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Posted on 06-03-24, 06:07 pm

Karma: 16
Posts: 1/7
Since: 06-03-24
i'm trying to install Another Super Mario Bros. 2

the xdelta rejects the rom (that worked for newer), saying "An error has occurred: xdelta3: target window checksum mismatch: XD3_INVALID_INPUT"
so i think ok, well there's also a .nmp
i can successfully patch it in nsmbe, but i can't figure out how to export anything i can use (exporting an xdelta also rejects with the same error)

am i missing something or...?
Posted on 06-03-24, 06:26 pm (rev. 1 by  Mr. Ztardust on 06-03-24, 06:27 pm)
Red Cheep-cheep
Unfortunately, where there is light, there is dark. Where there's a Star, there's a Ztar!

Karma: 557
Posts: 168/215
Since: 02-02-24
Make sure the rom you're patching is (U) region and not (EU), also, make sure that none of both roms you're patching has been opened in NSMBe before or any other program, since it can cause errors most of the times, if you're still getting errors you could try with other rom, I haven't patched any roms with NSMBe but I have understood that it's not recommended using NSMBe to patch them

My YouTube Channel
Posted on 06-03-24, 06:34 pm

Karma: 16
Posts: 2/7
Since: 06-03-24
Make sure the rom you're patching is (U) region and not (EU)

it is
i even tried two different u roms and it still doesn't work

make sure that none of both roms you're patching has been opened in NSMBe before or any other program

dependent on the filename, the file, or the file's contents (making sure)
cause i've failed all of those but i can start over on the first two
i will note though i tried the xdelta before i even downloaded nsmbe so that can't have been the initial problem
Posted on 06-03-24, 07:17 pm (rev. 1 by  Mr. Ztardust on 06-03-24, 07:19 pm)
Red Cheep-cheep
Unfortunately, where there is light, there is dark. Where there's a Star, there's a Ztar!

Karma: 557
Posts: 169/215
Since: 02-02-24
My apologies, I didn't read the post correctly. Since the xdelta patch isn't working, try the NMP patch instead, after patching it with NSMBe, you must close the editor and you're ready to play it, you just have to change the name of the rom you patched in your desktop

My YouTube Channel
Posted on 06-04-24, 06:55 am
I do things sometimes

Karma: 983
Posts: 322/361
Since: 08-07-17
outta curiosity, wheredya get the patch? do you think you could send a link?
Posted on 06-04-24, 03:32 pm

Karma: 16
Posts: 3/7
Since: 06-03-24
oh, it did patch
it just somehow has the exact same filesize
wheredya get the patch? do you think you could send a link?
Pages: 1