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Posted on 09-06-14, 02:10 pm (rev. 2 by ImageBot on 11-21-16, 03:05 am)
Roy Koopa

Karma: 4011
Posts: 2655/2722
Since: 06-26-11
So over the years,  Freeze and I noticed, that names of sprites and lots of sprite settings that were already known have been edited to stuff which is just painful to see.
I have seen quite a lot of stuff that is described as "unknown" even though it was described as KNOWN with a good description before. And the explanations of some sprites are just plain bullshit. One sprite had the description "Will make it rise, then lower" for ID 1 and "Will make it rise but has to be activated again to lower" for ID 2. That's completely retarded.

It's not only a contradiction itself, but also completely wrong.
The name ID1 and ID2 are wrong too. In the past we ALWAYS had Input ID and Output ID for it, which were absolutely fitting. Now it's just confusing.
Additionally I absolutely hate that some sprite names got changed to japanese names like the eel. It now is called "unagi" and I hate it so much. It's just pain to make levels when names are getting changed and you are getting crazy because you think the sprite disappeard until you notice its some japanese name now.
Whoever made all those changes, please stop with it. It's just stupid.
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Posted on 09-06-14, 02:15 pm (rev. 1 by ImageBot on 11-21-16, 03:05 am)

Karma: 3767
Posts: 2038/2112
Since: 06-28-11
I and  ray had a perfectly fine working mechanism that lets the poison water rise and lower again automatically in NSHB.
I just wanted to reuse it and modify the settings a little bit, but the problem is I cant do it.
Look at this bullshit:

Posted on 09-06-14, 02:17 pm

Karma: 2789
Posts: 1006/2091
Since: 06-26-11
I know what you mean, I remember some sprites being quite simple, then they were made overcomplicated.
Posted on 09-06-14, 02:21 pm

Karma: 3767
Posts: 2039/2112
Since: 06-28-11
Eel? No its Unagi!
Shark? No, its obviously Sushi!

Sry that Japanese is not my main language. That would be like I would change the names of the Sprite to "Aal" or "Hai" which is German and translates to Eel and Shark.

We should definately change the names of the Mushrooms to Kinoko too.
Posted on 09-06-14, 02:23 pm

Karma: 2789
Posts: 1007/2091
Since: 06-26-11
They are the offical names in English too, but they are not easy to remember.
Posted on 09-06-14, 02:47 pm

Karma: 19797
Posts: 67/1100
Since: 04-02-13
Just change them to 'Unagi the Eel' and 'Sushi the shark' to compromise.
Problem solved.
Posted on 09-06-14, 03:03 pm

Karma: 3767
Posts: 2040/2112
Since: 06-28-11
The main problem is still the sprite data thing.
Posted on 09-06-14, 03:06 pm

Karma: 19797
Posts: 68/1100
Since: 04-02-13
Well, not much you can do there but fix the data, unless Dirbaio has backups of it.
Posted on 09-06-14, 03:35 pm
We do what we must because we can

Karma: 5568
Posts: 760/1425
Since: 06-25-13
I noticed that too. Let me give an example:

The name of the eel was:
Unagi (Eel)
Blockhopper (Jumping ? - Block)

But then some people are coming, I don´t want to name then *cough*Asprok*cough* and are removing all of the explanations because tree. Or some completely other changes which are bullshit.
For example:
Someone changed the name of sprite 152 to "POW Block" which is nonsense because the POW block is smth. completely different.
In my opinion there should be a given name which is understandable for all and then nobody should be able to change it.
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Posted on 09-06-14, 04:22 pm
この記号は… 解読できないよ…

Karma: 6277
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Since: 01-17-13
I hates the people who destroys our precious informations and stuff of the database.

