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Posted on 03-09-12, 05:51 pm
Super Mario
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Karma: 10026
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Since: 06-08-11
So let's talk about how the new hack should be. There are many ways to make a hack. Either focusing on making original-like levels, or crazy minigames, or tilesets, music and so on. You can make a hack be like the original game, or more puzzle-like, or jump'n'run, etc.

So how should our hack feel like?

I propose the following:

The hack should be in the same spirit as the original levels. Every level has a theme, with certain sprites, and so on.

Just ONE thing I wouldn't want to have: activator abuse.
So yes, I know using activators makes one feel like a l33t NSMB hacker because they're the most difficult feature to use. But activators are really unintuitive for the player. Most of the activator-based levels I've seen are frustrating, weird or full of unfair surprises that require you to play the level again.

What'ya think?


I'll update this post as people post their thoughts here
Posted on 03-09-12, 05:55 pm

Karma: 54
Posts: 62/87
Since: 12-02-11
I think it should be sorta like the original, quality levels that are fun to play (except maybe a bit harder then the original).

Posted by Dirbaio
Just ONE thing I wouldn't want to have: activator abuse.
So yes, I know using activators makes one feel like a l33t NSMB hacker because they're the most difficult feature to use. But activators are really unintuitive for the player. Most of the activator-based levels I've seen are frustrating, weird or full of unfair surprises that require you to play the level again.

Yeah, I don't think we should use them alot or abusively. We don't want this hack to be like NSMB 3.
New youtube channel, this one is hacks only lol. Will still be using my old youtube channel too.
Posted on 03-09-12, 05:58 pm
Roy Koopa

Karma: 4011
Posts: 1380/2722
Since: 06-26-11
Yes, I agree. Original levels and each level has different sprites. And no levels with tons of views. I mean that there are hacks where the level is split into many small rooms. Thats bad.

And I think we should put in more originality. Look for example at NewER Super Mario Bros Wii. It has many new fantastic ideas.

Can we use them for small funny things? (Nothing like NSMB3). For example to destroy walls or so.

See a lots of creative DS Hacking here
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Posted on 03-09-12, 06:00 pm

Karma: 54
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Since: 12-02-11
Yeah I agree, also IMO it should feel like like your playing a brand new game, where everything fits in and has a purpose.
New youtube channel, this one is hacks only lol. Will still be using my old youtube channel too.
Posted on 03-09-12, 06:03 pm
Super Mario
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Karma: 10026
Posts: 1530/4458
Since: 06-08-11
Well, I'd only use activators if they give some new gameplay element.

Just one wall next to a switch that breaks it is NOT a new gameplay element.
A freaking huge maze where walls appear or disappear as you hit switches *is* a new gameplay element, but it's NOT fun.

In general I think that using the block create/destroy sprite is a bad idea. It can only lead to silly things, or annoying things... Feel free to prove me wrong though. I'm not creative enough to think of a good use of that sprite but maybe you are
Posted on 03-09-12, 06:08 pm
Roy Koopa

Karma: 4011
Posts: 1382/2722
Since: 06-26-11
In NSHB we use it for "Pow-Blocks". If you hit the Pow-Block, something gets destroyed. Or just for some nice looking things We also use it for Minigames (race against spiny, if you are too slow, a wall will appear at the end and if you are fast enough, the wall wont appear )
Or kind of turning giant blocks. Eg: A "C" made with bricks and let these blocks "turn". There can be done pretty much nice stuff with this sprite
See a lots of creative DS Hacking here
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Posted on 03-09-12, 06:11 pm
Super Mario
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Karma: 10026
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Since: 06-08-11

Well, if you feel it's for something new and intuitive to the player then I have no objection about using The Sprite.

I wasn't saying that activators are forbidden. I just meant that we should try to avoid them becoming annoying to the player.
Posted on 03-09-12, 06:13 pm
Roy Koopa

Karma: 4011
Posts: 1384/2722
Since: 06-26-11
Oh, ok. I know what you mean. Best example is NSMB3
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Posted on 03-09-12, 06:14 pm
Super Mario
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Karma: 10026
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Since: 06-08-11
Posted by ray
Oh, ok. I know what you mean. Best example is NSMB3

You mean, example of good use or bad use?
I consider it 99% bad use.
Posted on 03-09-12, 06:18 pm (rev. 2)
Roy Koopa

Karma: 4011
Posts: 1385/2722
Since: 06-26-11
Yep I mean bad use. SKJ's levels are absolutely unfair. I have no Idea how someone can make such bad levels

See a lots of creative DS Hacking here
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Posted on 03-09-12, 06:19 pm (rev. 1)

Karma: 54
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Since: 12-02-11
And what I don't get is people find that fun?!

EDIT: Ok lets get back on topic.
New youtube channel, this one is hacks only lol. Will still be using my old youtube channel too.
Posted on 03-09-12, 06:20 pm
Roy Koopa

Karma: 4011
Posts: 1386/2722
Since: 06-26-11
Maybe we could add SGM remixes as music
See a lots of creative DS Hacking here
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Posted on 03-09-12, 06:21 pm

Karma: 382
Posts: 265/335
Since: 06-28-11
(I do not know if the central thread)We could create a remake of super mario 63 as the game is in 2D we would not have problems
Posted on 03-09-12, 06:21 pm
Roy Koopa

Karma: 4011
Posts: 1387/2722
Since: 06-26-11
Didnt you do that already? And we said above we want it more like Nintendo's level No remakes
See a lots of creative DS Hacking here
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Posted on 03-09-12, 06:24 pm

Karma: 382
Posts: 266/335
Since: 06-28-11
Ok, but the tileset are edited?
Posted on 03-09-12, 06:24 pm
Super Mario
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Karma: 10026
Posts: 1534/4458
Since: 06-08-11
Gerry: No, no remakes The hack has to be 100% original. It's more fun.

Yep, back on topic.

Any new kind of levels we want?
Some kind of star-world when the player completes the game like in SMW? (We could use worlds 4 and 7 for this, with some ASM hacking)
Change the world themes? (texture hacks)
If so, what themes? I want Chocolate Island

Dunno, just throwing ideas to be discussed

Posted on 03-09-12, 06:27 pm

Karma: 382
Posts: 267/335
Since: 06-28-11
I like the idea, but I would take care of tilesets
Posted on 03-09-12, 06:27 pm
Roy Koopa

Karma: 4011
Posts: 1388/2722
Since: 06-26-11
Of course Airships I really like them. And maybe trains? But for trains we would have to edit the square turning block
I would suggest 5 new levels in the Toad House which appears when you completed the game

Chocolate Island is... too... crazy. That is good for one level, but not a complete world

I would like to have a honey world I mean grasland with honey to climb on like in SMG
See a lots of creative DS Hacking here
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Posted on 03-09-12, 06:30 pm
Captivated by Persona 4

Karma: 605
Posts: 62/306
Since: 01-06-12
That is a cool idea,
I was thinking of a Bikini Bottom level/world, but I know it is harder to do than a Honey World
I apologize to everyone for my horrible English.
Posted on 03-09-12, 06:30 pm

Karma: 54
Posts: 65/87
Since: 12-02-11
Posted by Dirbaio
Any new kind of levels we want?

Yeah, airship levels would be quite nice.
Posted by Dirbaio
Some kind of star-world when the player completes the game like in SMW? (We could use worlds 4 and 7 for this, with some ASM hacking)

I also quite like the idea of this.
New youtube channel, this one is hacks only lol. Will still be using my old youtube channel too.
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