General information
Name  SaturnYoshi
Power Normal
Sex Male
Rank Giant Red Koopa
To next rank 35 posts
Karma 871
Total posts 1315 (0.30 per day)
Total threads 103 (0.02 per day)
Registered on 11-12-12, 11:10 pm (4428 days ago)
Last post 09-23-16, 03:12 pm (3017 days ago)
in MSMBR2 - Halloween Edition (Bralloween 2016) (NSMB Hacks) » 52048
Last view 12-17-24, 11:35 pm (10 days ago)
Browser Firefox 133.0 on Firefox OS
Total +1s received 110 [View...]
From:  P-Wing (17),  Hiccup (16),  snake block (7),  CreativiPie (6),  Dirbaio (5), more...
Total +1s given 192
To:  MarioFanatic64 (21),  Dirbaio (15),  Arisotura (15),  skawo (14),  MeroMero (14), more...
Contact information
Email address None given
Theme Blank Structure
Items per page 20 posts, 50 threads
Language Board default
Personal information
Location Canada
please don't look at my posts i was like 10
Sprite database
Total edits 1
Sprites edited 1
Last edits Giant Dry Bones (193) on 09-26-13, 11:26 pm
Comments about  SaturnYoshi
« 678910111213141516 »
RicBent 2:50 pm ?
RicBent Yea! Waiting in your comunity!
RicBent Internet error
RicBent Whats about making a MK7-championship together ?!?
RicBent Lets make a championship where whole can play! Everybody can register in our theard and play with us on a specal date!
RicBent OK! Lets post a theard in General Chat Subforum!
RicBent PS: Wich date, (boards-)time?
 SaturnYoshi Um.. Fridays?
RicBent OK! Maybe 4 pm boards time?
RicBent 63-2820-6102-3640
RicBent W1 is done 90% right now
RicBent Im able to export a patch! Do you mean xDelta with 'other kind of patch' ?
RicBent Im able to import and export NSMB patches with the editor. If you have any trouble with the editor ask  Dirbaio . I realy think he has a solution
RicBent You need an extra program for that! I think its in the download from New Super Mario Bros. 5: Clone Tag Team!
 CreativiPie Because I can't extract ISOs, so I can't hack. Else, I would have fun with hacking the SMG series!
« 678910111213141516 »
Sample post
Giant Red Koopa

Karma: 871
Posts: 1315
Since: 11-12-12
This is a sample post. You probably already know what this is for.

Posted by Goomba
Posted by Mario
Oh, nooo! *stomp*

Well, what more could you want to know? Perhaps how to do the classic infinite loop?
    printf("Hello World!");