General information
Name  Vadenimo
Power Normal
Sex Male
Title マリオーファン
Rank Cheep-cheep
To next rank 20 posts
Karma 112
Total posts 180 (0.06 per day)
Total threads 12 (0.00 per day)
Registered on 01-04-17, 07:56 pm (2912 days ago)
Last post 07-15-24, 10:22 pm (163 days ago)
in the end of nsmbhd (General Chat) » 75543
Last view 12-11-24, 11:46 pm (14 days ago)
Browser Firefox 133.0 on Firefox OS
Total +1s received 28 [View...]
From:  Skylander (8),  alpha (4),  poudink (2),  BL4ZED (2),  Keeper (2), more...
Total +1s given 32
To:  poudink (5),  Arceus (3),  Skylander (3),  Dirbaio (2), Sherry_ (2), more...
Contact information
Email address Public
Theme NSMB Underground
Items per page 20 posts, 50 threads
Language en_US
Personal information
Real name Vadenimo
Location Germany
Birthday February 5, 2005 (19 years old)
Personal Information:

Pseudonym: Vadenimo
Location: Germany
Age: 16 years (2021)
Birthday: 5th February 2005

My past on NSMBHD:

I had visited NSMB Hacking Domain for the first time in 2017, because I wanted to make a cool, new and fresh hack, which I cancelled after some months. I gave a second chance to the hack, but it didn’t help either. That’s why I stopped making NSMB Hacks. While being on NSMBHD, I behaved like an idiot, which is why I was banned multiple times. But everyone can change, when they’re older. This is how I got unbanned. After I was unbanned, I chatted with some people here, started conversations. But I’m inactive now due to the fact that I don’t have much freetime.

My Modding Knowledge:

• Homebrew Set-Up-Knowledge
• Little CSS Knowledge
• BRLYT/Wii-Layout Knowledge
• BRCTR/Wii-Layout Settings Knowledge
• BRSTM/Wii-Music Knowledge
• NSMBWii Level Editing-Knowledge
• MKWii Texture Editing-Knowledge


Nintendo Switch: SW-1615-8543-6605
Nintendo Wii U: Private
Nintendo 3DS: 4571 - 4118 - 3479
Nintendo Wii (RiiConnect24): 6485-9179-4022-2563


Mario Kart Wii (Wiimm-Fi): 1251-5428-0803
Super Smash Bros. Brawl [PAL] (Wiimm-Fi): 1638-0950-3526
Super Smash Bros. Brawl [NTSC-U] (Wiimm-Fi): 4902-2706-6692


Discord: @Vadenimo#6153

Social Media:


Consoles That I Own:

• Nintendo Entertainment System
• Super Nintendo Entertainment System
• Nintendo Wii
• Nintendo 3DS
• Nintendo Wii U
• Nintendo Switch

My Favorite Videogame-Genres:

• Super Mario
• Donkey Kong
• The Legend of Zelda
• Animal Crossing
• Super Smash Bros.
• Pokémon

My Favorite Videogame-Mods:

My Favorite New Super Mario Bros. Wii Mods:

Newer Super Mario Bros. Wii
Newer Super Mario Bros. Wii: Specials
Newer Super Luigi Wii: Dark Moon

My Favorite New Super Mario Bros. Mods:

Newer Super Mario Bros. DS
Super Mario: Endless Earth
Super Mario Bros. - A Classic Adventure
Super Mario Bros. The New Worlds

My Favorite Mario Kart-Mods:

Mario Kart Wii: Custom Track Grand Prix Revolution
Mario Kart 7: Custom Track Grand Prix Revolution

My Favorite Super Smash Bros. Mods:

Super Smash Bros.: Project M

My Projects:

My (Main) Projects:

Mario Kart Wii: High Quality Remaster
My PDF-Book: "Vadenimo: Breaking Dimensions" (German)
My 2. PDF-Book: "Vadenimo: Breaking Dimensions Kai" (German)

My (Other) Projects:

Project M v3.6: UnOnfficial Edited Wi-Fi Addon
Project M v3.6: UnOfficial Modern Based Channel Forwarder (Legal!)

My (Trash) Projects:

NSMBDS: The New Adventures (2017)
Next Super Mario Bros. DS (2018-2019)

My RiiTag:


The Internet will never forget...
Sprite database
Total edits 0
Sprites edited 0
Comments about  Vadenimo
123 »
 Skylander Welcome back!
 Arceus Nope I cant, you have to ask an Admin for that
RicBent there
 Helios Next Super Mario Bros. is already used, perhaps you can choose another name.
 poudink thanks!
 cros107 thanks, what do you mean by being shy?
 Skylander Thank you!
 Helios Can you stop setting every post to bold and italics? Thanks.
 Helios It makes you look retarded, like those YouTube comments. Also, your post layout is eye-searing, please fix that. The board is mostly dark-themed.
 Helios Yeah thanks. Looks way better now.
123 »
Sample post

Karma: 112
Posts: 180
Since: 01-04-17
This is a sample post. You probably already know what this is for.

Posted by Goomba
Posted by Mario
Oh, nooo! *stomp*

Well, what more could you want to know? Perhaps how to do the classic infinite loop?
    printf("Hello World!");