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Posted on 01-11-12, 11:41 am (rev. 1)
Fuzz Ball
KirbyFanatic64 (LOL)

Karma: 1386
Posts: 130/950
Since: 11-13-11
Posted by ray
You have to replace the .sseq, .sbnk and .swar

As Orengefox said, we could get .sseq from .mid, but .sbnk and .swar we have to get from another DS game?

Oh, something in my head, when editing the modified .sdat folder, will it crash if we have add more .sseq or others file than original?

I wanted to hack music, but it's so hard! Confuse to start! Not easy as piece of tarts!

Great games must be fun, not fancy.

Music Hacker needed! PM me if you wish!
Posted on 01-11-12, 04:31 pm (rev. 1)
Roy Koopa

Karma: 4011
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Since: 06-26-11
Hmm... I tried that once (adding new music) but I got many problems. I'm still trying to figure out if its possible ^^
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Posted on 01-15-12, 03:12 pm (rev. 2)
Fuzz Ball
KirbyFanatic64 (LOL)

Karma: 1386
Posts: 141/950
Since: 11-13-11
What is the recommended version of VGMtrans, so I could google correctly.
Because the link before seem to be broken, and the one Elmario gave isn't compiled files. (I'm bad at compiling), so I will find it myself.

Edit: I found version 9_13_06 and right now I'm using it, there is something I'm stuck at this part:
Posted by orengefox
Load up SM64DS using VGM Trans. From out of its list of music, click on the one that says “NCS_BGM_CLEAR” (that’s the victory star music). Right at the very bottom left hand corner of VGM Trans, you’ll see a list of files which make up “NCS_BGM_CLEAR”. They are the fallowing: “NCS_BGM_CLEAR.sseq”, “NCS_BANK_BGM_CLEAR.sbnk”, “NCS_WAVE_BGM_RESIDENT.swar”, and “NCS_WAVE_BGM_CLR_CHJO.swar”. You’ll need to extract these files from out of the program which you can do by right-clicking on the listed files using VGM Trans

I don't know how to extract as *.sseq/*.swar/*.sbnk, it makes me extracted:
*.sseq >> *.mid
*.sbnk >> *.dls (I think)
*.swar >> lots of *.wav!

I extracted from bottom left window.


Great games must be fun, not fancy.

Music Hacker needed! PM me if you wish!
Posted on 01-15-12, 06:27 pm
Roy Koopa

Karma: 4011
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Since: 06-26-11
You have to make a right click -> Export as original format

or so...
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Posted on 01-16-12, 04:45 am
Fuzz Ball
KirbyFanatic64 (LOL)

Karma: 1386
Posts: 143/950
Since: 11-13-11
It doesn't has that option, it only included close and export as mid(for .sseq), dls(for .sbnk), wav(for .swav)
So I can't export as original format.

Or I have to get another version? Which version you are using?

Great games must be fun, not fancy.

Music Hacker needed! PM me if you wish!
Posted on 01-16-12, 05:00 am
Roy Koopa

Karma: 4011
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Since: 06-26-11
I'm using the Music Hack pack from here:
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Posted on 01-16-12, 05:12 am (rev. 1)
Fuzz Ball
KirbyFanatic64 (LOL)

Karma: 1386
Posts: 144/950
Since: 11-13-11
Oh, so that's different tutorial aside from orengefox's one.
And you practiced from this guide instead?

Edit: Hey! The download link won't work for me. It made me to sign in that, is there another way to get it? (Sorry, I don't like to sign in too much sites)

Great games must be fun, not fancy.

Music Hacker needed! PM me if you wish!
Posted on 01-16-12, 05:19 am
Roy Koopa

Karma: 4011
Posts: 1240/2722
Since: 06-26-11
No, I used orengefoxs tutorial. The one from gbatemp I used only for the Music Hack pack. There has to be a megaupload link, look again^^
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Posted on 01-16-12, 12:35 pm (rev. 4)
Fuzz Ball
KirbyFanatic64 (LOL)

Karma: 1386
Posts: 145/950
Since: 11-13-11
Posted by ray
No, I used orengefoxs tutorial. The one from gbatemp I used only for the Music Hack pack. There has to be a megaupload link, look again^^

Oops, found it, I didn't notice. LOL

Edit: Nearly done! But having stuck at last part!

I already replace new sound_data.sdat, but when I tested in game, the music that I hacked hasn't work.
The problem is I wanted to use the music from Mario&Luigi: Partner in time. However, that game use only one .swar file for many songs (instead of each song per each .swar like NSMB)so that .swar is huge, and in comparing, it's equal to most of the .swar files in NSMB. And I tried to replace it with selected .swar file in NSMB, and as you know, it doesn't work.

