General information
Name  themasterkoopa
Power Banned
Sex Male
Title dupe of MegaMarioManiac
Rank Red Koopa
To next rank 20 posts
Karma -154
Total posts 120 (0.04 per day)
Total threads 31 (0.01 per day)
Registered on 06-30-15, 04:28 pm (3314 days ago)
Last post 09-11-16, 12:45 am (2875 days ago)
in A game that deserves recognition. (General Chat) » 51805
Last view 09-12-16, 12:11 am (2874 days ago)
Browser Opera 39.0.2256 on Windows 7
Total +1s received 4 [View...]
From:  Kankerkoekjesdief (1), Asprok (1),  poudink (1), xKitten (1)
Total +1s given 24
To:  skawo (5),  TRS (3),  MarioFanatic64 (2), Thierry (2),  Freeze (1), more...
Contact information
Email address Private
Theme Halloween
Items per page 20 posts, 50 threads
Language Board default
Personal information
Real name Keith
Location State Street
Birthday July 7, 1999 (25 years old)
Hi Im a Bit of a noob here so yeah.. lol
Sprite database
Total edits 0
Sprites edited 0
Comments about  themasterkoopa
« 123456 »
 SaturnYoshi If you want help, just PM me ok?
Tierage user of the year 2016
RicBent arrrrrghh
RicBent Do you know what bumping is? no? NO? poor. Then I guess an admin will tell yoo...
RicBent whats wrong with you? How f*cking often has somebody has you to tell that you shouldn't bump
RicBent Do you know what Karma is? It shows how popular someone is. You are the 14. badest person of 1543 users. You get it? No?
RicBent One phenomenal tip for you: THINK BEFORE POSTING.
 themasterkoopa um ok
 themasterkoopa ive been posting but karma does not go up
RicBent With every post you get +1 Karma. But if you go to others profile you'll see that there are Arrows beside the Karma. This is how users can judge how they like or not like a user. Also you get minus Karma if your threads/posts get closed/deleted.
RicBent And yours were deleted/closed very often (That happens when you post crap/useless shit and bump old threds.
 themasterkoopa look man i have more important things in my life then argue so do me a favor and end this argue ment or i will just not post back
 SaturnYoshi Also dude, for the love of god, stop posting randomly
 SaturnYoshi also, I literally loled when i saw you wrote "argue ment" not to mention he isnt arguing hes just telling you to STOMP SPAMMING THE BOARD
 SaturnYoshi DUDE
« 123456 »
Sample post
Red Koopa
dupe of MegaMarioManiac

Karma: -154
Posts: 120
Since: 06-30-15
This is a sample post. You probably already know what this is for.

Posted by Goomba
Posted by Mario
Oh, nooo! *stomp*

Well, what more could you want to know? Perhaps how to do the classic infinite loop?
    printf("Hello World!");

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Version 1.3!!!!

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