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Posted on 08-17-11, 06:41 pm
Super Mario
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Karma: 10081
Posts: 634/4458
Since: 06-08-11
Granted, but you only have 4 posts (for now )

I wish I had a faster internet here. I get a download speed of 30 kb/s.
Posted on 08-17-11, 07:19 pm

Karma: 3767
Posts: 263/2112
Since: 06-28-11
Granted, but where you live there are no better internet providers.
(Really only 30 kbps?)

I wish I could download with 1.5 MB/s, like one of my friends-.-
Posted on 08-17-11, 07:22 pm
Super Mario
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Karma: 10081
Posts: 636/4458
Since: 06-08-11
(yeah, 30kbps, but that's because I'm on vacation. At home I have a more decent connection)

Granted, but even though your are does have good internet providers, you don't have the money.

I wish I had the inspiration to finish my contest level now...

Posted on 08-17-11, 07:25 pm

Karma: 3767
Posts: 264/2112
Since: 06-28-11
(You take your laptop with you, when you go on holiday? Where are you on Holiday?)
Granted, but you want be original and all ideas have been taken by others already.

I want to see a special Jellyfish. (Don't ask me, what shit this is, I did not know a cool wish )
Posted on 08-17-11, 07:53 pm

Karma: 23
Posts: 5/6
Since: 08-17-11
Granted, but the Jellyfish dies as it sees you.

I wish I can have a koopa troopa as a pet...don't judge me.
Pacman post was here. Its pernamently here now.
Posted on 08-18-11, 12:25 pm
Roy Koopa
The guy who does things.

Karma: 12749
Posts: 55/2796
Since: 07-01-11
I'm not judging, heck I want a pet Yoshi!

Granted, but the Koopa is untamed and kills you in your sleep.

I wish I was immortal...
New Super Mario Bros.: Clone Tag Team 1+2 / New Super Mario Advance + Take 2 / Super Mario: Endless Earth
My two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart.
Posted on 08-18-11, 01:50 pm

Karma: 3767
Posts: 268/2112
Since: 06-28-11
But God killed you then. (Yeah, god can kill people, even if they are immortal. )

I wish, I wasn't the fucking coolest guy on earth.
(Come on! Corrupt my wish. )
Posted on 08-18-11, 10:19 pm

Karma: 3316
Posts: 117/2026
Since: 06-28-11
Granted, but you are not the coolest guy on earth in the first place, so the wish goes wrong and makes you the most hated guy on earth

I wish I could make a game from scratch.

Posted on 08-19-11, 02:32 am

Karma: 75
Posts: 9/102
Since: 08-05-11
Granted, but scratch turned out to be a program on a site called

I wish I knew all programming languages on the internet!
"What to know what happens if someone assassinates dirbaio? He dies. NOW WHAT!?"
Posted on 08-19-11, 03:19 am
Roy Koopa
The guy who does things.

Karma: 12749
Posts: 57/2796
Since: 07-01-11
Granted, but there are so many scripting languages your head overloads with too much information and explodes!

I wish I had the brain-power to hack Racoon Mario into NSMB.
New Super Mario Bros.: Clone Tag Team 1+2 / New Super Mario Advance + Take 2 / Super Mario: Endless Earth
My two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart.
Posted on 08-19-11, 05:55 am
Did you win the game?

Karma: 226
Posts: 67/322
Since: 06-28-11
Granted, but when you had Dirbaio stole that power from you so that he could make the editor 10 times more ausome.

I wish that I could program much more fast.
Posted on 08-20-11, 07:49 pm

Karma: 379
Posts: 31/226
Since: 08-17-11
Granted, But you programed it so fast your computer blew up

I wish I could teleport into a video game.
Pro lurker

My Hack (whoops link is fixed now):
Posted on 08-20-11, 08:07 pm
Super Mario
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Karma: 10081
Posts: 665/4458
Since: 06-08-11
Granted, but then the player shuts down his video game console without saving so you get lost into the void.

I wish summer weren't so hot in Spain.
Posted on 08-20-11, 08:18 pm

Karma: 379
Posts: 33/226
Since: 08-17-11
Granted, But it caused an ice age.

I wish I am the best drawer in the world!
Pro lurker

My Hack (whoops link is fixed now):
Posted on 08-21-11, 08:44 am
Roy Koopa
The guy who does things.

Karma: 12749
Posts: 59/2796
Since: 07-01-11
Granted, but you live in the Stone Age so drawing a stick figure makes you DaVinci anyway...

I wish I was a Pokemon Trainer...

New Super Mario Bros.: Clone Tag Team 1+2 / New Super Mario Advance + Take 2 / Super Mario: Endless Earth
My two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart.
Posted on 08-22-11, 09:24 am

Karma: 3767
Posts: 290/2112
Since: 06-28-11
Granted, but then your own Pokémon ate you. (Relaxo)

I wish for a 3D TV in my own room.
Posted on 08-22-11, 10:15 am
Did you win the game?

Karma: 226
Posts: 74/322
Since: 06-28-11
Granted but with that T.V the 3D affect is COOL AS and It looks like the T.V. is not there.

I wish I understood what a HUGE junk of ASM code means.
Posted on 08-22-11, 01:05 pm
Super Mario
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Karma: 10081
Posts: 678/4458
Since: 06-08-11
Granted, but it's sooo huge that, in order to understand it, you first need to understand it

I wish I didn't sleep 12 hours a day
Posted on 08-23-11, 09:13 pm

Karma: 3767
Posts: 307/2112
Since: 06-28-11
Granted, but now you sleep 24 hours a day and dont have any time for NSMB.

I wish I could perform magic.
Posted on 08-23-11, 09:18 pm
Roy Koopa

Karma: 4011
Posts: 484/2722
Since: 06-26-11
(So you can restore the PW? xD)
But you cant, because you are not Kamek

I wish I could remember my NSHB homepage PW
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