General information
Name  Ruedajv10
Power Normal
Sex Male
Rank Beezo
To next rank 23 posts
Karma -32
Total posts 477 (0.11 per day)
Total threads 80 (0.02 per day)
Registered on 02-02-12, 08:35 pm (4456 days ago)
Last post 01-01-16, 11:57 pm (3027 days ago)
in 3ds Friend Code Exchange (Featherland) » 45844
Last view 11-12-20, 06:51 pm (1250 days ago)
Browser Firefox 82.0 on Ubuntu (X11)
Total +1s received 23 [View...]
From:  Dirbaio (7),  onlypuppy7 (3),  poudink (2),  TRS (2),  Freeze (2), more...
Total +1s given 16
To:  ray (3),  NeverEndingGamer (2),  Arceus (2),  P-Wing (2),  Lunarius (1), more...
Contact information
Email address None given
Homepage NSMB HACKS Fórum -
Theme Night
Items per page 20 posts, 50 threads
Language Board default
Personal information
Real name João Victor
Location Brazil
Birthday September 10, 1999 (24 years old)
Sprite database
Total edits 4
Sprites edited 4
Last edits Hammer Brother spawn point (22) on 04-16-24, 10:47 am
Monty Tank boss (30) on 04-16-24, 10:47 am
Boo (38) on 04-16-24, 10:47 am
Sea Weed (96) on 04-16-24, 10:47 am
Comments about  Ruedajv10
« 12345678 »
unknown object create a thread will spam.
unknown object @Ruedajv10 I strongly suggest change your font, it's hard to read
 STORMENT You can try adding more screenshots, videos and showing new stuff
leonmuse Sou sim, cara. Vc é de que estado? Gostou do meu hack até o momento? Abraço
leonmuse Vou te responder por aqui, mas tu sabe se nem precisa? Basta eu responder pela minha página mesmo?? Ah, sou do Rio heheh Cara, valeu, bom saber que alguém gostou. Você sabe editar tilesets? Eu estou dedicado a edição de level mesmo. Até breve
leonmuse tenho 23 cara e vc?
 STORMENT Thank you!
leo10pe10 vc é brasileiro?eu sou tambem!
 gridatttack You should atleast change the text that says "extra stuff here" in your layout....
 RiksKing Happy Birthday Ruedajv10
 acmfan happy birthday!
RicBent Happy B-Day
 KingYoshi Happy Birthday Ruedajv10!! Have a nice day
 Ruedajv10 Yhanks People
 ENEKOwii Thanks for your comment, long time ago you say that you will be my beta tester, but I see that you repented, if you want to be a beta tester just have to say it to my
« 12345678 »
Sample post

Karma: -32
Posts: 477
Since: 02-02-12
This is a sample post. You probably already know what this is for.

Posted by Goomba
Posted by Mario
Oh, nooo! *stomp*

Well, what more could you want to know? Perhaps how to do the classic infinite loop?
    printf("Hello World!");
