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Posted on 06-16-13, 07:46 pm
Giant Red Koopa

Karma: 886
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Since: 11-12-12
So yeah I made it for me and SuperDs hack and we stopped making it and it looks cool so I thought mabey you guys might like it for the hack.
Its based of the SMB1 SMAS Goombas.
Posted on 06-16-13, 08:11 pm
me some orange juice my hand

Karma: 674
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Since: 09-24-12
Very good!
What remains is only to make the paragoombas.

PS: Can you use this as a base for the blue-armored goombas?
Posted on 06-16-13, 08:21 pm
Super Mario
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Karma: 10026
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It doesn't look bad.
The only problem is that it's facing front...
Posted on 06-16-13, 09:54 pm
me some orange juice my hand

Karma: 674
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Since: 09-24-12
Like in the first Mario games. It was facing front.
Posted on 06-16-13, 10:55 pm
Super Mario
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Karma: 10026
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Since: 06-08-11
But but but but... It's not NSMB style...
That's the ONLY problem. But it's a big one :|
Posted on 06-17-13, 12:23 am
Roy Koopa
The guy who does things.

Karma: 12729
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Since: 07-01-11
Do we even need to change what the Goomba looks like? Seems unnecessary to me.
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Posted on 06-17-13, 01:32 am
Giant Red Koopa

Karma: 886
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Since: 11-12-12
Do me need to change the tolesets? seems unnecessary to me
I can try to remake it to look sideways. But Ill likely fail.
Yes, if its not in the CR .

I used the SMG mini and big Goomba picture as a templateish.
This sped it up to take me like five minutes.
Posted on 06-18-13, 04:57 am
Roy Koopa
The guy who does things.

Karma: 12729
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Since: 07-01-11
Posted by mrx
Do me need to change the tilesets? seems unnecessary to me

New Goomba graphics aren't going to make the hack any better. We already have a Goomba, in NSMB style, so there is no need to change it.

Tilesets and Backgrounds are different. They are actually being used to create something different to that of the original game. The Goomba does not.

It's just like when someone suggested that we re-record Mario's voice, it's unnecessary and just makes the hack feel more amateurish than an actual game.
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Posted on 06-18-13, 07:38 pm
Giant Red Koopa

Karma: 886
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Since: 11-12-12
New tile graphics aren't going to make the hack any better. We already have tilesets, in NSMB style, so there is no need to change it.

Enemys and Music is different. They are actually being used to create something different to that of the original game. The tileset does not.
Posted on 06-18-13, 11:53 pm
Roy Koopa
The guy who does things.

Karma: 12729
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Since: 07-01-11
Okay, if you're going to resort to mimic-ing me with idiot logic, I'm not going to dignify you with a response.
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Posted on 06-18-13, 11:57 pm
King of Composers

Karma: -24
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Since: 03-15-13
Awesome Goomba!
Posted on 06-19-13, 12:25 am
Giant Red Koopa

Karma: 886
Posts: 316/1315
Since: 11-12-12
Its not "Idiot" logic its 11 year old logic.
Also tilesets do not effect the gameplay unless there is actually something special like new tile behaviors. Really its not like freeze had to make all those tilesets, they just look different they dont do anything
Posted on 06-19-13, 12:27 am
King of Composers

Karma: -24
Posts: 35/274
Since: 03-15-13
By the way, we should not be bashing each other. This is a community right? We are all part of that community
Posted on 06-19-13, 12:27 am
Giant Red Koopa

Karma: 886
Posts: 317/1315
Since: 11-12-12
Yes yes okay your right I guess
Posted on 06-19-13, 12:28 am
King of Composers

Karma: -24
Posts: 36/274
Since: 03-15-13
Some good advice for everyone, go with the flow!
Posted on 06-19-13, 06:43 am
Roy Koopa
The guy who does things.

Karma: 12729
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Since: 07-01-11
My point is that Tilesets are used to display a theme, so they are of a major importance to originality. We make new ones to fit a theme NSMB doesn't have (Autumn, Ruins, etc.) or re-use old themes in a new way for more possibilities (Like the HSDB tileset is used for walk-through tiles, larger slopes and the rope-like vines).

But a Goomba is just a Goomba no matter what graphical changes you make. Editing new graphics isn't going to make the Goomba any different, it isn't going to be better, it's essentially worthless (Unless we're changing the style, but we're not in this case).

I think it would be better not to change the Goomba, at least for now. Your work is good, but it's not NSMB style, and I can't imagine it fitting in with the NSMB style. Also like I said before, it just makes the hack look amateurish.
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Posted on 06-19-13, 07:35 pm
Giant Red Koopa

Karma: 886
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Since: 11-12-12
imma pretend dat made sense
Posted on 08-27-17, 07:26 pm

Karma: -42
Posts: 2/5
Since: 08-27-17
Is a cool and have one problem WHY GOOMBA WATCH ME! SCARY
Posted on 08-28-17, 09:24 pm
この記号は… 解読できないよ…

Karma: 6078
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Since: 01-17-13
Because Super Mario Bros style. Back then they had room for very few graphics, so they made it face front (half of the goomba is merely a flip of the other half). SMB3 followed the same practice for consistency.

And yeah, the shading doesn't really fit NSMB.
The goomba size is innacurate because the hitbox remains unchanged, and the paragoomba wings won't attach properly.
Posted on 08-29-17, 01:22 am
Roy Koopa
The guy who does things.

Karma: 12729
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Since: 07-01-11
At any rate, this was an unnecessary bump and I'm closing this thread.
New Super Mario Bros.: Clone Tag Team 1+2 / New Super Mario Advance + Take 2 / Super Mario: Endless Earth
My two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart.
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