General information
Name  Dirbaio
Power Root
Sex Male
Title ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Rank Super Mario
To next rank 42 posts
Karma 10071
Total posts 4458 (0.91 per day)
Total threads 177 (0.04 per day)
Registered on 06-08-11, 04:23 pm (4874 days ago)
Last post 06-12-24, 07:56 pm (121 days ago)
in a restricted forum.
Last view 06-12-24, 07:58 pm (121 days ago)
Browser Firefox 127.0 on GNU/Linux x86_64 (X11)
Badges View 3,300,000
Total +1s received 799 [View...]
From: Asprok (47),  Tiger21820 (45),  ray (37),  Helios (29),  Hiccup (29), more...
Total +1s given 271
To:  Arisotura (35),  Piranhaplant (16),  MarioFanatic64 (16),  ray (15),  TRS (15), more...
Contact information
Email address Public
Homepage Dirbaio Enterprises -
Theme ABXD 2.0
Items per page 99 posts, 40 threads
Language Board default
Personal information
Real name Dario Nieuwenhuis
Location Barcelona, Spain
Sprite database
Total edits 156
Sprites edited 108
Last edits Enemy-in-Pipe Generator (287) on 01-21-17, 07:48 pm
Enemy-in-Pipe Generator (287) on 01-21-17, 07:48 pm
Enemy-in-Pipe Generator (287) on 01-21-17, 07:48 pm
Enemy-in-Pipe Generator (287) on 01-21-17, 07:48 pm
Brick Block containing P Switch (88) on 01-08-17, 12:33 am
Brick Block containing P Switch (88) on 01-08-17, 12:32 am
Aquatic bubble current (up) (48) on 05-03-15, 07:53 pm
Vs. Battle Star (210) on 09-15-13, 02:19 pm
Vs. Battle Star (210) on 09-14-13, 05:43 pm
Pipe Bubbles (48) on 08-02-13, 03:31 pm
Comments about  Dirbaio
« 7273747576777879808182 »
Asprok ¡Feliz cumpleaños! Pásala excelente.
 MarioFanatic64 I'm curious, did you ever release the animated tiles and note block ASM hack? I could use it for my hack...
shibboleet admin pls
 MoonlightCapital Your karma is at 6666
xKitten Now it's not. I wish people would stop making such a big deal about karma
 Albertocml I can be a global moderator pls?
Asprok Please, give admins server access!
 MarioKart7z YOU'RE BACK????????????????
RicBent Go to the "Forums" list please
Asprok YAAAY!!!
Asprok Lo único que debiste haber hecho fue expresar tu futura ausencia antes de que te fueras.

De todas formas, ¡qué alegría tenerte de vuelta! :)
Asprok May I ask you what will happen to the Community Remix?
 Ndymario I have witnessed you being online *mind blown*
 Ndymario I swear you look like Smooth Mc Groove in your profilecpic
 Dirbaio wololo
« 7273747576777879808182 »
Sample post
Super Mario
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Karma: 10071
Posts: 4458
Since: 06-08-11
This is a sample post. You probably already know what this is for.

Posted by Goomba
Posted by Mario
Oh, nooo! *stomp*

Well, what more could you want to know? Perhaps how to do the classic infinite loop?
    printf("Hello World!");