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Power Normal
Sex Male
Title Intérieurement fou... ou juste idiot?
Rank Buster Beetle
To next rank 2 posts
Karma 602
Total posts 473 (0.11 per day)
Total threads 30 (0.01 per day)
Registered on 07-27-13, 12:27 pm (4172 days ago)
Last post 02-29-16, 08:23 pm (3224 days ago)
in release Super Mario: Endless Earth (NSMB Hacks) » 46435
Last view 11-23-19, 10:01 pm (1861 days ago)
Browser Chrome 78.0.3904
Total +1s received 34 [View...]
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Contact information
Email address Public
Theme ABXD Classic (rounded)
Items per page 40 posts, 40 threads
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Personal information
Real name Festif
Location North of France.
Oh hiya! Why are you reading this?
...Because I'm a blue Sylveon...?
C'mon, Arceus's more valuable than me!

Anyway, I might be registered here, I'm not hacking NSMB anymore, playing Pokemon is more important to my eyes.
Talking about Pokemon, feel free to ask me my FC if ya wanna battle. (I'm not that good at it though.) Same goes for TF2, I love playing Engineer.

Sprite database
Total edits 1
Sprites edited 1
Last edits Unused Jungle FG effect (255) on 10-19-13, 12:51 pm
Comments about
« 89101112131415161718 »
 snake block I do know the switch timer sound. It COULD be a sound problem did the slam sound play when he got to the edge of the Bowser battle platform AND the game froze? You need 60 stars on N64 version to pass dah endless stairs and 80 on the DS version. And the boss isn't so hard... when you have a joystic. On DS it's fucking hard to throw bowsor XD
 snake block No, on the N64 I think it's harder xD And, it's scary so I CAN'T TEST THEM. Do you even know I'm actually scared of Chuckya and Bubba? Whenever they come to the SCREEN in SIGHT I'm like "BWAAAA" and then close project64 xD
 snake block Bubba is the reason I don't wanna go into the bigger version of Tiny-Huge Island at ALL. The big version is the scariest.
 snake block It's so scary. And do you know it gobbles you up and makes you lose a life no matter what health you have? I just REGRET going into the Shrinker Pipes (the pipes which make the island bigger and smaller) to make the island bigger because of the Bubbas....
 snake block lol xD
 Izmirnator How it`s going with NSMW?
 snake block I don't understand your profile comment, o.O
 Izmirnator World 6 is Candy Rush. How can you get the Candy Tileset?
 snake block OK. LOL. I know that already xD But, some pipes like the ones with nothing in them and the ones which can be entered are not flower pots. But, if they were flower pots, how can Mario enter some pipes with Piranha Plants in them?
Thierry Ouais, en quelque sorte.
 snake block He is human, do you even know that Mario, Luigi and Toad originally lived in Brooklyn Florida when they got sucked into a pipe and entered the Mushroom Kingdom? BTW, are you excited for Super Mario 3D World? I know I am.
 snake block I'm hella excited. Do you know there is a trailer which is 6 minutes and shows a lot of things of Super Mario 3D World? Should I give you the link?
 snake block There are three trailers, one with japanese commentary, one with english commentary and one with no commentary.
 snake block But there isn't, ;_;ly for you.
« 89101112131415161718 »
Sample post
Buster Beetle
Intérieurement fou... ou juste idiot?

Karma: 602
Posts: 473
Since: 07-27-13
This is a sample post. You probably already know what this is for.

Posted by Goomba
Posted by Mario
Oh, nooo! *stomp*

Well, what more could you want to know? Perhaps how to do the classic infinite loop?
    printf("Hello World!");

STEAM ID: Nymphali Festif | SKYPE: superrainboom