Plz help me!

Great games must be fun, not fancy.

Music Hacker needed! PM me if you wish!
Posted on 01-16-12, 05:09 pm
Roy Koopa

Karma: 4011
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Since: 06-26-11
Dunno There are a lot of not-working-songs-for-nsmb xD
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Posted on 01-17-12, 01:02 pm
Fuzz Ball
KirbyFanatic64 (LOL)

Karma: 1386
Posts: 147/950
Since: 11-13-11
I don't know why I can't get it works... as orengefox's guide, you just replace those .sseq, .sbnk, and .swar in groups. Just try to make sure that you replacing right file but it always fail, I wish someone was going to teach me a special course on hacking music, I keep trying and trying but nothing better. If only I knew how those file works together, I saw many of you success from music hacking but don't know why I can't be successful too. I can't come up with any ideas, I really want to include my favorite songs in my hacks. Even that the music I wanted come from others DS game, so the successful possibility would be higher. I wonder why god doesn't help me, why the music hacking is so difficult, why others can but I can't, what I'm doing wrong, how can I make it works, and many many many doubtful questions in my mind.

I wrote those in bad/sad mood.
I don't know who I should ask for teaching me... I'm Afraid that I would annoy you. So sorry.
Someone please gives me advices for solving, please.

Great games must be fun, not fancy.

Music Hacker needed! PM me if you wish!
Posted on 01-17-12, 01:42 pm
Roy Koopa

Karma: 4011
Posts: 1243/2722
Since: 06-26-11
You CANT solve it. You dont want to know, how MANY hours I spent on trying to add some songs to NSMB. Some have no ingame sounds, some will complete not work. Its still unknown why.
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Posted on 01-18-12, 01:59 pm (rev. 1)
Fuzz Ball
KirbyFanatic64 (LOL)

Karma: 1386
Posts: 148/950
Since: 11-13-11
Sorry for my latest posts, hope you don't get upset on me.

But I tended to get it works, or not? As I replaced my underground with dungeon songs from SM64DS, I carefully replace .sseq .swar and .sbnk but I don't know why, when I tested in no$gba there weren't any music when I entered original level 1-2(it should have 09:underground in view's setting), but when I opened that rom in vgmtrans, that underground music was being fine, as it does have my new music sound.

And some weird thing: when I looked further, my modified rom has a lot of extra music files appeared at the back, those file has an plain-name, and it's the original music files I think.

Don't know are there any person get this thing. Oh, I'd lol leave a picture for better description.


Great games must be fun, not fancy.

Music Hacker needed! PM me if you wish!
Posted on 01-18-12, 04:59 pm
Roy Koopa

Karma: 4011
Posts: 1244/2722
Since: 06-26-11
Why should I get upset? This forum IS for HELPING
I dont want to make you unhappy, but you should forget the song. I often replaced songs and there were no music and sounds, too. I know that shitty-notfixable problem^^
And I think you ADDED songs from SM64DS to NSMB. I have no idea how you did this, but that could be a reason for the not working music. Otherwise, if all other songs are WORKING, then this could be the solution for music limitation! ADDING MUSIC WOULD BE SO NICE
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Posted on 01-19-12, 12:50 pm
Fuzz Ball
KirbyFanatic64 (LOL)

Karma: 1386
Posts: 150/950
Since: 11-13-11
Back to topic.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but I'll show you what I've done, maybe it could help you know how I've done it. (and you would know the reasons!)

After I've done that, I started to test it....

I think those 6 steps are completely the same process as orengefox's guide, so I really don't know what's going wrong.

Great games must be fun, not fancy.

Music Hacker needed! PM me if you wish!
Posted on 01-19-12, 05:02 pm
Roy Koopa

Karma: 4011
Posts: 1246/2722
Since: 06-26-11
Yup, you did all right^^ Thats the "no-music" bug -.-
But I still dont get how you got these extra songs xD
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Posted on 01-20-12, 01:40 pm (rev. 1)
Fuzz Ball
KirbyFanatic64 (LOL)

Karma: 1386
Posts: 151/950
Since: 11-13-11
Posted by ray
Yup, you did all right^^ Thats the "no-music" bug -.-
But I still dont get how you got these extra songs xD

Then it should be the problem of NSMBe I think, as I opened my edited sound_data.sdat with Crystaltile2 and Nds editor to look for the three music files I've replaced, and they work OK, just as I imported it into NSMB rom, the music dissappear.