Edits should be moderated by someone (why not arceus? He'd be good at that job) or we will lose many important stuff.
Posted on 09-06-14, 04:36 pm

Karma: 3767
Posts: 2041/2112
Since: 06-28-11
Someone moderating the edits would ensure a much better quality of course, but there are not just noobs who change the sprite database's content to nonsence. There are as well experienced users like luckwii who change the sprite database to something that a lot of people cannot understand. (with that I want to say that experienced users moderating the sprite database can not ensure 100% quality either)

So to ensure real quality, there should be a bigger number of people that approve the changes. Probably something like a page where all the recent changes are listed (BEFORE has been changed to AFTER) and all people in the forum are asked to approve this change. Once it has got at least X approvements (replace X with something like 10 or so) it should do the change. This way there is not a single person that decides which sprite name to use. (same goes for sprite data)
Posted on 09-06-14, 05:39 pm

Karma: 2789
Posts: 1008/2091
Since: 06-26-11
You can see all the changes ever made like this:
Posted on 09-06-14, 05:52 pm

Karma: 3767
Posts: 2042/2112
Since: 06-28-11
I know. And we need a list exactly like this where all the changes must be approved by X users for the changes to come into effect.
Posted on 09-06-14, 06:01 pm
Death by cuteness

Karma: 6589
Posts: 123/598
Since: 05-01-13
Also I think there are some select sprites where the sprite DB, the way it was made, just doesn't cut it.
Comes to mind the sprite 84 (zoom) for example, this guy needs its own section.
And also:

IIRC those two are the only sprites who ever use modulo 32 on 1-byte data, making them impractical for the Sprite DB purposes.
Posted on 09-07-14, 05:05 am
Fuzz Ball
KirbyFanatic64 (LOL)

Karma: 1386
Posts: 934/950
Since: 11-13-11
So this explains why I couldn't understand some sprites setting in my old hack although I made them myself...

IMO  MeroMero should be able to do this job. His explanations are easy to comprehend.

Maybe we should upgrade Sprite DB to be able to include some caption images in the description, for better comprehension.

Great games must be fun, not fancy.

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Posted on 09-07-14, 11:52 am
Death by cuteness

Karma: 6589
Posts: 125/598
Since: 05-01-13
If we want to overhaul the DB, we need to set up guidelines to follow.

First and foremost, should sprites be named by their official names or easier-to-understand names?

example: Unagi or Eel.
I admit that I'm a bit of an "official-policy" freak, but I can adapt if needed.
(btw  Freeze actually the sharks are called Hojiro in japanese, not Sushi but that's besides the point)

Should the data be listed in the order they appear or should they be listed by category?

example: for the Star Coin, should we list its attributes like this:
_Number (the most important category first) Number _Placement in the scenery (the second most important category) ½ tile right ½ tile down Behind fence (the least likely to be used parameter last) _ID (the least likely to be used category last) Output ID Timer when ID set

Or should we list them in order:
_Output ID (nybbles 0-1) _Timer when ID set (nybble 6) _Behind fence (nybble 8) _Number (nybble 9) _½ tile right (nybble 10) _½ tile down (nybble 11)

Value of 0 for things like speed, size, etc.

Speed should only have a default value of 0 only AND only if it means the sprite won't move at all.

Think about it, you set up a sprite and you leave the speed at 0, it means the sprite will stay idle.
In my head a speed of 0 means 0 km.h-1, it means 0 mph, it means 0 m.s-2, it means no acceleration, no momentum, no speed, NO MOVEMENT.
If the sprite has even the faintest movement, then it's not idle thus its speed is not equal to 0.
If that's the case, put a default value of 1 in the sprite DB.

What I said for speed also goes for length, size, opacity, etc.
I just can't count anymore the number of times I had to go to the sprite DB and put a value of 1 (or more sometimes) because of that technicality.

Event controllers:

 Freeze, IIRC event controllers always had shitty parameters on the Database.
I mean usage mode: unknown???
Jesus Christopher Christ, it should be "On while trigger ID is on".
On that note:
_Target Event ID should be Output ID (target)
_Triggering Event ID should be Input ID (trigger)

Controversial cases:

Nybble 5 for Sprite 155 (Warp): as you know ticking this will disable sounds when you change area but it works only on emulators, if you try that on a real NDS the game will freeze the moment you go through the Warp.

