General information
Name  cros107
Power Normal
Sex Male
Title Will never finish a hack
Rank Fuzzy
To next rank 22 posts
Karma 1873
Total posts 778 (0.24 per day)
Total threads 14 (0.00 per day)
Registered on 03-25-16, 12:31 am (3198 days ago)
Last post 12-18-20, 09:54 am (1469 days ago)
in I know why Dirbaio is not posting (Featherland) » 70000
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Email address Private
Theme NSMB Castle
Items per page 20 posts, 50 threads
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Personal information
Real name Christos
Location Melbourne, Australia
Birthday September 30, 2002 (22 years old)
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Comments about  cros107
« 12345678 »
Sherry_ I think it's not impossible to separate they, but I really don't know if a program for this exist
Sherry_ Also you can see they are an only file with MkDSCM
Sherry_ I meant: if you open the body file, you'll see that in it there are 2 "NSBMDs"
Sherry_ ah ok
Sherry_ yes
Sherry_ The fact is that I can't reply for today (since I don't have the wi fi for today) I'm using my mobile "connection" which is awful
 TruelyJohn64 [insert 64 post thing] You see, I was here first so I think everyone else copied me... also a whole bunch of explaination why as well.
 KTRMAmbiance Thanks
 TruelyJohn64 Dang it, I didn't think of that... Well here's something : Truely (With E) = 6 letters. John = 4. I dunno about everyone else.
 MarioKart7z How did you set a title for your profile?
Sherry_ gardevoir is EVERYWHERE
 Fluorescent ''Have started a hack and will probably not finish it till 2472'' I started mine back in feburary
 Fluorescent IMO, you shouldn't continute a ROM hack when you're not motivated, do it when you feel like doing it, take your time
PixelFox2 I'm not banned anymore. I made this to ask Staple to send me a new password since I forgot it.
Jakratzhu Sorry for the EXTREMLY LATE reply. I made an ASM hack that makes a sign board cost 40 coins
« 12345678 »
Sample post
Will never finish a hack

Karma: 1873
Posts: 778
Since: 03-25-16
This is a sample post. You probably already know what this is for.

Posted by Goomba
Posted by Mario
Oh, nooo! *stomp*

Well, what more could you want to know? Perhaps how to do the classic infinite loop?
    printf("Hello World!");

hey look, I did a thing