Pages: 1
Posted on 03-02-18, 04:03 pm

Karma: 2
Posts: 9/11
Since: 04-30-17
Hello guys,
do someone know, how the Newer Team have made the new music in Newer SMBDS outside the sdat file? Maybe i would add new music to the game too, for legendarys or trainers and i already dont have any space left for the music, because i replaced them. when someone knows it, let me know it.

PS: sorry for my bad english, i'm german and not so good at english...
Posted on 03-02-18, 06:10 pm

Karma: 8548
Posts: 1131/1681
Since: 06-09-12
It uses asm hacks:

While the hack is not specific to NSMB you would have to find all the functions used in the Pokémon rom and find some method to trigger the swaps. Also I have no idea if an asm patch template even exists for Pokémon B/W.
GitHub - Kuribo64 - YouTube
Posted on 03-02-18, 07:44 pm

Karma: 2
Posts: 10/11
Since: 04-30-17
okay thanks
Posted on 03-09-18, 01:53 am

Karma: 2
Posts: 11/11
Since: 04-30-17
now I have another question.
Do someone knows, how to make a new .sbnk and a new .swar files like these in Pokémon HGSS? I would use multiple instruments in my tracks, the only problem is, that there are not enough instruments in the soundbanks. Can I make somehow a universal soundbank?
Best regards!
Pages: 1