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Posted on 11-08-13, 07:26 pm
Super Mario
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Karma: 10081
Posts: 3885/4458
Since: 06-08-11
It still has a white outline and shadows

The logo itself has the black shadow and outline, there's no need to add another outline and shadow to the shadow...
Posted on 11-08-13, 07:28 pm

Karma: 1589
Posts: 656/1290
Since: 02-12-13
The logo doesn't have the outline. I added it, but then it looked empty. So, I added a shadow.
Posted on 11-08-13, 07:29 pm
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Karma: 6351
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There was a black line. But do you want me to remove the white line?
Posted on 11-08-13, 07:34 pm

Karma: 1589
Posts: 657/1290
Since: 02-12-13
There wasn't, that's just because the shadow is thick! Also, if the white line gets removed... I'll be sad, because that'd remove the whole 'point' of the logo and make it look empty.
Posted on 11-08-13, 07:37 pm
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Karma: 6351
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Since: 01-17-13
I can try to make a very visible shadow while doing this. But I must know if you want me to do it.
Posted on 11-08-13, 07:38 pm

Karma: 1589
Posts: 658/1290
Since: 02-12-13
Well, that would make the black already in the logo and the shadow overlapping, making the logo look blurred from the outside
Posted on 11-08-13, 07:44 pm (rev. 1 by Thierry on 11-08-13, 07:45 pm)
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Since: 01-17-13
I know something which will help me... ( and I'll use dark colours from the pallet I have) I'll try, for you.
Posted on 11-08-13, 07:57 pm
Super Mario
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Karma: 10081
Posts: 3886/4458
Since: 06-08-11
Is it that hard to understand? No shadows, no outlines. Just use the SVG logo as-is without modification, and put whatever you want in the BG.
Posted on 11-08-13, 07:59 pm
All aboard the RandomTests train!

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Posted by Dirbaio
Is it that hard to understand? No shadows, no outlines. Just use the SVG logo as-is without modification, and put whatever you want in the BG.

Actually, I believe that a very small shadow would work well for this logo. Could be wrong however.
Posted on 11-08-13, 08:02 pm (rev. 1 by  Dirbaio on 11-08-13, 08:06 pm)
Super Mario
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Karma: 10081
Posts: 3887/4458
Since: 06-08-11
The logo itself is black all around, it has its own shadow. Adding an extra shadow makes it look extra blurry. Unless you add THE WHITE OUTLINE. Blag.

EDIT: When I mean the "original" logo I mean THIS ONE.
Posted on 11-08-13, 08:55 pm

Karma: 1589
Posts: 659/1290
Since: 02-12-13
Uh...Dirbaio? How do you trace the NSMB logo to SVG so good with inkscape? Mine sounds jaggy.
Posted on 11-08-13, 09:04 pm
Super Mario
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Karma: 10081
Posts: 3888/4458
Since: 06-08-11
I didn't, I got it from here:

But wtf why are you re-making something I've already done? It's a waste of time :|
Posted on 11-08-13, 09:30 pm
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Karma: 6351
Posts: 530/2788
Since: 01-17-13
Hey,  Dirbaio, I replaced  snake block's logo by your logo.

Is this good?
Posted on 11-08-13, 09:36 pm (rev. 1 by  Dirbaio on 11-08-13, 10:11 pm)
Super Mario
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Karma: 10081
Posts: 3889/4458
Since: 06-08-11
This thread is derailing dangerously fast. People don't read my posts at all.

I'm closing it, I'll post a new one in some minutes maybe later, where I'll put some rules as to what is OK and what isn't.
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