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Posted on 07-23-13, 03:18 am (rev. 2 by  MarioFanatic64 on 07-23-13, 03:19 am)
Roy Koopa
The guy who does things.

Karma: 12729
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Since: 07-01-11
I'll be stating on my promised 3-3 level shortly. Though to keep the level themes in the hub world more inconsistent I may change it to an Autumn level. A vertical one that uses my vertical BG.

Edit: Not very relevant, but bleh. It's some sort of progress.
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Posted on 07-27-13, 02:48 am (rev. 1 by  gridatttack on 07-27-13, 02:54 am)

Karma: 3306
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Since: 06-28-11
I dunno how I missed this. So yeah. perhaps instead of packing everything into one castle, how about we split the hub for it to be one for each world? Take for example, if the first one is a grassland, the first set of levels can be accessed in a castle like hub.

Now for example in world 2 if its a desert. We could have some sort of hub that would be something like a desert tower or something. Something that will give IMO more personality to the areas, and wont look weird all being in a castle. Also would make the thing of having cannons better. Like, you could land on the outside of X world hub.

We could add more detail to each area, take for example. In the hypothetically desert tower, the door that leads to 1-5 (which is an hypothetically oasis level) takes you to the area where the door/pipe is that will take you to it, and could be decorated with water or something.

Think something like Kirby's Dreamland on the NES/GBA.

Posted on 07-27-13, 02:54 am
Giant Red Koopa

Karma: 886
Posts: 420/1315
Since: 11-12-12
What? It was like that kn KA? I never noticed... But I guess it makes sense...

Anyway, good idea! Possibley as a background far away blocks, like you can see levels that are far away?
Posted on 07-27-13, 03:01 am

Karma: 3306
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Since: 06-28-11
Posted by mrx
What? It was like that kn KA? I never noticed... But I guess it makes sense...

Anyway, good idea! Possibley as a background far away blocks, like you can see levels that are far away?

It was not exactly like that in KA, but something similar. And yeah, some sort of decoration that you can look far away the level. Like the hypothetical oasis level, there's some palm or some pond you can look far away.
And of course, the doors would have to be accommodated so it will look logical.

However, my main concern is, how to enter the level. Were taking ideas of the SM64, in which said game you enter via paintings.
We could use pipes, which would make sense, or pipe cannons, or even doors (but this one wouldn't make sense, unless the level would be inside the hub, like W1 hub is a castle themed, and the door takes you to a castle level)

Posted on 07-27-13, 03:29 am
me some orange juice my hand

Karma: 674
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Since: 09-24-12
I think the entrance should be different for each level/"world", related to their theme.
Posted on 07-27-13, 03:31 am

Karma: 3306
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Since: 06-28-11
Posted by py_hacker
I think the entrance should be different for each level/"world", related to their theme.

The thing is. There are just a few types of entrances. Pipe and door. (unless new ones could be coded)

Or unless you mean something like, the first level is a grassland level. you enter a pipe/door that is surrounded by bushes or the main hub theme decorations, which of course, that would be done

Posted on 07-27-13, 04:10 am
me some orange juice my hand

Karma: 674
Posts: 361/699
Since: 09-24-12
That's what I meant by that.
Posted on 07-29-13, 01:11 am
Giant Red Koopa

Karma: 886
Posts: 421/1315
Since: 11-12-12
Sounds great then !

And Grid, I meant KD, not KA, sorry .

Speaking of paintings I think the entrance of the level should have a painting above it with something about the level on it so players can tell what level it is (If possible you cant see the painting until you unlock or beat the level).
Posted on 07-29-13, 01:16 am

Karma: 3306
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Since: 06-28-11
Posted by mrx
Sounds great then !

And Grid, I meant KD, not KA, sorry .

Speaking of paintings I think the entrance of the level should have a painting above it with something about the level on it so players can tell what level it is (If possible you cant see the painting until you unlock or beat the level).

The thing is, that could be a way if we are going for the castle only thing

My proposal is that the area where you enter the level, has decoration and settings so you will know what kind of level it is.


Posted on 07-29-13, 02:11 am (rev. 1 by  MarioFanatic64 on 07-29-13, 02:15 am)
Roy Koopa
The guy who does things.

Karma: 12729
Posts: 901/2796
Since: 07-01-11
Posted by gridatttack
So yeah. perhaps instead of packing everything into one castle, how about we split the hub for it to be one for each world? Take for example, if the first one is a grassland, the first set of levels can be accessed in a castle like hub.

