| 31 | 28 | Cheep CheepSlower: checkbox at nybble 8 with mask 1 | Type: list at nybble 11: 0=Swim,1=Green (chases Mario),2=Jumping (unused),3='Swims' on walls (unused). 'Swims' on walls: makes fish follow the ground and swim up walls and on ceilings. | Wall placement: list at nybble 9: 0=Top,1=Left,2=Below,3=Right. Only works with 'swims on walls' type. |
| BL4ZED (rev. 12) |
| 48 | 50 | Aquatic bubble current (up)Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3 | Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1 |
| Dirbaio (rev. 14) |
| 49 | 51 | Aquatic bubble current (down)Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3 | Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1 |
| MeroMero (rev. 9) |
| 50 | 52 | Aquatic bubble current (right)Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3 | Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1 |
| MeroMero (rev. 11) |
| 51 | 53 | Aquatic bubble current (left)Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3 | Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1 |
| MeroMero (rev. 8) |
| 67 | 74 | Sushi (shark)Unknown 5: value at nybble 5 | Speed: value at nybble 8. 3 is unused. Requires 11 to be set to 1, 2 or 3. | Small: checkbox at nybble 9 with mask 1. Unused. | Unknown 10: value at nybble 10. Used as 1 by Sushi spawner. | Movement: list at nybble 11: 0=Back & forth. 0 is unused. 2 used by Sushi spawner. Used as 3 by the sprite in 1-A. |
| Hiccup (rev. 44) |
| 92 | 75 | Unagi (eel)Direction: list at nybble 7-11: 0=Doesn't spawn,1=Stays in place,16=Left,65536=Right. use with the Auto-scrolling controller sprite, to avoid the bug of when the unagi appears as a glich |
| alpha (rev. 8) |
| 105 | 226 | WhirlpoolInvisible when inactive: list at nybble 11: 0=No,1=Yes |
| Ed_IT (rev. 5) |
| 113 | 112 | Cheep Chomp | ItzTacos (rev. 5) |
| 116 | 81 | Skeeter (Water Bug)Mobility: list at nybble 11: 0=Moves around,1=Stays in place |
| MeroMero (rev. 9) |
| 130 | 136 | Jumping Cheep CheepUnknown 10: list at nybble 10: 0=Normal,1=Unknown 1,2=Unknown 2. 1=Stays on screen and only jumps when the boss tells it to. Used in Cheepskipper battle. 2=Also used for some of them the in Cheepskipper battle, purpose unkonwn | Unknown 11: value at nybble 11. Set to 1 for some of them in the Cheepskipper battle. |
| Hiccup (rev. 7) |
| 185 | 60 | Cheep Cheep random spawnerZone ID: value at nybble 8-9. Let spawn random generated Cheep-Cheep in the selected Zone. | Green (chases Mario): checkbox at nybble 10 with mask 1 | Faster & out of water: checkbox at nybble 11 with mask 1. Makes some swim faster and makes them cover whole screen, not just part with water |
| KingYoshi (rev. 9) |
| 207 | 29 | Mega Cheep CheepSlower: checkbox at nybble 8 with mask 1. Unused. | Green (chases Mario): checkbox at nybble 11 with mask |
| PyroPodoboo (rev. 11) |
| 211 | 143 | BlooperTrigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3 | Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1 | Avoids Mario: checkbox at nybble 11 with mask |
| Hiccup (rev. 13) |
| 212 | 2 | Blooper Nanny (unused actor 144)Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3 | Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1 | Avoids Mario: checkbox at nybble 11 with mask |
| Hiccup (rev. 25) |
| 213 | 145 | Blooper Nanny that shoots out Baby BloopersTrigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3 | Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1 | Avoids Mario: checkbox at nybble 11 with mask |
| Hiccup (rev. 20) |
| 247 | 61 | Sushi spawner (shark spawner)Zone ID: value at nybble 8-9 |
| Hiccup (rev. 8) |
| 251 | 76 | Mega UnagiVisible facing right: checkbox at nybble 7 with mask 1 | Zone ID: value at nybble 8-9. Required, or he will not move. | Visible facing left: checkbox at nybble 10 with mask 1 |
| PyroPodoboo (rev. 7) |
| 257 | 30 | Coin trail Cheep CheepSwims left: checkbox at nybble 4 with mask 8. Unused. | Avoids Mario: checkbox at nybble 11 with mask 1. Also swims faster. Unused. |
| Hiccup (rev. 9) |
| 258 | 150 | Spike Bass (unused sprite) | Hiccup (rev. 18) |
| 268 | 124 | Underwater bounce bubbleShift position: list at nybble 10-11: 0=No shifting,17=2 pixels left,33=4 pixels left,49=6 pixels left,65=8 pixels left,81=10 pixels left,97=12 pixels left,113=14 pixels left,129=16 pixels left,145=18 pixels left,161=20 pixels left,177=22 pixels left,193=24 pixels left,209=26 pixels left,225=28 pixels left,241=30 pixels left,16=2 pixels right,32=4 pixels right,48=6 pixels right,64=8 pixels right,80=10 pixels right,96=12 pixels right,112=14 pixels right,128=16 pixels right,144=18 pixels right,160=20 pixels right,176=22 pixels right,192=24 pixels right,208=26 pixels right,224=28 pixels right,240=30 pixels right. Unused. | Destroyer ID 1: value at nybble 2-3. Unused. | Destroyer ID 2: value at nybble 0-1. Unused. |
| Hiccup (rev. 13) |
| 283 | 157 | Porcupuffer spawnerZone ID: value at nybble 8-9 | Use Restricted Movement: checkbox at nybble 10 with mask 1. Unused. | Restricted Movement Distance: value at nybble 11. Unused. | Underwater Version: checkbox at nybble 1 with mask |
| The Boyy (rev. 15) |