Sprite DBBy Category
Welcome to the Sprite DB! Here you will find information on how to use any sprite in NSMB.
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Platforms and ropes
Event controllers
Bosses and cutscenes
Camera controllers
Useless sprites
Effects and decorations
Enemies - Overground
Enemies - Underground
Enemies - Water
Enemies - Snow
Enemies - Fire
Enemies - Castle
Enemies - Ghost House
Enemies - Desert

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84 49Zoom
Delay: value at nybble 4-5
Zone width: value at nybble 6. 0=infinite.
Zone height: value at nybble 7. 0=infinite.
Zoom left: value at nybble 8-9. This value will match the width (in tiles) in-game. By default the game uses a width of 16 tiles, with this sprite you can use any width between 8 and 24 included. Don't forget the game always uses a ratio of 4 tiles in width for 3 tiles in height, so to keep the best aspect you might want to put in this field a value that is divisible by 4.
Zoom right: value at nybble 10-11. Ditto. Setting this to a value equal to nybbles 8-9 (the previous field) is recommended.
 MarioKart7z (rev. 19)
98 270Camera vertical scrolling (unused actor) Bluey (rev. 28)
100 271Vertical camera offset (unused actor)
Activate the sprite from: list at nybble 4: 0=Below,1=Above
Length: value at nybble 9. From 0 to 15. Sprite position is always the leftmost tile.
Height: value at nybble 10-11. From 0 to 255. If Height is set for example at 60, Mario will have to jump 60 pixels above the sprite's AOE for said effect to take place.
 Hiccup (rev. 22)
195 2720 Stick to bottom length activator left
Type: list at nybble 4: 0=Bottom limit,1=Top limit
Pix. past limit: value at nybble 10-11. Pixels able to be seen past limit. This will shift 12 tile screen down from icon position.
Death below limit: checkbox at nybble 8 with mask 1. Must be empty map block, no tiles below. Mario image must fall out of screen.
 Hiccup (rev. 3)
196 2730 Stick to bottom length activator right
Type: list at nybble 4: 0=Bottom limit,1=Top limit
Pix. past for limit: value at nybble 10-11. Pixels able to be seen past limit. This will shift 12 tile screen down from icon position.
Death below limit: checkbox at nybble 8 with mask 1. Must be empty map block, no tiles below. Mario image must fall out of screen.
 Hiccup (rev. 1)
198 274In air vertical scroll stop left
Type: list at nybble 4: 0=Bottom limit,1=Top limit
Shift up (in pixels): value at nybble 10-11. Pixels able to be seen past limit.
Allow disable: checkbox at nybble 8 with mask 1. Can only be set to a max of 31 pixels. Past that move the sprite.
ID: value at nybble 9
 Hiccup (rev. 2)
199 275In air vertical scroll stop right
Type: list at nybble 4: 0=Bottom limit,1=Top limit
Shift up (in pixels): value at nybble 10-11. Pixels able to be seen past limit.
Allow disable: checkbox at nybble 8 with mask 1
ID: value at nybble 9
 Hiccup (rev. 2)
218 276Auto-scrolling controller
Path ID: value at nybble 10-11. Sets the path the camera will follow while scrolling. Unknown 1 of the first node is target speed and and unknown 3 is something to do with time.
Loads from?: list at nybble 7: 0=Midway Point,1=Unknown 1,2=Level Start. 1 is unused.
Scrolling direction: list at nybble 9: 0=Vertical,1=Horizontal
Starting node: value at nybble 4-5
Start from both Midway and Level Start: checkbox at nybble 6 with mask 8
 Helios (rev. 42)
276 277Scroll and Mario stop sideways
Retro scroll: list at nybble 4: 0=None,1=Horizontal ,2=Vertical
Tile height up: value at nybble 9-10. You can calculate by map Y coordinates.
Direction: list at nybble 11: 0=Stop from scrolling right,1=Stop from scrolling left
 Hiccup (rev. 6)
280 282Horizontal camera offset
Pixel zone below: value at nybble 6-7. This is how many pixels below the sprite that the sprite can be activated in.
Pixels to full offset: value at nybble 8-9. This is how many pixels Mario needs to move past the sprite until it reaches the full horizontal offset.
Pixel offset +=left: signed value at nybble 10-11. Default value is 2 tiles (32 pixels) either way from center
 Hiccup (rev. 2)
293 283Touching ground vertical scroll stop left
Type: list at nybble 4: 0=Bottom limit,1=Top limit
Visible Y pix. past: value at nybble 10-11. Pixels able to be seen past limit.
Disable Y pix. past: value at nybble 8-9. Can only be set to a max of 31 pixels. Past that move the sprite.
 Hiccup (rev. 3)
294 284Touching ground vertical scroll stop right
Type: list at nybble 4: 0=Bottom limit,1=Top limit
Visible Y pix. past: value at nybble 10-11. Pixels able to be seen past limit.
Disable Y pix. past: value at nybble 8-9. Can only be set to a max of 31 pixels. Past that move the sprite.
 Hiccup (rev. 1)