Now for example in world 2 if its a desert. We could have some sort of hub that would be something like a desert tower or something. Something that will give IMO more personality to the areas, and wont look weird all being in a castle. Also would make the thing of having cannons better. Like, you could land on the outside of X world hub.

If I understand correctly, you mean a Hub World that is split up into specific castles for specific themes that you travel to by cannon? That sounds kinda cool, though I think it might make the Hub feel a but more constricted, like Starship Mario in SMG2. One thing I don't like about some Hub Worlds is that they don't allow you to play around very much.

Posted by gridatttack
And yeah, some sort of decoration that you can look far away the level. Like the hypothetical oasis level, there's some palm or some pond you can look far away.

Well, my original idea for the single-castle was that the "outside areas" of each room (where there's a cannon that leads to the "Boss Castle") would have a background that would fit the theme, which is what I think you want.

Posted by gridatttack
However, my main concern is, how to enter the level. Were taking ideas of the SM64, in which said game you enter via paintings.
We could use pipes, which would make sense, or pipe cannons, or even doors (but this one wouldn't make sense, unless the level would be inside the hub, like W1 hub is a castle themed, and the door takes you to a castle level)

Good point. Doors don't really make sense, and if most of the levels will be contained inside buildings, Pipe Cannons don't really seem logical. Maybe we can use ASM to make the Warp Boxes from Super Mario 3D Land for the inside levels. Meaning the player jumps into the box, and they'll be warped to the level.

Edit: Just dug this up:
Posted by gridatttack
I still say doors are more fitting. Its wading too much mario 64, and IMO, its not that good.

Doors were your idea in the first place lol.

I had another idea that maybe the Final level could be the built inside the Hub World. Like, Bowser could be somewhere inside the castle/s that you're exploring, and the whole purpose of making your way through the castle/s is to reach Bowser.
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Posted on 07-29-13, 02:18 am

Karma: 3306
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Since: 06-28-11
Posted by gridatttack
So yeah. perhaps instead of packing everything into one castle, how about we split the hub for it to be one for each world? Take for example, if the first one is a grassland, the first set of levels can be accessed in a castle like hub.

Now for example in world 2 if its a desert. We could have some sort of hub that would be something like a desert tower or something. Something that will give IMO more personality to the areas, and wont look weird all being in a castle. Also would make the thing of having cannons better. Like, you could land on the outside of X world hub.

If I understand correctly, you mean a Hub World that is split up into specific castles for specific themes that you travel to by cannon? That sounds kinda cool, though I think it might make the Hub feel a but more constricted, like Starship Mario in SMG2. One thing I don't like about some Hub Worlds is that they don't allow you to play around very much.

Kinda like that, but they wont be castles. Just some building that will match the theme world. And of course, we would make each hub interesting, and perhaps hide some secrets.

The thing is, that previous ideas its like sm64, and that would be kinda unoriginal. (I dont like sm64 anyway, so I guess im a bit biased )


Posted on 07-29-13, 02:29 am
Roy Koopa
The guy who does things.

Karma: 12729
Posts: 902/2796
Since: 07-01-11
Posted by gridatttack
Posted by gridatttack
So yeah. perhaps instead of packing everything into one castle, how about we split the hub for it to be one for each world? Take for example, if the first one is a grassland, the first set of levels can be accessed in a castle like hub.

Now for example in world 2 if its a desert. We could have some sort of hub that would be something like a desert tower or something. Something that will give IMO more personality to the areas, and wont look weird all being in a castle. Also would make the thing of having cannons better. Like, you could land on the outside of X world hub.

If I understand correctly, you mean a Hub World that is split up into specific castles for specific themes that you travel to by cannon? That sounds kinda cool, though I think it might make the Hub feel a but more constricted, like Starship Mario in SMG2. One thing I don't like about some Hub Worlds is that they don't allow you to play around very much.

Kinda like that, but they wont be castles. Just some building that will match the theme world. And of course, we would make each hub interesting, and perhaps hide some secrets.

The thing is, that previous ideas its like sm64, and that would be kinda unoriginal. (I dont like sm64 anyway, so I guess im a bit biased )

Ah, ok. So there's still the main castle, but there are other buildings that also serve as Hubs, that you reach via the castle. Am I right now?
New Super Mario Bros.: Clone Tag Team 1+2 / New Super Mario Advance + Take 2 / Super Mario: Endless Earth
My two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart.
Posted on 07-29-13, 02:33 am

Karma: 3306
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Since: 06-28-11
Posted by gridatttack
Posted by gridatttack
So yeah. perhaps instead of packing everything into one castle, how about we split the hub for it to be one for each world? Take for example, if the first one is a grassland, the first set of levels can be accessed in a castle like hub.

