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Posted on 08-13-14, 03:11 pm in A GitHub tutorial. (rev. 2 by thereturnofdoritosxD on 08-13-14, 06:51 pm)

Karma: 608
Posts: 148/218
Since: 02-27-14
Searching around the net for a tutorial on how to use GitHub, I came across this.

It's a tutorial on how to use GitHub...and it's made directly from the staff of GitHub (and of Code School).

I wanted to share it here, because it would have been an useful thing for those who want to learn something about GitHub coding...and maybe contribute something to the NSMBe repository... *erm* I did this also because there are tons of people asking "I want to contribute something, do I use GitHub" or something like that.
Posted on 08-20-14, 06:03 pm in The Random YouTube thread! (rev. 3 by thereturnofdoritosxD on 08-20-14, 07:42 pm)

Karma: 608
Posts: 159/218
Since: 02-27-14

A small SMW-ish animation about Mario being the owner of an Italian food restaurant.

EDIT: Bleh, mistaken link for two times.
Posted on 08-22-14, 03:18 pm in The single levels thread! (rev. 1 by thereturnofdoritosxD on 08-22-14, 03:31 pm)

Karma: 608
Posts: 161/218
Since: 02-27-14
Almost two months since the last post...oh my...anyways, here's two levels that I made two levels that I recently made.

A serious level (or not):

Shrounded Hills:
Posted on 09-16-14, 11:10 am in mini-hackfinished New Super Mario Bros. Plus

Karma: 608
Posts: 194/218
Since: 02-27-14
That's a pretty nice "Ruins" level...definitely better than the old 2-3. Good job, sir.
There is only a thing that bugs me in that level, though. Go at 2:11, you can see that the fire snake goes through the pipe.

And,  Hiccup...not to be a smartass,'s Another Super Mario Bros. 2 not Another Super Mario Bros. DS.
Posted on 09-17-14, 05:37 pm in Matrako New Super Mario Bros

Karma: 608
Posts: 196/218
Since: 02-27-14
I'm quite late in making a review for your hack, but hey! Better late than never, right?
Since I didn't complete the whole beta of the World 4 nor downloaded the new patch that you provided (though I will do it soon), I will make a review of the hack in general.

So, let's start...
After playing about 2 worlds, I was quite astonished about the fact that you destroyed the whole purpose of the levels in the original NSMB and created a new gimmick...simliar to the one in the Mini-Mario Mayhem's series. And yes, I'm talking seriously. Of course, the controls, worlds and enemies are the same (Captain Obvious talkign right here), but I still had much fun playing your hack.

I mean, the levels are somehow puzzling and they require you to have a good eye, brain (thing that I don't have ), skills and the thing that should've played (and maybe 100% completed) the game. And no, I'm not saying that is very difficult...I mean every NSMB hack requires you that you've atleast played the original game. Duh.
I also like the thing of the retrò tileset...I know that is a bit unoriginal, but it's still good to see the good ol' graphics of the past 2D games.

And that's it. This is my review...I know that it's a bit ridiculous and useless, but I wanted to give a small opinion of mine about this hack.
Posted on 11-06-14, 07:04 pm in Tileset List

Karma: 608
Posts: 202/218
Since: 02-27-14
Overall, the tileset looks very eye-candy and fitting in NSMB-ish...but the only problem is that it lacks decorations. After all, every tileset that regards an "outside ambientation" in NSMB, has some decorations to make a level more visually appealing and fun-to-go-through. (if you know what I mean )
Posted on 12-06-14, 01:13 pm in Mario Maker E3 Trailer

Karma: 608
Posts: 211/218
Since: 02-27-14
(Huge bump...but it's for a good cause. Kinda.)

Looks like Nintendo applied some changes to Mario Maker, since the last E3 demo. Watch by yourself, to guess which ones are they.

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