General information
Name  Teen Icarus
Power Normal
Sex Male
Karma 52
Total posts 4 (0.00 per day)
Total threads 0 (0.00 per day)
Registered on 04-30-20, 01:15 pm (1548 days ago)
Last post 04-07-21, 02:07 pm (1206 days ago)
in New Super Mario Bros The New Levels (NSMB Hacks) » 70548
Last view 12-04-23, 03:03 am (235 days ago)
Browser Chrome 119.0.0
Total +1s received 4 [View...]
From:  Izmirnator (1),  ItzTacos (1),  Skylander (1),  alpha (1)
Total +1s given 7
To:  Dirbaio (1),  8SomaCruzes (1),  KTRMAmbiance (1),  DaneGaming (1),  SLG3 (1), more...
Contact information
Email address None given
Homepage Teen Icarus -
Theme NSMB Castle
Items per page 20 posts, 50 threads
Language es_ES
Personal information
Location Venezuela
Birthday April 7, 2004 (20 years old)
Sprite database
Total edits 0
Sprites edited 0
Comments about  Teen Icarus
 SLG3 Hi welcome to the NSMBHD
 SG Welcome to the NSMBHD xd
 gridatttack Hola
 gridatttack Genial escuchar que lo hayas escuchado! ??
 alpha feliz cumpleaños,se que hablas español amigo,que tengas buen dia
 KTRMAmbiance Happy birthday to you!
 Vadenimo Happy birthday to you!
Elio 3.1 Happy birthday
 alpha genial,eres venezolano tambien,increible
 alpha te regale un poco de karma,amigo
 MarioFalls Happy birthday!
Sample post

Karma: 52
Posts: 4
Since: 04-30-20
This is a sample post. You probably already know what this is for.

Posted by Goomba
Posted by Mario
Oh, nooo! *stomp*

Well, what more could you want to know? Perhaps how to do the classic infinite loop?
    printf("Hello World!");