Now for example in world 2 if its a desert. We could have some sort of hub that would be something like a desert tower or something. Something that will give IMO more personality to the areas, and wont look weird all being in a castle. Also would make the thing of having cannons better. Like, you could land on the outside of X world hub.

If I understand correctly, you mean a Hub World that is split up into specific castles for specific themes that you travel to by cannon? That sounds kinda cool, though I think it might make the Hub feel a but more constricted, like Starship Mario in SMG2. One thing I don't like about some Hub Worlds is that they don't allow you to play around very much.

Kinda like that, but they wont be castles. Just some building that will match the theme world. And of course, we would make each hub interesting, and perhaps hide some secrets.

The thing is, that previous ideas its like sm64, and that would be kinda unoriginal. (I dont like sm64 anyway, so I guess im a bit biased )

Ah, ok. So there's still the main castle, but there are other buildings that also serve as Hubs, that you reach via the castle. Am I right now?

Yeah. The main castle is like the warpzone, and is also the area you start in.
Pretty much is like the previous ideas mentioned, just instead that the world rooms are now a hub, some sort of building, castle/whatever to match their theme.

Posted on 07-29-13, 02:36 am
Roy Koopa
The guy who does things.

Karma: 12729
Posts: 903/2796
Since: 07-01-11
Posted by gridatttack
Yeah. The main castle is like the warpzone, and is also the area you start in.
Pretty much is like the previous ideas mentioned, just instead that the world rooms are now a hub, some sort of building, castle/whatever to match their theme.

Cool. I like that.

That kinda makes me wonder if we should make NPCs that can direct you to places and have information that can be relevant to the plot.
New Super Mario Bros.: Clone Tag Team 1+2 / New Super Mario Advance + Take 2 / Super Mario: Endless Earth
My two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart.
Posted on 07-29-13, 02:42 am

Karma: 3306
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Since: 06-28-11
Posted by gridatttack
Yeah. The main castle is like the warpzone, and is also the area you start in.
Pretty much is like the previous ideas mentioned, just instead that the world rooms are now a hub, some sort of building, castle/whatever to match their theme.

Cool. I like that.

That kinda makes me wonder if we should make NPCs that can direct you to places and have information that can be relevant to the plot.

I guess that could work.
Right now, I have the idea that the main castle had doors which lead the player to a cannon, which would lead them to X world.
But NPC would definitely be cool.

Posted on 07-29-13, 02:54 am
Roy Koopa
The guy who does things.

Karma: 12729
Posts: 904/2796
Since: 07-01-11
Posted by gridatttack
That kinda makes me wonder if we should make NPCs that can direct you to places and have information that can be relevant to the plot.

I guess that could work.
Right now, I have the idea that the main castle had doors which lead the player to a cannon, which would lead them to X world.
But NPC would definitely be cool.

I have that idea too. I think that with all the buildings we'll have (Main Castle, Grass Building, Desert Building, etc.) we should put some inhabitants of the world around, with different things to say, like in Zelda games.

-This Cannon here will take you to X
-I wonder what it's like over at the Desert Tower?
-I heard that there's a minigame hidden on the Castle's roof!

New Super Mario Bros.: Clone Tag Team 1+2 / New Super Mario Advance + Take 2 / Super Mario: Endless Earth
My two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart.
Posted on 07-31-13, 02:44 am
Giant Red Koopa

Karma: 886
Posts: 423/1315
Since: 11-12-12
The paintings I mentioned, yeah.

I know what you mean but can we make bob-ombs and brick blocks cenery? no
Posted on 07-31-13, 03:17 am
Roy Koopa
The guy who does things.

Karma: 12729
Posts: 908/2796
Since: 07-01-11
Maybe we could have variations of the Toad species for specific areas, or we could create our own species that act as NPCs.
New Super Mario Bros.: Clone Tag Team 1+2 / New Super Mario Advance + Take 2 / Super Mario: Endless Earth
My two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart.
Posted on 08-01-13, 12:44 am
Giant Red Koopa

Karma: 886
Posts: 425/1315
Since: 11-12-12
I think it would be cool to have stuff like pink Ninjis or Shyguys as npcs.
Posted on 01-07-14, 11:17 am

Karma: 8548
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Since: 06-09-12
While doing 2-3 i got a question: Will there be secret exits?

I think they could be used to unlock secret bonus rooms in the castle like a coin-rush level, which you could do only once or something simmilar.

Also: Maybe we could start creating the first Castle-Tileset
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