General information
Name  ray
Power Normal
Sex N/A
Rank Roy Koopa
To next rank 78 posts
Karma 4011
Total posts 2722 (0.55 per day)
Total threads 140 (0.03 per day)
Registered on 06-26-11, 07:32 pm (4933 days ago)
Last post 08-24-16, 10:57 am (3048 days ago)
in tutorial Installing NW4C Maya Plugins (General ROM Hacking) » 51084
Last view 08-24-16, 10:57 am (3048 days ago)
Browser Chrome 52.0.2743
Badges View 1,010,000 View 3,600,000 View 740,000 View 760,000 View 810,000 View 890,000
Total +1s received 259 [View...]
From:  Freeze (46),  Tiger21820 (18),  ENEKOwii (16),  Dirbaio (15),  Hiccup (12), more...
Total +1s given 230
To:  Freeze (98),  Dirbaio (37),  Arceus (11),  Arisotura (11),  skawo (9), more...
Contact information
Email address None given
Homepage NSHB Youtube Channel -
Theme NSMB Castle
Items per page 20 posts, 50 threads
Language Board default
Personal information
Real name Raphael
Location Somwehere... Damm'n! You've seen me!
If you want to support me, you might check out my Patreon Page : )
Sprite database
Total edits 11
Sprites edited 11
Last edits Giant Piranha Plant (122) on 12-28-24, 04:08 pm
Snow FG effect 2 (313) on 12-28-24, 04:08 pm
Snow FG effect 3 (314) on 12-28-24, 04:08 pm
Cloud FG effect (315) on 12-28-24, 04:08 pm
Water FG effect 1 (316) on 12-28-24, 04:08 pm
Water FG effect 2 (317) on 12-28-24, 04:08 pm
Fire FG effect 1 (318) on 12-28-24, 04:08 pm
Fire FG effect 2 (319) on 12-28-24, 04:08 pm
Fire FG effect 3 (320) on 12-28-24, 04:08 pm
Light FG effect 1 (321) on 12-28-24, 04:08 pm
Comments about  ray
« 910111213141516171819 »
 Freeze Ich hab kB mich mit nem gestörten jungen zu unterhalten, sorry
 Freeze Du hast mich gestern echt wütend gemacht. Du hast mir gesagt, dass ich manche Wörter falsch verwende und so was. Und dann hab ich gesagt, dass das net stimmt und du hast gesagt, dass es dich einen FUCK interessiert und hast gesagt, dass ich scheiße rede
 Freeze und dass ich ein problem kind bin
 Freeze und du wolltest mich blocken, dafür dass DU probleme gehabt hast
 Freeze Hmmm... Entschuldige dich und ich mache dich wieder "unblockiert"
 Freeze Ich dich aber.
 Freeze Ja ok. Packs aber in ne playlist.
 Arisotura dfgsd ikdsf isdqgf gdf? opidfghn pdsgf. pdfgh dpfg fg. fpg psfgd: pdfg. tgdf!
 Arisotura That's what I hear when people speak stranger languages around me
 Freeze naja, diese bugs sind dann aber net gothics schuld. Welche bugs hast du denn genau?
 Arisotura Seriously, that's getting on my nerves. This site's official language is English, so could you take this conversation elsewhere please?
LeWario print("lolol")
LeWario o fail
 STORMENT Ok first i asked him if he could speak spanish, he said yes, thwn i said that i thought i was the only spanish speaker (and Dirbaio). Then he said that fr33ze said that he could speak spanish too. Then i said that you and fr33ze couldn't speak spanish
 STORMENT That you speak german and that's it. P.S typo: *thwn* i mean *then*
« 910111213141516171819 »
Sample post
Roy Koopa

Karma: 4011
Posts: 2722
Since: 06-26-11
This is a sample post. You probably already know what this is for.

Posted by Goomba
Posted by Mario
Oh, nooo! *stomp*

Well, what more could you want to know? Perhaps how to do the classic infinite loop?
    printf("Hello World!");

See a lots of creative DS Hacking here
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