You're success from having Dire, Dire docks music included in your hack, right? If yes, please replies my following question:
-What NSMBe revision you're using for import sound_data.sdat?
-Do you add file extension after exported them from VGMtrans?
-Are you instantly get it works, or once you've faced some problems before get it works? <_<

And these are few questions I want to know about you, so I might get some ideas from your replies.

-Have you got freetime in each day? (If yes, I'll PM you what I'm ask for, but please don't get annoyed by me)
-Do you know someone who can get it works other than you?
-Have you practice GBAtemp's guide yet?
-Have you face this "no-music" bug before? (even though it's likely as Q.3 but I would ask for specifying)

Thank you for your kindness to help me, ray. <3

Edit: At the moment I change the course clear music (example in orengefox's guide), and ALSO change my preferred music (desert, underground, and World1). However, only that course clear music (that I used from SM64DS) works but other music wasn't played.
(And somehow when I opened my NSMB rom with VGMtrans to look for my music changes, it works all right! This's happening again)

Oh, but even though course clear music works, it makes many sounds lost (such as pipe's sound, coin's sound, breaking bricks' sound)


Great games must be fun, not fancy.

Music Hacker needed! PM me if you wish!
Posted on 01-21-12, 01:54 am
Buzzy Beetle
Just watching...

Karma: 498
Posts: 147/386
Since: 07-01-11
Posted by MarioSunshine
I opened no$gba, started game, went to W1-2(it has underground theme), and expected to heard SM64DS music.
However, there're no music at all, it's silence, only the sound still be there.

Hm i dunno if help a lot but i get that problem A LOT OF TIMES, but, i fix it like this:
in your level 1-2, go to level configuration (and your custom music), (in the area's configuration leave it as is: 09:Underground)
Go to graphics
Background Top layer, change the background, ANY background, except for the underground ones.
(just for test leve it like 0: Grassland (hills and clouds))
in Background Bottom layer, do the same.
(just for test leve it like 0: Grassland (orange hills and clouds))
save it, play it and tell me if it works
Posted on 01-21-12, 10:12 am
Roy Koopa

Karma: 4011
Posts: 1247/2722
Since: 06-26-11
Posted by MarioSunshine
Posted by ray
Yup, you did all right^^ Thats the "no-music" bug -.-
But I still dont get how you got these extra songs xD

Then it should be the problem of NSMBe I think, as I opened my edited sound_data.sdat with Crystaltile2 and Nds editor to look for the three music files I've replaced, and they work OK, just as I imported it into NSMB rom, the music dissappear.

You're success from having Dire, Dire docks music included in your hack, right? If yes, please replies my following question:
-What NSMBe revision you're using for import sound_data.sdat?
-Do you add file extension after exported them from VGMtrans?
-Are you instantly get it works, or once you've faced some problems before get it works? <_<

And these are few questions I want to know about you, so I might get some ideas from your replies.

-Have you got freetime in each day? (If yes, I'll PM you what I'm ask for, but please don't get annoyed by me)
-Do you know someone who can get it works other than you?
-Have you practice GBAtemp's guide yet?
-Have you face this "no-music" bug before? (even though it's likely as Q.3 but I would ask for specifying)

Thank you for your kindness to help me, ray. <3

Edit: At the moment I change the course clear music (example in orengefox's guide), and ALSO change my preferred music (desert, underground, and World1). However, only that course clear music (that I used from SM64DS) works but other music wasn't played.
(And somehow when I opened my NSMB rom with VGMtrans to look for my music changes, it works all right! This's happening again)

Oh, but even though course clear music works, it makes many sounds lost (such as pipe's sound, coin's sound, breaking bricks' sound)

I always use the latest revision to import the new .sdat
No, I dont add file extensions.
I often have problems. It doesnt work on my first try (most of the time)

No, I have not many free time on one day. I have many other projects and my Computer time is only 1h 30min ...
Yup, Markitus would be a person who coult do it
I have read the GBEtemp guide one time, but its the same like orengefoxs guide. I learned it trough orengefoxs guide^^
Yes, I had the bug many time (one year ago was my first time)

OMG, what are you doing? xD Probably you should test STORMENT's tip or use a clean ROM

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Posted on 01-23-12, 08:01 am
Fuzz Ball
KirbyFanatic64 (LOL)

Karma: 1386
Posts: 154/950
Since: 11-13-11
@Storment: Do your tip usually works for you? I can't get it work for me.

@ray: So that it's not only I who got this **** no-music bug, then I shall keep it up.
But I wonder why...

BTW who is Markitus?

Great games must be fun, not fancy.

Music Hacker needed! PM me if you wish!
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