Posted on 05-14-16, 08:38 pm
Buzzy Beetle

Karma: 935
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Since: 11-20-15
I got Super Smash Bros FOR 3DS
Posted on 05-15-16, 12:16 am
banned: childish fight with Super-toad 65

Karma: 265
Posts: 3/101
Since: 05-14-16
I fell in an ice lake and got my fur wet
It's time we take a stand.
Posted on 05-15-16, 01:09 am (rev. 1 by  Arctus Platner on 05-15-16, 02:04 am)
Red Paratroopa
Friend of N64s and DSes

Karma: 516
Posts: 142/171
Since: 07-26-15
I hope that I don't walk too FAR away from the house.

I decided to edit the post seeing as xKitten pointed out that I could not use the word "far", so I hope that this isn't going against the rules of the thread. Below is the new sentence.

I should really stop staring at this FIR tree.

Hopefully, that should suffice.
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Never use a flash drive unless you are transferring files...
Posted on 05-15-16, 01:30 am
banned: childish fight with Super-toad 65

Karma: 265
Posts: 4/101
Since: 05-14-16
Posted by Super-toad 65
i trew my pikmin too FAR

Already been used.
It's time we take a stand.
Posted on 05-15-16, 11:54 am

Karma: 1430
Posts: 214/355
Since: 05-26-15
In every NSMB game there is a FIRE world
Posted on 05-15-16, 12:05 pm

Karma: 472
Posts: 27/139
Since: 04-08-16
Wow, this ad really convince me that this TIRE is the best on the market...

The Legendary Sprite 326:
Posted on 05-15-16, 01:29 pm
Buzzy Beetle

Karma: 935
Posts: 70/396
Since: 11-20-15
I'm TIRED of doing homework.
Posted on 05-15-16, 06:20 pm
Not a hacker

Karma: 188
Posts: 65/153
Since: 04-05-16
I TILED a bg with Dirbaio's BGTiler
Discord server
Posted on 05-15-16, 06:38 pm

Karma: 1430
Posts: 216/355
Since: 05-26-15
You know that a BG can't have more than 256 TILES?
Posted on 05-15-16, 07:27 pm
Not a hacker

Karma: 188
Posts: 67/153
Since: 04-05-16
I saved them on new FILES
Discord server
Posted on 05-15-16, 10:54 pm
banned: childish fight with Super-toad 65

Karma: 265
Posts: 10/101
Since: 05-14-16
Can't find any good file hosting. e.e
It's time we take a stand.
Posted on 05-15-16, 11:21 pm

Karma: 463
Posts: 53/83
Since: 02-12-15
I use Google Drive. It's better than 4-Shared by a mile.
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MK8 Modding Central
Posted on 05-15-16, 11:53 pm

Karma: 472
Posts: 29/139
Since: 04-08-16
Why do I SMILE right now?

The Legendary Sprite 326:
Posted on 05-15-16, 11:56 pm
banned: childish fight with Super-toad 65

Karma: 265
Posts: 12/101
Since: 05-14-16
That smilie deserves to die in a pit of fire covered with the ashes of Stalin.

It's time we take a stand.
Posted on 05-16-16, 05:06 pm
Buzzy Beetle

Karma: 935
Posts: 71/396
Since: 11-20-15
I've had enough SMILIES for now.
Posted on 06-02-16, 04:39 pm
banned: childish fight with Super-toad 65

Karma: 265
Posts: 44/101
Since: 05-14-16

Smiles and Tears from Earthbound is an okay song, but I like the Smash remake better.
It's time we take a stand.
Posted on 06-07-16, 05:31 pm (rev. 1 by  MoonlightCapital on 06-07-16, 05:31 pm)
Not a hacker

Karma: 188
Posts: 93/153
Since: 04-05-16
Miles is my best friend, because i can use his wii
Discord server
Posted on 06-10-16, 09:22 am
Buzzy Beetle

Karma: 935
Posts: 79/396
Since: 11-20-15
I used to store loads of FILES in my flash disk.
Posted on 06-10-16, 02:26 pm

Karma: -2
Posts: 6/6
Since: 05-21-16
Posted by Super-toad 65
I saved them on new FILES

Already been used.

My name's GIGA. S'nice to meet you.
If not for respect, but dramatic effect, take on the face of Guy Fawkes.
Posted on 06-15-16, 10:11 pm
Buzzy Beetle

Karma: 935
Posts: 81/396
Since: 11-20-15
Who the heck is GINA?!