30-13, 12:20 pm (4195 days ago)
in Poke Super Mario Bros Volcano Edition(NEWS 11/11/12) (NSMB Hacks) » 21385
Last view 01-30-13, 12:21 pm (4195 days ago)
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From:  DreadMario175 (1)
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Theme NSMB Lava Land
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Comments about pikachu385
« 123
 Dirbaio Oh, then you have to enable sound in the emulator settings.
pikachu385 Humph, not is that, the problem is this. The songs of mario jumping e brick is disapared, but the music and others songs remained, this hapening when I insert my new song.
 Lunarius So...ley me get this correctly,you inserted new music in the game and you also edited a level,and a brick dissapeared?
pikachu385 no, the song of the brick, jum mario, and coin is dissapared, but the music is normal.
 Dirbaio Are you sure your speakers aren't broken?
pikachu385 Yeah, my problem us this, when I insert new osngs, with Vgm trans and editor, the music is normal(the insert) but the song of mario jump, coin,bick and fireball, disapared, but others songs is remaining.
 Lunarius That is very odd...I know very little of Sound Replacing,so I cannot help you much. Sorry.
 Dirbaio Then only parts of your speakers are broken. That's why you hear only some things. Easy.
pikachu385 Non^^ The problem is that: Someone can help me with offsets? I insert a song: SEQ_BGM_E_DENDOUIRI This song is for the game: Pokemon Black 2. But, when I insert the song, others songs of the my hack is lost, someone can help me?
 Dirbaio Told ya, now you can't spam profiles
 DreadMario175 Ei cara,aquele comment era pra mim mesmo? Vc escreveu em ingles =S
 gridatttack Tmusic you have inserted is either too complicated, so is taking much meory usage, so thats why mario jump, coins and brick sounds dissappears.
 ray The sounds disappear, because the wave sounds you are using in the Music Hack, are too big, so they "overwrite" the Mario sounds.
 DreadMario175 Ei cara,melhor postar download de um so mundo,senao seu topico sera fechado
 SaturnYoshi Im adding you on my 3DS make shure you add me
« 123
Sample post

Karma: 14
Posts: 40
Since: 09-18-12
This is a sample post. You probably already know what this is for.

Posted by Goomba
Posted by Mario
Oh, nooo! *stomp*

Well, what more could you want to know? Perhaps how to do the classic infinite loop?
    printf("Hello World!");