Should we leave the parameter, knowing it will break on a real NDS?

I always thought that attribute shouldn't be there.
 Hiccup, on the other hand thinks the opposite.
I would like more opinions on this.


That's more like a current limitation of NSMBeditor, but I suggest there should be another column called modulo when you edit a sprite.
For example the opacity setting gets applied a modulo 32, so if we type in the hypothetical cell called modulo to value 32, only the values between 0 and 31 can be selected.

Sprites 83 and 84

There's simply too much subtle details for all of them to be taken into account without ending with a huge ass description for said sprites.

Goal / Suggestions

The idea I'm trying to convey is that we should get an idea of the formatting before attempting to update the database.

I'm more than honored that you think highly of me  MarioSunshine, but this not something I (or anyone else for that matter) should do as a lone wolf, that's something that should be decided as a team, for that we could elect a council with some of the most sensible users.
10 users seems good enough, give or take 2.
That pretty much rules out members who mass-modified the sprites just to change ONE lower-case letter to a upper-case letter on the sprite's name *cough*.

Of course  ray and  Freeze your input will definitely be useful here, after all you are the ones who came up with the thread.

I say if a sprite has all its data documented (complete with the models it uses) then it should be locked to prevent any further modification (kinda like the wiki pages).

We should have some people granted with the title of Database Keeper.
It may seem elitist but really database used as mean for information is not something to be tampered with everyday.
I mean once data is documented, usually it's here to stay, no to be changed left and right.

If someone with made a discovery but has not the right to modify the database, it can still put in the modifications but they will saved in a queue instead, waiting for one of the database keeper to approve (or disprove) the modifications, the user will be "credited" for the modification if it get approved though.
That should prevent noobs to modify the database on a whim.

I probably have forgotten some things, feel free to add suggestions if you feel like it
Posted on 09-07-14, 12:07 pm

Karma: 2789
Posts: 1015/2091
Since: 06-26-11
Posted by Sharks
That pretty much rules out members who mass-modified the sprites just to change ONE lower-case letter to a upper-case letter on the sprite's name *cough*.

I hope you don't mean me . Allthough I won't claim to not be a noob.

I think the events were handled pretty well in the Reggie sprite data. But I don't know, maybe they could be done a completely different, more intuitive way.
Posted on 09-07-14, 12:33 pm (rev. 1 by  KingYoshi on 09-07-14, 12:49 pm)
Fire Snake

Karma: 3805
Posts: 343/1156
Since: 11-29-11
I would call the sprites like this:
Sushi (shark)
Unagi (eel)

Edit: I was looking at the Sprite Database, and I don't think Venus Fire Trap is a clear name for the Fire Piranha Plant. -.- But that's my opinion.
Posted on 09-07-14, 02:46 pm
Death by cuteness

Karma: 6589
Posts: 126/598
Since: 05-01-13
Posted by Hiccup
I hope you don't mean me . Although I won't claim to not be a noob.

Nah, you weren't the one I was targeting, in fact you're the only one who did more changes to the DB than me, that's saying something

No, I was targeting some users who went to the database exclusively to change some lower-case to upper-case, yes there are users who did that and feel like they accomplished a titanic work, for example there's one user who did that more than 50 times the same day and never touched the database since.

Posted by Hiccup
I think the events were handled pretty well in the Reggie sprite data. But I don't know, maybe they could be done a completely different, more intuitive way.

Yes you're right, I opened Reggie to see that, and realized that events' parameters are really similar in both NSMB DS and NSMB Wii.
Maybe we could use them as a base.
Posted on 09-07-14, 08:40 pm

Karma: 2789
Posts: 1017/2091
Since: 06-26-11
I thought I'd announce here that I do not approve of this edit, because I don't want to get into an edit war.
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