Posted on 10-07-13, 07:09 pm (rev. 1 by  Izmirnator on 02-11-14, 04:15 pm)
Buzzy Beetle
Normal gamer, retired hacker

Karma: 267
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Will be there some contest Levels in this Hack?

3-B will be an easy one. I haven`t start it yet but i will try my best.
Posted on 10-07-13, 07:52 pm

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Please Let me do 1-1
Posted on 10-07-13, 07:56 pm
When you push enter... this happens.ç

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Posted by darthsonic123
Please Let me do 1-1

If I remember correctly, Mariomaster was doing 1-1, but I think he said it maybe one moth ago(?)
If he haven't finished , that will be a clear spot.
CSMB is cancelled. Instead, I'll be doing a mini hack soon.
Posted on 10-07-13, 07:57 pm (rev. 1 by RicBent on 10-07-13, 07:58 pm)

Karma: 8573
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Since: 06-09-12
I'm still working on it

And it will be finished soon.

Edit: Sorry for the HUGE delay
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Posted on 10-07-13, 08:27 pm

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Haven't uploaded the level yet, because the Underground Tileset is messy.

Posted on 10-07-13, 08:33 pm

Karma: 3316
Posts: 1483/2026
Since: 06-28-11
Nice level. Thought perhaps you can move the entrance after the shark bonusroom with the starcoin below the blue platform, since it kinda looks strange.

Also, we really need to define what world themes will be using, otherwise we will end with levels that will need to have their tileset changed and stuff.

Posted on 10-08-13, 04:10 am
Roy Koopa
The guy who does things.

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I thought it was mostly randomized like 3D Land (which is why I'm making an Autumn level in World 3 while everyone else is doing Snow), but the lack of variety in World 2 tells me otherwise.
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Posted on 10-08-13, 08:51 pm
Giant Red Koopa

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Since: 11-12-12
We can move around the w2 level to other slots if we need to.
Posted on 10-12-13, 01:37 pm (rev. 2 by RicBent on 10-12-13, 01:39 pm)

Karma: 8573
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Since: 06-09-12

Download soon
GitHub - Kuribo64 - YouTube
Posted on 10-12-13, 02:04 pm
Giant Red Koopa

Karma: 871
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Since: 11-12-12
Looks great! I love the style, it looks like it would be in SMB3, but also new completely!
Posted on 10-12-13, 08:06 pm

Karma: 428
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Since: 12-02-12
You know the bushes in the background?

Making them orange would be ALOT better!

Intresting level design by the way.
Posted on 10-12-13, 08:21 pm

Karma: 8573
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Since: 06-09-12
The BGs were only for the video.
Maybe I'll try to create an autumun BG.
GitHub - Kuribo64 - YouTube
Posted on 10-13-13, 12:34 am
Roy Koopa
The guy who does things.

Karma: 12759
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Hmm, no offense but I'm not so sure about that one. I just don't get the right feeling from it.

I get the feeling this was just built over the original level's parameters. It looks like it's the same length, the entrances to other Areas are very close to were they were in the original level, and those Areas do share a lot of similarities to the Areas from the original level too. Also, the placement of some brick blocks and grass structures (particularly in the start of the level) is very familiar.

On another note, it looks like the level was being made up as it was designed. The typical overworld here, suddenly moving platforms, suddenly Donut Block bridge, suddenly typical overworld and then end. Levels should revolve around a consistent theme.

If you were to fix these problems, I think this would definitely be approvable- but not for 1-1. It looks a bit to complicated for an introductory level, and 1-1 is always the most recognisable level in a Mario game.

It's a good start, don't get me wrong, but it could use a little more soul to it.
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Posted on 10-13-13, 06:41 am

Karma: 8573
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Since: 06-09-12
No problem  MarioFanatic64. I'm going to fix all your ideas.
What do you think about the cloud zone?

Also: I deleted the whole level before creating.
GitHub - Kuribo64 - YouTube
Posted on 10-13-13, 12:09 pm
We do what we must because we can

Karma: 5569
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Since: 06-25-13
I really like this level. It seems to be nice to play. When there is a sky tileset for the CR I would replace the autumn tileset in the cloud zone with that one. But all in all its cool
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Posted on 10-13-13, 12:51 pm

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Since: 02-12-13
Please MarioFanatic64, remove me from the level list, I'm not working on the level anymore because of a huge problem.
Posted on 10-14-13, 11:02 am
Knifed by Sakuya

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Since: 07-03-13

Guess what?!
I made a HUGE improvement!
Thats to wesley for
-Bug fixes
-Bit of a touch here and there
-And making the video.

Here it is.
Not too hard or easy
Flandre Scarlet Layout done by  Lunarius
Posted on 10-14-13, 11:26 am (rev. 1 by  Arceus on 10-14-13, 11:27 am)
We do what we must because we can

Karma: 5569
Posts: 375/1426
Since: 06-25-13
Guess what?!
I made a HUGE improvement!
Thats to wesley for
-Bug fixes
-Bit of a touch here and there
-And making the video.

Here it is.
Not too hard or easy

Should I be honest? I really dont like it. Theres no certain theme in this level. It seems like you tried to use as much castle enemies as possible. And it is too hard. Some parts of the level seems a bit kaizo styled. And what about the third starcoin? Is there a way to get it without loosing powerup? If not... improve it. And the third world is snow so an underwater castle doesnt really fit.
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Posted on 10-14-13, 12:25 pm
Roy Koopa
The guy who does things.

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Posted by Arceus
Should I be honest? I really dont like it. Theres no certain theme in this level. It seems like you tried to use as much castle enemies as possible. And it is too hard. Some parts of the level seems a bit kaizo styled. And what about the third starcoin? Is there a way to get it without loosing powerup? If not... improve it. And the third world is snow so an underwater castle doesnt really fit.

I have to agree with Arceus. There are some things that aren't right with that level.

-Land enemies underwater is unnatural.
-Bubbles coming out of nowhere is also unnatural, I said this last time.
-It's relatively easy at the start, but Kaizo-esque hard at the end. That's a sharp difficulty curve.
-It doesn't feel like an authentic level, more like an obstacle course of implausible structures. This is something I can't really describe as any other word then that it feels 'hack'.

If you ask me, I'd say this (again):

There's also that we haven't really decided on a Castle tileset as of yet. Maybe you can try again when we know what tileset we're going to use and you have some more experience as a level designer.

New Super Mario Bros.: Clone Tag Team 1+2 / New Super Mario Advance + Take 2 / Super Mario: Endless Earth
My two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart.
Posted on 10-22-13, 03:16 pm
Buster Beetle
Intérieurement fou... ou juste idiot?

Karma: 602
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Since: 07-27-13
Oh and... fire in water... HOW ORIGINALITY
I know mario can throw fireballs in water, but seriously, put rocket engines on a water castle...
Also the thwomps looks weird in this level because they fall too fast.
And the starcoins... only the 1st is A BIT creative... the second is hm... easy to have.

And MF64 is right, it looks more like an obstacle course
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