General information
Power Normal
Sex Male
Title Just watching...
Rank Buzzy Beetle
To next rank 14 posts
Karma 498
Total posts 386 (0.08 per day)
Total threads 25 (0.01 per day)
Registered on 07-01-11, 07:59 pm (4926 days ago)
Last post 07-07-16, 09:59 pm (3093 days ago)
in Darker Super Mario Bros (NSMB Hacks) » 49305
Last view 09-10-19, 07:56 am (1934 days ago)
Browser Firefox 68.0 on Firefox OS
Badges View 1,650,000 View 700,000 View 710,000 View 790,000 View 800,000
Total +1s received 23 [View...]
From:  MarioFanatic64 (4),  Freeze (2),  ray (2),  SaturnYoshi (1), TheKoopaKingdom (1), more...
Total +1s given 5
To:  Freeze (1),  Piranhaplant (1),  MarioFanatic64 (1),  Arisotura (1),  gridatttack (1)
Contact information
Email address Private
Homepage Darker Super Mario Bros -
Theme Glossy
Items per page 20 posts, 50 threads
Language Board default
Personal information
Location Earth's Inner Core
I'm currently working on a hack called Darker Super Mario Bros. It is about the same as it was when i posted in its thread, I've been pretty busy.
Sprite database
Total edits 0
Sprites edited 0
Comments about  STORMENT
« 12345678910 »
 ray Of course I already maked go-behind tiles that kinda works And the ASM hacked feather shell... I'm also going to make new level themes etc. Maybe I'll edit Marios textures or replace Luigi with Toad I cant really say if I make something new. I'll
 ray get the ideas when making the hack
 ray Yeah but the body of Luigi is still a problem We'll see The shell lets you slow down your falling when rapidly pressing A in the air. Later I'm going to edit the model so it has wings Sorry but I dont need ya help, because I can do that by myself
 ray xD
 ray xD Ok, but I have luckily enough time Yeah that IS cool
 Dirbaio x = (-b +- sqrt(b^2-4ac))/2a
 MarioSunshine Yay, that lovely formula. You'll use so much later on!
 Lunarius I got a .nmp patch from SMB Beta
 Ruedajv10 Comment in My Hack
 Ruedajv10 I don't have a better idea:-(
 Lunarius Puedes cambiar texturas de Mario?
 Lunarius Bueno que bueno,me puedes ayudar a cambiar la texturas de Mario?
 Arisotura sdfujh sdfoihgsd sdif? fodgf oudsrtg. gofdgb fdsg dfgoidffsd. fpghod dfgdf. fgopsdgnfd? fgdsg. fgdsf!
 Lunarius Sabes yo creo que tu y yo casí tenemos 10 puntos bajos en Karma
 Lunarius Porque yo tengo 110 en Karma y tu tienes 120 en Karma...10 puntos mas que yo!
« 12345678910 »
Sample post
Buzzy Beetle
Just watching...

Karma: 498
Posts: 386
Since: 07-01-11
This is a sample post. You probably already know what this is for.

Posted by Goomba
Posted by Mario
Oh, nooo! *stomp*

Well, what more could you want to know? Perhaps how to do the classic infinite loop?
    printf("Hello World!");
